Sunday, July 22, 2012

U.S. Lied To The Entire World: Implants--Mary Del Balzo

I was still tortured yesterday, most noticeably while at a family gathering.  I believe it was for the benefit of one man there, to see what my reaction was to it. 

I'll write more later.  Then last night, I woke up in the middle of the night, to being tortured, and then fell back asleep and when I got out of bed the next day, my pillow was stained with blood.

The bleeding started at the family dinner where I was tortured.  Then it quit and I went to bed and it was sometime in the middle of the night I woke up to torture again but I didn't get up bc then it quit and I tried to sleep.  In the morning, I checked to see if I had a bloody nose and I didn't, and I didn't have any bleeding from my ear, it was from my mouth, from one of the implants being triggered by U.S. government.

I was going to look up victims today, and I tried last night but only one article came up and it didn't say very much. 

Then I see "Huckabee" tonight, the first part and think, it is true that a mass murder is shocking, and unbelievable.  How about government-sponsored torture in your country Huck?

What is actually even more shocking than one person shooting several people at a movie theater, is the shocking realization that the U.S. has lied to the entire world about a mother and her son, and the rest of her family.

Put it on a scale.   On one hand you have a movie massacre shooting of 12 people committed by one person, against innocent civilians.

On the other hand, you have hundreds of U.S. government and mafia connected workers, torturing U.S. born citizens who are innocent, and putting implants into their bodies and after defaming them, telling the entire WORLD that they are crazy.

Yes, it's shocking that one man acted alone.

What is more shocking, is many acting in collusion to torture U.S. citizens and commit treason.

Obama's reaction?  He's said NOTHING about torture of citizens in his own country.  But he got on t.v. to say they are "hugging their kids a little tighter" now because of this shooting.

Mary Del Balzo, the U.S. government worker I was forced to work with in 1995, after the U.S. put IMPLANTS in my body and then tortured me and my son with this, used to say to me she wanted her girls to have lots of hugs.  Big tight hugs. 

So she gives her girls lots of hugs and told me to hug them, and meanwhile, this woman who is asking me to hug her kids, and show physical affection, is monitoring me after I have implants put into my body.  And then she's monitoring me while I am being tortured through targeting of these implants.

Even when she was hugging her kids all the time, something strange was going on, because her youngest daughter Sarah, was hysterical whenever I left the house.  I've been a nanny for many kids, and babysat many kids, and none of them reacted the way Sarah did.  I don't know of any child, who is terrified of their own mother and is sobbing and begging the nanny to stay, every single day.

Mary Del Balzo has a lot of gifts, and looks very nurturing, and can laugh with you and not be picky about things, and express a lot of physical affection.  At the very same time, she was a criminal.  She and her husband Carl were criminals, and I was forced to work for them after being implanted by my own country.My son has suffered incredible brutality and what has this country done?  they paid Mary off and paid Carl off.

At the time, I thought, if Sarah is acting like this, maybe Mary just comes home and does work and Sarah feels neglected.  But no, if Mary is using me and hiring me to get a bonus pay for herself, for a government job where I am monitored for my reaction to torture,  and can smile to my face, and seem nice, there is a chance she also did weird government things to her own kids, when they were little.  Of course she didn't torture them probably, or have implants put into their bodies, or tell her kids, "You know that nanny you had?  well guess what?  Your Dad and I watched her after she was implanted by the U.S. and reported how she reacted to being tortured.  You know, I had the semiconductor, microchip job with Intel then, as a Senior Partner in top secret "intellectual property" work."

Wake up to reality Angelina and Sarah.  Your parents are criminals.

What is crazy, is that I was an innocent nanny, working for them, and they did this to me.  First I was forced to work for them, and then I tried to make the best of it and did what I could for the girls.  Then, Mary got jealous of me.  After that, here I was used for research at their house, and then her brother got run into, and she pulled the life support.  She was the one who fought to have him die.  This is how nice of a woman she really is.  The rest of her family, some of them, were not wanting to pull out his life support and she said, "He's atheist! and that's what he wants!" and she was the lawyer who made sure he died, and that the plugs were pulled ASAP.

Then all of a sudden, she "got religion" and went back to the Catholic church and started teaching Sarah and Angelina how to pray to Mary and make the sign of the cross at dinner.  That happened after she pulled the plug on her own brother.  I had started praying a short prayer with the girls over our meals, just a simple christian prayer, and then told them, when Angelina asked about praying, that they could talk to God anytime.  "Whenever you want to, you can pray to God and it doesn't matter what it's about, God will hear you."

So of course, Mary felt threatened by this and suddenly she wasn't "atheist" 'supporting' her "atheist" brother anymore by pulling the plug on him.  This happened right after her brother Dom, had a head injury (like mine) and went into a coma after a hit and run.  She told me the rest of her family wanted to pray for him and she insisted they didn't pray for him and made sure they pulled the plug on him.

So this has been her work, as a lawyer:  monitoring U.S. government implants and getting paid off, assisting in death of her brother, and then possibly doping up her own children.  She graduated from Cornell, which is the exact same University that gave Dr. Fallon's kid a scholarship, after I had a different surgery in 1982.

Okay, so like I said, Sarah was sobbing, every single night when Mary got home and ran to me and was clinging to my legs.  She would run to the door and block it, not allowing me to leave and say, tears streaming down her face, "No Pameo, no, don't leave Pameo."  It was extreme and lasted about 10 minutes and I always said to her, "Sarah, it's okay, I'm just going home for the night but I'll see you in the morning!  Okay?!"

What did Mary do?

When I look back on it, and remember her exact expression, she looked as guilty as HELL.  She used to look worried and nervous and started at me.  Do you know why she didn't like it?  because she KNEW I had government implants and other people were LISTENING to this!  It was making her sound like a suspect mother.

For my part, I really ended up loving those girls, and could have adopted Sarah in a heartbeat.  Angelina I loved too, but I didn't see her as much because she was at school.

So here is the U.S. government, listening to how Mary Del Balzo's kid is hysterical and loves "Pameo" and doesn't want her mother home and is sobbing at the idea of "Pameo" leaving just for the night.  Mary Del Balzo, you know, the Microchip Mistress.  Real nice woman.  I started having the targeted migraines out of the blue, with them watching for my reaction, and then they were ready to "start their budget".  Of course.  Save money by not going to Starbucks.  No, it was a government pay-off.

They wanted me to keep working for them, and asked me to add cooking for them and take some home for myself.  I recently looked at the Nanny Tax laws and that's why they asked me to do it.  If they could say I made or had so many meals provided by them, they got a better tax write-off.  I had said I felt this was an additional chore outside of my agreed occupation, and asked for a raise with it.  They didn't like that, and then I was fired with Mary telling me, "I am staying home with my girls."  She told me she was able to quit her job in the microchip semiconductor industry because they'd saved pennies by not having as much Starbucks.

I truly loved those girls by then, and had the worst time over it--really missed them, and loved them.  I definitely had depression over it because I loved them and it was very sudden.  So I figured it would be good for the girls to see me too, and not have me just drop out of their lives, so I called several times to see them and only twice was it allowed.  The first time, was after several months, and Sarah had the same reaction but was kicking and screaming too.  And then just staring at me, tears streaming down her face "No Pameo!  don't leave me Pameo."  Mary looked shocked.  I think she was shocked her girls still wanted to see me.  Of course, because I am an excellent nanny.

I saw them one time after that, and that time, the girls both acted like they were on tranquilizers.  Maybe Mary just didn't want to endure the shame of knowing the U.S. government group that listened to my implant surveillance was hearing all the "No Pameo!  don't leave me!" pleas from the innocent girl who doesn't know her parents are criminals, and who loves the innocent woman (me) who was implanted by the government.  Not only was I implanted, they started experimenting with torture.  So, these people had put implants inside of a totally innocent nice woman who had some talents and skills and a good heart and wanted to do some good things in life.

THIS is how my country pays me.  $6/hr.  Six dollars an hour if I work for government employees who can monitor me, voluntarily, and zero if I choose not to work for the U.S. and be their guinea pig.

At that last visit with Sarah and Angelina, Mary told me, "They're pretty tired."  Her girls seemed way more than "pretty tired."  I asked them what they'd done and they told me their mom had taken them out to all these fun places and then gave them lots of dessert.  I looked at them.  Neither of the girls hardly talked at all.  They acted like they were doped up.  Mary made it very clear to me that she didn't want to see me again.

I am surprised she had a guilty conscience at all.  She most likely now has more to deal with, in facing jail.

All this time, the U.S. coordinated crimes against me, used me and put my life in severe danger, and fabricated false arrests and mental illness as a cover for what they were doing.

Mary is on a list of people going to jail.

Her girls, Sarah and Angelina, have to face the fact that their parents are criminals.

So when ONE man shoots 12 people, this gets the entire nation's headlines, but the media is very silent about many people colluding to torture a family in the U.S.

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