Saturday, July 14, 2012

Implants in my Mother's body & FBI Torture

I have found more of the implants in my neck area.  I checked it again and I am feeling at least 10 implants overall in my body.

I also believe my mother has implants in her body.  There is extremely good cause to believe my mother has implants. 

My father hasn't had surgery but he's had tooth fillings and I know this gets targeted and causes him severe pain.

Aside from being targeted with dizzy spells which causes pain, dizziness, and vomiting, my mother was targeted by military at other times before the 90s.

She had a thyroid problem and had to have her thyroid removed.  When they did this, they used "staples" to staple the incision together.  She was unconscious and it was full surgery and she was targeted by U.S. military after this event.

She began keeping a calender journal of when she was getting odd headaches.  She never had headaches before, but after this surgery she started having severe tension headaches.  For me, when I was targeted (later) it was severe migraine.  But she was targeted to have all-day headaches that lasted 3 full days at a time.  It was the 1980s and we still lived in Moses Lake.

My mother would mark the calendar for her periods too, with a "P.S." and "P.E."  She used a little red dot for it.    I think it was a little red dot for the starting date, and then it was a red dot for the end, or maybe it was red dots through the time, but at least 1 red dot, and then p.s. or p.e. sometimes with it.  She started keeping track of her periods because she was suddenly being targeted with headache and she didn't know why.

She did the exact same thing that I did.  I also made a calendar to track my period, because of severe migraine (which I later found out the military was triggering).

My mother never had headaches before that surgery, and having a neck surgery shouldn't lead to headaches every month.  She denies it, but a few times has painfully indicated it is possible she has implants.

The staples in her neck were the first thing.  My mother then had plastic surgery or partially on her face.  It wasn't that much of a difference.  But I believe they put more implants into my mother at that time.

The government is 100% for sure using my mother and has since she was a kid.  When she had her plastic surgery, her reaction was so extreme, but I didn't understand what might have caused the reaction.  I thought she was just worried about how her face would heal, but no, she was describing numbness and some other problems. Numbness is fine.  It can be normal.  But from the way she was acting, horrified and in shock, and pressing her forehead and sobbing, day after day, I look back now and know it was something else.

Her "friend" Judy was the nurse for the plastic surgeon.  As far as I can gather, they are connected to the FBI.

I remember my mother's reactions.  It wasn't from pain, or from numbness--even in pain my mother is extremely calm and recovers fast.  She was acting the way someone would act, to discover all of a sudden, there is something inside of your body and now you are trapped.

I can't remember when it was done, but it was sometime between 1992-1997.  I was living at the house at the time so it had to have been between 1992-1993 or when I got back from the East Coast in 1994.  I know she didn't have it done while I had my car "accident" in 1995, because I was immobile and would have remembered being in pain myself.  After the car accident was the only other time I lived with them so I guess that means,...the surgery had to have been done sometime between 1992-1994.  I think I was still in high school possibly.  So that would be 1992.

Isn't 1992 when Edward Lee Howard defected from the CIA?

Wait.  It says the CIA fired him in 1983.  That is about the time I remember being mistreated by the U.S.  You can see it on my face in school photographs.  I went from looking very happy and innocent, to an appearance of something having happened to me. 

Basically, it is very possible half of what the FBI has done to me has been over Edward Lee Howard because I think they feel he was working with my family in some way.  He was from New Mexico, like my Dad and Grandpa Garrett, and he was a Howard, just as we had Howards in our family.  He even looks like my Dad.

When he died in 2002, from a broken neck in Russia (supposedly), my Grandpa was killed by a heart attack in 2002 after breathing in "Belinda's spices" longer than he should have.  How do we know he died of a broken neck?  No one was there to go to his funeral were they?  Everyone was in the U.S. except him.  He was on his own over there.  It's possible the FBI counter-intelligence there just picked him up and took him to the U.S. for interrogation and has been torturing anyone they think is connected to him since.  I don't think that's the whole reason these things have happened to me, or that it's why I and my son are tortured, but it's some of it.

In 1992 is when Edward Lee Howard was in Sweden.  The U.S. FBI was trying to get to him in Sweden and then he left for Russia.  He moved to Russia, I believe, in 1992.

So then my mother has this surgery, and something is wrong with it.  Our pets and my mother start vomiting and having dizzy spells.  I didn't do anything except I offended Catholics by saying I couldn't have a Catholic boyfriend.

What a great triumph it is, by the way, to then get Queen Elizabeth to overturn that law against royals ascending to the throne as Catholics.

When I first moved her to Coquille, one of the first things my parents said to me was this:

How would you feel if we told you your entire life has been a lie?

My parents would NEVER say a thing like that unless someone in the U.S. government had been making promises at that time, and assurances about working something out for me and my son.

"How would you feel if we told you your entire life has been a lie?"

That's CIA.

It's not even something the FBI would say, but the FBI was then making promises when I first showed up here in Coquille.  Even if my parents worked with CIA and now are forced to work with FBI, most of the gross torture and use of me has been by U.S. military since I refused to marry Alvaro.

I am not the only one in my family with implants in their bodies. 

I am not my mother so I can't speak for her exactly, but I can say that if I have to make an educated and intuitive guess, based on what small hints I've had, but without any admissions or disclosures in full, I believe she has implants in her body and is tortured. With my mother, I'm not sure what they would be like, but I think they are there. 

I have seen several incidences firsthand that make it clear she has been tortured since possibly the 1980s and then seriously in the 1990s, and full scale after 2000.  I mean, in the 80s, I noticed things being taken (like our great-great-grandmother's diary) and that my mother documented her periods on a calendar (every single year, since I was very young and we were there since I was a toddler, but after a certain point when I was in school because I noticed and asked).  She only told me it was for her periods.  So she marked her periods with a red period.  A red dot.  Whenever she had the thyroid surgery, after this, she had 3 days severe headaches.  That was 80s.  Then in the 90s it was vomiting and dizzy spells with the pets having the same thing happen and falling off of our deck.  In the 2000s, it was outright torture.  She had the plastic surgery and after that it was increasing torture.

For me, I thought I had only 4 of these "tapioca pearl" like implants, but I have more than that.  I have at least 4-5 under my jaw, and then I have at least 2-3 in my neck.  Maybe more in my neck but that's what I notice.  Then I have 1 implant that is not the tapioca pearl kind, in 1 of my ears.

If I have other ones, aside from dental, I don't know.

I am absolutely positive there were 2 extra incisions for my neck surgery in 1995, and there was no excuse or reason for it at all.  I didn't talk about it because what was the point?  I thought it was really weird and was like the knife slipped and then I thought, "Were they doing plastic surgery or something, as a favor, to give me a better neckline?"  I seriously thought, because there were stitches under my chin and everything, "Maybe they just thought they'd throw in a little plastic surgery for me."  THAT was my rationale of it.  That they were giving me a bonus plastic surgery for my appearance.  Which then really explains why I had an incision next to my ear of course.  Because I needed a little ear plastic surgery?  They didn't pin my ear or do anything cosmetically--it was just altered.

They asked me several times before surgery:  "Why were you going to Nashville, Tennessee?"  I said, "I wanted to sing and thought there would be a lot of musicians there."  "Why Nashville, Tennessee?"  Why Middleton, TN?

So the incision in my ear, I thought was bizarre and I thought to myself, "The knife must have slipped or something."  Right.  It wasn't even a nick.  It was an incision and I had no prior injury there because I felt over my entire face, neck, chest and ears and everything before surgery.  I took full inventory of my body.  The under the jaw/chin incision with the stitches, I thought had been for an extra perky bonus plastic surgery. 

It turns out, I have implants in my body.

So then my mother really does have a "plastic surgery" and she acts like there is something under her skin that is not her or supposed to be there.  My mother never sobs like that, or worries or freaks out, and she turned into a living wreck.  Even after it was healed she was then depressed.

She had something done to her which I think is implants on top of her staples.  Around that time, they were not going to my cross-country meets but I think it was because they were having to meet someone else.

I remember something bad started to happen to my Dad too.  In 1992.  It was 1992 or early 1993.  He was coming back to our house looking beat up.  And I was never around any kind of violence.  I started to wonder what was going on.

My parents, as I said before, are sets of twins.  I am not kidding.  Recently they switched.  It was after their beach trip.  The U.S. has been swapping my parents in and out and torturing one set while the other set is around where I am, keeping up appearance for the house and town.  They have differences to tell them apart but it's hard to tell.  They are truly twins.  Which is even worse because imagine how the U.S. can trap you and torture you.

When I first wrote this on my blog, the next day I went for a walk and so many people were out and driving by.  Not one of them was laughing or mocking or making fun of me.  There were several government workers and they all knew I knew.  Many of the people looked very relieved, like it was a good day and now that I knew, maybe something would be different for my family.  But then nothing changed.  Right after I discovered they were twins I was going to buy raspberries and then didn't and all of a sudden, my college financial aid was taken out from under me and it all went bad again.  I was still planning to do it, after college at SWOCC started, because SWOCC had already approved my Summer aid for at least one program or classes.  Then they withdrew 1 week ahead of time.  My Dad knew it was coming and then I think he thought I was going to buy the raspberries and at least start an organic garden in the meantime.  But the FBI has done this to me again and kept me out of money.  I know it's FBI because Trish McMichaels is FBI and Tim Dailey is working with the FBI.  Tom Nicholls just hates me. 

I listened to the song "Hey" by Pixies tonight.  I think it's the first time I've listened to Pixies before.  The refrain is "We're chained".  I believe that my son has been literally confined in small spaces, and I believe my parents have been as well.  They are not free at all.

I had a $100 bill left, which I was going to use to buy raspberries with and plant but since SWOCC told me I was approved for Summer (through Tim Dailey and First Stop--the registration center), I counted on that income coming in a couple of weeks later.  I had spent the rest of the money on things I needed and bills.  I got a lot of bills paid.  The FBI keeps track of exactly how much I have, and how much I spend, and they knew they were going to do this to me. 

There are people even freaked out over the idea of my having a raspberry patch started, and then someone steals my raspberry plant? 

I had all of my documentation in to this other college as well and was told I could start on the 17th and then after giving them proof ahead of time that I was out of default, and after having this woman "Julie Collins" already tell me how much I'd have approximately (with no dispute about whether I was in default or not), they told me on Friday that everything looked good except that they had to clear up the default.  They're setting me back 2 weeks, over a claim that the Department of Ed says I'm in default when I already have them proof, and copy and pasted every single document that I had to prove there is no warning flag or notice that indicates I'm in default.


  1. what are you on, and can I have some?

  2. I've been sitting on a lilypad all day, waiting for my videos of evidence upload. You might have a look when you can. It's taking longer than it should, but I'm persistent.
