Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jirmy and American Hostages & Colombia

I wonder what the American hostages are being held for, in Egypt.  When the United States holds its own citizens hostage, they don't tell us why.  They just torture us.

With other hostage taking it seems to be for money.  So maybe it's the same for my family and son.  Maybe it's about the money.

Probably, some of the Colombians were mad at me for not marrying Alvaro, after they had an engagement party, but they already knew I had gone back and not signed the license.  So why should they be mad at me?

Alvaro knew, and pretended not to know.  He got me a super cheap worthless and phony ring, with Henry advising, after this.  It was worth about a dollar or less.

Then he organized an engagement party, and they all knew already that I had gone back and voided the license.  When they had the party, there was good food, but it was at a place it wouldn't have otherwise been at, and it was to make fun of me.  Then, it was obvious they all knew, because Colombians give gifts at engagement parties and they didn't at this one--one person gave me a box of silverware after I had written a post on my blog about "how to eat a heart" and then Alvaro's lover gave me this and said "Thank you."

(I am being tortured now, as I write this, because the Department of Defense and CIA was involved)

I considered going through with it and knew I could sign again in Wenatchee if I wanted to, but I wanted to see more of his true colors.  Alvaro's true colors. 

The same day that I voided it, he knew but he didn't let me know he knew.  He didn't have to tell me.  I could see it in his eyes the way he looked at me differently and seriously, losing the class clown act.  He knew.  So he looked at me differently.  Then he kept pretending like he had no idea.

He and the Colombians and U.S. basically held me hostage.

They tried to force me into the marriage.  He gave me gifts but only if he knew I couldn't get far with them, or if he thought I would stay for a short time anyway.  I wanted to return a pair of shoes he got me for the cash, so I had something for my own independence, and he refused to let me return the shoes and then put it back on his card, or was saying he would, rather than allow me to have the money.  I wanted to start fighting my son's legal battles and the Department of State cornered me.  They refused to do anything for me, and wouldn't even pay for my airfare back.  Then I met Alvaro and I was basically told the only way to get him back was by having him with me.

Then Judge Hotchkiss got some antiquated screening device for checking for weapons when he went to court with me when no one in that country courthouse ever bothered.  They brought it in just for him, because Alvaro was Alpha Dog.  They weren't worried about him carrying weapons, they were wanting to make a good impression for the man who had more governmental seniority and influence and connections than they did.  In case he reported back to FBI Headquarters in D.C., and the Department of State, they wanted to look "professional".  They were not afraid of him or apprehensive...they wanted to work with him.

They even brought in this totally slutty woman lawyer.  She was a Wenatchee lawyer, I believe the Commissioner I had later, and she sat there flirting with and making suggestive overtures to Alvaro in court, with me sitting right next to him.  It was crazy.  "They brought the swinger session to the courtroom.  Great." 

When it was me by myself, this woman held an air of authority and superiority and professionalism.  Then with him around, she was a professional woman dressed in professional clothes, and acting like the town hooker looking for a date.  I could not believe it.

 I have no idea how many woman Alvaro cheated on me with when he was there, but I would guess he hooked up with her (and later she recused herself for conflict of interest) and with Mykal Holt, and really crazy...I wouldn't be surprised if he slept with Michelle Erickson, the social worker in charge of my case.   Some men wouldn't find her attractive bc of weight, but he wouldn't care. 

Then he went to Seattle and slept with a blond and who knows who else.

The State treated me like crap and disregarded all of my rights unless he was with me.    My country tried to hold me hostage and wanted to force me to marry him but making it the only alternative.  In reality, he was giving out information about me to others.

Even if I have implants in my body, it was Alvaro who wanted to ask the questions...perhaps knowing already that they were in my body and the right people would line up.  "What time are you going to the courthouse?"  "What are you doing there?"  "You think you'll be there when?" "Are you going to do anything else first?"

He asked the questions to set it up for someone who was listening to take that information and try to block me from defending myself against CIA employee assault.  I was also being set up to go to prison and a person showed up to try to entrap me in a marriage fraud scenario.

It was Alvaro.

Alvaro tried to put me in prison.  I'm sure he told some group that he was trying to help or that he loved me, but he was trying to put me in prison for a LONG time.

This country tortured Oliver and still tortures him and my family.

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