Monday, July 23, 2012

James Holmes Impression of My Son Poisoned

This is a video of the first court hearing.

I started to cry because he is exactly doing what my son Oliver was doing after he was poisoned by the State, and possibly it was an FBI agent.  Everything that James Holmes is doing in this video, eyes wider and then sad and dropping head and out of it--this is what CPS and the State of Washington did to my son. 

He came to visits exactly like this, more than once, always after torture.  But the day he had bleach poured down his throat, or perm solution, this is how he was--listless, the entire visit.  And then he would lay his head against me and just rest.

This country is a criminal nation.

Obama is daring to come to Portland for "lunch" tomorrow.  Why doesn't this President visit his own personal victim of torture in WA, Oliver Garrett.

This man Holmes is highly gifted, up in the very rare range.  I'm not justifying what he did, at all, but he is extremely gifted psychicly.  He could possibly give a list of dozens of people he knows, psychicly, have tortured or committed crimes against other humans.

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