Sunday, July 22, 2012

Victims of Shooting--I Understand and Sympathize.

I looked this up-finally found something on a video.  I didn't expect to know any of the people, and I don't.  A lot of them are pretty young, in their mid-20s. 

I felt a sadness off and on last night and sometime today so maybe it's something to do with that or someone there.  I always tend to think it's more about my son or things I pick up on for my family but not always.

I also read that the shooter was upset he didn't find a job outside of McDonalds after school so maybe dying his hair that way was his own way of making fun of the fact, like Ronald McDonald. 

It said he was withdrawing from grad school, and when he has a federally funded grant, which pays him an income while he studies, I'm not sure that it makes sense he was withdrawing unless there was something serious going on.  Maybe not.  Maybe he was really just obsessed with Batman.?  But then again, maybe he was being tortured personally.  It's happened to people here in the U.S. and it's not an impossible idea.

Once they get you in jail, it's harder to prove the U.S. put implants in your body.

In all of his photos, he looks different.  The one of him younger he looks like 2 people I've known--this Irish Catholic guy I dated in NJ in 1993, and also like this guy whose mother ran the Castleridge apartments in Wenatchee.  The one of him in orange, he looks like this guy who visited me in Portland, a cousin's friend.  And the last one, when he dyed his hair, he looks like this Yugoslavian guy who lives with Lauren Hemingway in Walla Walla.   It's sort of strange how he can look like so many different people.

The victims I'm sorry for, in that they were shot while watching a movie.

It's horrible because that is what the U.S. has been doing to me and my son.  We were just sitting there, watching movies at our house in East Wenatchee, and suddenly, we were being tortured.  But it wasn't one time.

It wasn't like, one day, we got shot at.

For us, it's been 6 years.  So maybe the only people who might be able to relate to the horror and the confusion over what is happening, and the shock of it, are those people who survived the massacre at the movies.

That terror?  has been at the door of my house, courtesy the U.S. military, for years.

Okay, and then picture this...then, it's not just that you and your kid are being shot at, and that you're getting hurt, and are afraid and trying to get out, and figure out what's going on...on top of that, when you go to the police, instead of getting help, you're made fun of.  So let's say you just survived this, and are one of the wounded.  I can exactly understand what you are going through and how you are feeling.  So take it one step further and then imagine, how would you feel if then you are screaming for help, and your son is screaming from pain, and you go to the FBI and police, and they say, "We're not taking any reports from someone with your name." 

Then, you start getting death threats.  So it's this shooting, and you got hurt, and the FBI mocks you and says they will not take any reports from you.  Then you get death threats, and are poisoned, and shot at, repeatedly, almost every single day.

Why doesn't your country care about you and your son?  The PRESIDENT just WATCHES this happening and it's happening every day to your family, and no one comes out to pay a visit.  No one cares that you were pregnant when you were attacked one of the times, and no one cares that you were even being shot at, within view of The Pentagon, and then lost your unborn child in Maryland, an hour away from the CIA.

If you are a victim who was scraped up or wounded, but didn't die, imagine having that happen to you, that injury, every single day.  After awhile, you might almost sound normal in the middle of torture, right? or maybe you just freak out, after several years of being an unwilling and unwitting star in the U.S. Horror Show.

Oh and guess what?  Now they're taking your child from you too.  It's no safer anywhere else, because you finally realize that agents are in on it.  They are trying to kill you and your son.  Then, you speak up so much, they settle for torture.  And then guess what, you find out, it was all part of a research experiment.  That movie you were in and the killings? and your injuries? yeah, it was real.  But the U.S. just wanted to see how a group would respond to a shooting event, and then you find out, oh, and some of the people hate your guts and just want any excuse to harm you.

So if you are being shot at, every single day, and your son is, and the U.S. does nothing about it, how is your son "safer" out of your care?  If you find out it's the U.S. that is responsible for shooting at you, don't you feel like maybe having THEM make themselves your son's "guardian" is bizarre?  do you trust them to not be controlling others around your son, when you know they are capable of these gross crimes?

I mean, do you want James Holmes to watch your kids now?  If you were Steven Barton, and you had kids (he looks too young to have them), Steven, do you want Holmes to watch your kids after what he did to you?  You know it's him, you know your assailant was one of your own fellow U.S. citizens.  He's not an international terrorist or jihaddist.  He's a U.S. citizen like you.  Do you want him to be responsible for what happens to your children?

Let's say, Steven, it wasn't just James.  It was a huge group of people who have committed these crimes and covered for eachother.  They are rich and have full government backing for some crazy reason.  All of a sudden, knowing they are the guilty ones, they see you in your hospital bed, and start saying no, you're delusional Steven.  "Steven, I'm sure it feels real to you, and we don't doubt a tragedy occured, but it's not what you think--"  Steven says, "But there are others."  The others all say, scared, "Nothing happened Steven.  Nothing.  You fell, you heard some loud noises, but nothing happened."

Then, Steven, your life unravels.  They're taking your kid from you because your house had dishes in the sink while you were being shot at.  And oh, by the way, Steven, no one was shooting you.  So if you keep saying that, do you want more? or do you want to be locked up?  Yes, they are taking your kid away now.  No matter how innocent you are, and how good of a Dad you are, you don't get past court even, because they keep shooting at you, and the Judges are in on the corruption.

Jennifer Seeger, who was talking about "bear crawling" torwards the door, knows how it feels to get down low and into an odd position in the middle of being assaulted and targeted for assault.  I was also "bear crawling" to the bathroom when I was blacking out almost from targeted hits by my own country.  So Jennifer, do I know what you went through?  Yes.  I have done the same thing and I know how it feels.

Let's go back to Steven.  Let's say then they take your only love in life, aside from the rest of your family, you really love your son.  They take your kid, shoot at him, and make sure you know they're always shooting at him.  At the same time, they're shooting you every night and you are thinking, "This is totally crazy. Where the hell am I?  Is this America???"

You went to the FBI and police and they mock you.  All of a sudden, sure enough, you're being put under false arrest.  Repeatedly.  The first time it happens, you had an appointment the night before to talk to the media because you know this is a big story.  You get arrested.  You, Steven, have all your money and records taken from you.  Your friends distance out of fear for their own families.  You are isolated and left with nothing.  All of a sudden, you're even being punished with "homelessness" on TOP of being trapped and blocked from making money or going to college.  Then gangsters come after you.

First it was FBI, and professional crime people.  Now you have gangsters on your tail, and someone thinks you "snitched" about something that you have no clue over.  Great.  On top of everything, you're a "Fast and Furious" victim too.  Because then you find out, after you've lost EVERYTHING, that you have IMPLANTS in your body.  So basically, if someone on the other end of the surveillance implants heard something they knew more about, that sounded like a "tip" to them, they rounded people up and you had no idea what was going on.  In the meantime, gangsters think you're sharing all this info that you don't even know about.

The FBI knows this.  They like how it's turning out.  They're getting ahead and the police are getting ahead in their professions, and for all of their collective guilt, leave it to a gangster to get rid of you.

Have you seen the movie Spy Games?  You know, the one where the CIA ditches their guy and hopes China or someone kills them?  In fact, they even stir things up on purpose, hoping someone else will kill them?

After all of this, what do you get?  Haldol Steven.  They're going to break your hand too.  And then while they run you out of time with your kid and continue to torture you, you finally realize, oh my gosh.  It's my own country.  And you find out about implants and then realize, "And they all knew, all along.  They knew and they shared it with selected mafia and kept it from others, allowing more innocent people to be killed or go to jail out of a favor to some."

You find the implant after 1 or 2 decades? there are several, but you find a couple of them.  After all of this time, you find something, and then what do you feel like doing?

Me?  I stayed in bed most of the day this last week.  It's called serious depression over the irrevokable damages and knowledge The United States of America is responsible for doing this to you and your only son.

Live in fear every day of your life.  Get shot at, every single day of your life.  For at least 10 years.

How do you think I'm faring mentally?

I would say, not too shabby actually.

For those who are freaking out over this incident, it's not that I'm unsympathetic, because I am.  I am more sympathetic and know more about what you are going through than most Americans.  But if I don't oooooozzzeee sympathy and calming spiritual epithets and hugs, it's because yeah, my son and I have been in that same movie theater, for 7 years.

I'm a little numb.

So forgive me, if I don't meet the expectations of some media, in how they want someone to react to a horrific crime.  It's not that I have sympathies for the shooter by any means.

It's that WHERE WERE YOU and where are you?  Fox news?  CBS?  ABC?  CNN?  NBC? 

When you have a citizen that was implanted by the U.S. government and then tortured for 10 years???  And blackmailing a whole family over it too?


All of a sudden, we have NY Police commissioner being interviewed about this incident in Colorado?  Why does someone in NY care?  Let's look at what this country needs to take accountability for.  If I had gone to jail for 10 years, or been in a bad position, I never could have discovered the implants.  If I had not gone to jail or been in a bad position, if this country was worried I might find out, what better way to keep me under control than marry someone from their own agency, or, marry him and then find out he's screwed you over the whole time, on purpose.

What's the plan Stan?  er, Sam?  What's the plan Uncle Sam? 

Because you have a child that doesn't belong to you.  Oliver Robert Guy Garrett (now Avila) is my son.  I can prove, and have already given some evidence to an international audience.  So everyone knows you've been lying.

The cops know, who were decent, and just believed the corrupt ones who had the inside scoop.  The FBI knows and always knew.  The CIA knows.  All of those hardworking military men and women know now, that "oh my gosh.  they put IMPLANTS into her body?"  Oh yeah.  They all know.  The Governor of WA knew and is guilty.  AG knows.  I wonder how many military, normal military, might want to check their own records a little more closely.  Scientists know.   The mafias all know now.  They know.  Some of them knew all along, but they didn't share that with rivals.  Gangsters know.  From top to bottom, everyone knows and is going to know even more.

How are you going to give my son back to me?

Fed-Ex, U.S. mail, or UPS?  Maybe you'll put him in a little dog crate again, and ship him back to me?  Or does he only get the dog crate when we're in the U.S.  I got the dog crate in Canada.  It was like being a little pearl locked in a silver cage.  Could have been 10 years too, later in the U.S. had God been willing.  You just put the pearl inside, the little "health" pearl, the peach one, like Cameo, in her all-peach school photo, from when she was 11-13 years old, wearing a cameo pearl brooch at her collar, and snap!  snap the little silver cage shut and there she stays.

Here's something else.  Mary Del Balzo was working for the U.S. government, along with Intel microchip partners (and possibly, who knows who else on the side).  She was a U.S. attorney, which gives her proximity to another U.S. attorney, "Robert Schneider", who was prosecuting attorney for the Portland feds, at federal court in Portland, Oregon.  His daughter is the one who wanted to know which direction I would be coming from, what time, and where, when I was targeted for a hit and run.  Do the Del Balzos know the Schneiders?  I know Rick Baken knows the Schneiders.  I'm just wondering why the Mexican connection comes in.

I believe, after torturing me and using me for experimentation, there was a promise to return my son to me, potentially, when I was here in Oregon with my parents.  Things were initially set up that way, to possibly have an appeal and then have my son placed back with me here and my Dad looking out as sort of a father figure (and he loves to play with my Dad).

The U.S. renigged.  I think that's the word, when you say one thing and then back out.

The U.S., for all of their glorious decade in hate crime against me, has very little moving room at this time.  The U.S. has one option and one option only and that is to return my son and cease all torture which has still continued despite initial disclosure.  Some in the U.S. even colluded with some in other countries, against me.  I believe there is no more room for renigging. 

As to whether or not I have a social group or a place or whatever, that is your task.  You took things from me, and you will have to make an effort to repatriate me and my son for what you've unlawfully stolen.  I don't need a "built in" group of Colombians (who actually, were a set up by the U.S. if you ask me, and Middleton).  I don't need a built in group here either.  If my son is with me, I will be the same kind of mother as I've been as a nanny to others.  We would do the usual things.  Unless my parents are free to leave, my son and I cannot leave. 

However, I am no longer your hostage.  I do not appreciate paying for a ticket to see a movie and getting shot at every day and blocked from all escape exits.  Oh, by the way, thanks for the food stamps so I could eat in jail.  Thanks for the 1 semester of college too, so I could feel like I was moving forward for one minute, while I was still blocked from the escape exits and shot at almost every day.  It was great.  Oh, and thanks for the little bits of information you fed to your prisoner, small little updates about my son, who I haven't even heard from for several years.  And thanks, for letting me try to write a "kite" to the Judge in Medford who mocked me and said my claim was frivolous...and all of the "appeals" for my son, which you felt were so expensive?  thanks for holding me hostage in your theater for years, as I tried to find a way out and had no possible way of appealing or getting access to my records.

It's been a great show.  How much are movie tickets these days?  I wonder how much a ticket is, at the Movie Cinema 16.  Let me check. $10.50.  For $10.50, I'll bet Steven and Jennifer feel like it was well worth the money spent.  I paid taxes to this country every year that I owed taxes, and I have a ticket that says "U.S. Citizen" on it, my birth certificate, and for this I get held hostage in a horror movie with my son and then we get separated, with my son next door in the adjoining theater, while I'm in the other one.

There is no excuse for this.  There is no, "Social contacts" excuse, or "How will you support him?" excuse, or "Is your house clean?" excuse or "Why aren't you married?" excuse.  This has had NOTHING to do with CPS.

CPS has been a fraud and a sham to cover for federal crimes against me and my son.

Ask Steven Barton how many dishes he felt like doing while he was being shot at.  This country refused to even turn over evidence to me.  It's like telling Steve, "Hey nothing happened.  Get over it.  move ON!  you're sounding delusional Steve."  If the FBI has photos of the crime scene, why don't they turn it over to Steve so he doesn't sound crazy and gets his kid back?  Maybe the FBI doesn't want him to have the photos, because then it's evidence of what THEY did and how bad the scene was, which they created.  Maybe it showed too many of the lies for lies, and too much of the tragedy of torture.

Didn't want it to come back and bite you in the butt later, did you Laughlin?

All I can think of now, is how many times I sang The National Anthem for the United States of America.  And God Bless America.  That one must have really sent the shivers up the spine of Ross from B.C. immigration.  If you ask me, he's a U.S. FBI agent.

God bless America!  Land that I love!  stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with the light from above.

I am being tortured now, as I write about this wonderful country.  It is 11:45 p.m.  The last couple of days they've tortured other ways, through waves, causing vibration and twitching mainly.  I woke up last night from torture by targeting the implant in my mouth and the ear ones (possibly ear ones and I have to upload those photos again).

Is it all "about me?" No, because anyone who was in that theater should think about what is happening in this country.  If what happened to them was bad, they have only a small taste of what their own country is doing to other citizens.  So are they going to nurse their wounds, or start asking questions about who is running this operation.  Anything the U.S. allows so many corrupt people to get away with for a small group, is going to grow into more power for them, and gradually suck up people on the fringe, and then more, and suddenly, it's not the "middle class" disappearing, it's freedom disappearing forever.  Once it is gone, you are not going to get it back.

So if you didn't like your hostage situation in the theater, think about this entire country going down as the sequel. Oh and guess what?  English will be in the subtitles.

I'll put up torture-implant photos tomorrow if I can. I've been too depressed since I uploaded the first round.


  1. Since this has been going on for years, it doesn't look like anyone is planning on swooping in and saving you. Do you have a plan for the future? What is it?

  2. It's to fuck you, and people like you, over for starters.
