Monday, July 23, 2012

How I am Labling CT Photos (UPDATED)

(UPDATED 1/24/2012 6:37 p.m.  I went through a bunch of photos and filters yesterday and made notes and will be doing the same thing tonight.  Probably by tomorrow I'll have additional images uploaded to show implant placement and suggestion of implant placement.  Thanks for the patience.)

I'm being tortured today while trying to look at my CTs.  It's burning torture and microwave to cause twitching in my body.  This has been going on for about 3 days.  They quit most of the torture to the direct implant sites and instead have done overall body torture, just targeting my entire body.  It was done outside of my house and inside.

I'm going to explain how I am labeling things and my process.

There are views called "linear" or "sigmoidal" and the sigmoidal one puts sort of a circle around the image, making it look like a CD.  I have found the sigmoidal view helpful because it gives a contrast and is easier on the eye, when looking at the black and white photos.

There are different "series" in my CT, of "coronal", "aquilion", and "sagital".  I think one is called aquilion but not sure why or if that has nothing to do with angle like sag and coronal do.

If a photo is from a sagital series, I mark it "sag".  If it's coronal, I've used that word.  Then, aside from the series for the individual photos, there is a tool for finding different filters or contrast.  You can choose "auto" (which is what it reverts to automatically) or other views.  The photos all come up on auto but then I randomly found this option for "full" which made a full toolbar and showed me other options for viewing.  Other options are:
F3 chest
F4 ab/pelvis
F5 lung
F6 brain
F7 bone
F8 head/neck

So if you take a photo and use the lung filter, you see more of the muscle, because it's focusing on veins and muscle tissue.  If you choose brain, you get a screen that is sort of striated and broad (harder to describe), if you choose bone, you see bone highlighted, but also, you see things that are not metal and not bone.  For example, if I use sigmoidal bone view, on the head that is resting on a rolled up towel, it picks up the shape of the towel, of the rubber, and other material.  And so on.  I think the F is for "filter".  So you have some filters there, ready to be explored.

Then, in addition to this, there is a black/white button which gives you the view in either positive or negative light.  So what is outlined in black reverses to white, vice versa.  This is sometimes helpful for bringing something to the eye that for whatever reason, you didn't pick up with the one contrast.

Then there is what they call window view.  I was looking for a gradual darker to lighter meter in addition to the filters and couldn't find one, or what I found wouldn't come up, but I found the window view.   By hand-customizing the window view, I picked up the tooth and ear artifacts.  They do not show up automatically, using different filters...I had to customize the window view which allows you to play with contrast and pick up on things.

It reminded me of my days in the darkroom in art photo class when I was in high school--same concept.

If I labled a photo "sag bn" it stands for sagital series, bone view.  If it's "sag hn" it's for sagital series, head and neck view.  Lung is l, so basically, going with the natural lable.  The one photo I put up and sent to embassies that was of the round artifact inbetween my teeth (not a filling) was labled sag bn 22.  Not sure that it's photo 22 in the series but I think so, and then it showed up on the sagital series, in bone view, using sigmoidal, with my customized window view.

The music that sort of helped me to have enough energy (and a little coffee) was New Order's Ceremony, Slowdive's "Machine Gun" and basically I played those over and over.  Slowdive made me think of my Grandpa Garrett leaving the military to investigate the death of his brother Howard, in Seattle, who was a test pilot and died while flying.  "Saw machine gun/I saw you down/saw the arrow/I saw you down/it was all I needed".  I imagined him behind machine guns for war and then psychicly seeing his brother's plane go down, and then seeing the arrow for the plane gauge, and down, and that was all he needed.  Damn the military and CIA."  Then I listened to New Order's "Ceremony" in different versions the entire time I was looking at my CTs.  It kept me going. 

After that, some of the photos came out mixed up and I have to fix it, but I'm sorry I didn't work on it until today (just now looking again) because I felt psychologically wiped out.  Just drained.  Very glad to have found evidence, but drained.  So I've been sleeping and working a little in my garden.  I am trying to keep up, bc it's important, but don't give up on me please, as I get these up, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. 

There is an artifact--implant (I believe) showing up in my left ear.  You can see it on the bone view (which picks up rubber and other materials) but it came out with my name over it so much you can't see it well.  I'm trying to pick up my fillings now, so I can show you where the filling is, and how it has nothing to do with the implant.  I haven't gotten to the neck implants yet, but did a little on the under the chin, and will look more closely at the other things.  I'm sort of picking them out in sections.

And by the way, now the U.S. is torturing me by targeting the implants directly.  So basically, they're switching between activating and targeting the actual implant, and using the implants to track me to target for overall body torture.  My son was absolutely tortured.  You have no idea.


  1. Are you aware of the fact that you can never purchase a gun in Oregon because you have been involuntarily hospitalized (Tennessee)?

  2. I wasn't "hospitalized".

    Hospitalization, involuntary hospitalization, requires an order from a Judge.

    I was "evaluated" is what they called it, and then a Judge denied involuntary "hospitalization".

    I have the right to own a gun.

    I applied for this in Wenatchee a long time ago and the law enforcement there that runs the shop and the gun range, refused to allow me to process anything, and then sent me to jail on a false arrest.

    This is after they had put implants into my body with a military dentist at a federal dental facility, by the way.

    After this, is when they tortured me. I applied for a gun and gun training while I had my son, before both of us were tortured.

    The FBI thinks they can gang rape women, and assault them, and use them for experimentation and allow hate crime, and they allow constant vandalism of property and break ins, but have no regard for the rights of a mother.

    At any rate, during this "evaluation", they didn't evaulate me and then drug me. They drugged me first, and almost killed me doing it, and then they claimed they had a diagnosis (and never did).

    I am free to own a gun.

  3. no- the psych ward can hold you for 72 hours (not counting the weekend) without a judge's order. it happens ALL the time.
    you are uneducated.

    it is illegal for you to own a gun since you've been involuntarily hospitalized in a psych ward.

  4. To "72 hours":

    You're wrong. If someone is held at a regular hospital pending evaluation, or a "psych ward" pending evaluation, it's not "involuntary hospitalization". It's called a "hold" pending evaluation. You have to have a Judge sign an order to be involuntarily hospitalized, by legal definition.

    I have already asked, and checked on it, and even there where they were "holding" me, they told me this was true.

    Regardless, any damages whatever that I have incurred, are damages I intend to sue the FBI over.

    It was the FBI that defamed me, and the FBI is going to pay, in addition to paying the $5,000 bill I was given for that "evaluation" where I was drugged first.

    The FBI is corrupt, and the military is predominantly corrupt and they knew all along that I was innocent.

    They are the ones with a motive to lie, not me.

  5. Instead of buying a gun, try getting a job, stop mooching off your parents, save some money so you can get your own apartment (and then get evicted because you are schizo), stay current on your anti-psychotics, take some responsibility for the havoc you have brought on your parents and loved ones, and finally, instead of a gun why don't you get a life.

  6. Dear Instead of Buying,

    Whether or not I have gun ownership is none of your business.

    Thanks for writing.
