Thursday, July 12, 2012

More Delays On My Education

Angela: Thank you for contacting the University of Phoenix. My name is Angela, how may I help you today?
Cameo: I just tried to fax documents to your fax number and the message is saying the number is wrong.
Cameo: I used the fax number that you are providing on your official website
Angela: Hi Cameo! Are you faxing to 480-303-5832?
Cameo: Yes, I did.
Angela: What are you needing to fax over to us?
Cameo: I was faxing transcript requests. Is your fax working
Cameo: I tried both times before 5 p.m. and your fax number was not working
Angela: I can give you a different fax # that you can fax that request to.
Angela: It is 602-383-2333.
Cameo: Is your fax number working?
Cameo: Why is the other fax number not working?
Angela: The number I gave you is for Student Services. That is the correct location you need to fax your Transcript request to.
Angela: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Cameo: Yes. I am still asking you why your college is using a fax number that does not work and has prevented me from getting documents to today.
Angela: That was not the correct fax number to fax your request to.
Cameo: I made a special effort and took up my time to fax this and this should not prejudice my time when I did what I was told to do and then I was forced to not only send the fax the first time by electronic signature, I was then forced to fax to wrong numbers
Cameo: Is this fax number, 480-303-5832 a working number or not


  1. пытки начнется в 2:02

  2. US Forcibly Injected Gitmo Detainees With ‘Mind Altering Drugs’ by John Glaser,, July 11, 2012,

    ← Detainees inside the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay were forcibly injected with powerful “mind altering drugs” and then interrogated, according to a declassified report obtained by Truthout through a Freedom of Information Act Request. Some of the drugs, which included intoxicating anti-psychotic sedatives, ”could impair an individual’s ability to provide accurate information,” according to the report written by the Pentagon’s inspector general.
    The detainees were often not told what medications they were receiving and a number of them were deliberately tricked into believing they had been drugged with “truth serum,” in what Truthout calls “a form of psychological manipulation.” Since the establishment of the due-process-free Guantanamo prison, there have been many allegations from current and former detainees and their civilian and military attorneys that detainees were forcibly drugged prior to and during interrogations. But the declassified report confirms it and provides a detailed account. The Pentagon’s inspector general said in the report that he was unable to confirm whether or not detainees were drugged “to facilitate interrogation” as a matter of government policy. But the findings nevertheless expose additional abuses suffered by detainees at the infamous military prison. The report also found that “certain detainees, diagnosed as having serious mental health conditions being treated with psychoactive medications on a continuing basis, were interrogated.” “The inspector general’s report confirms that detainees whose mental deterioration and suffering was so great as to lead to psychosis and attempts at self-harm were given anti-psychotic medication and subjected to further interrogation,” Leonard Rubenstein, a medical ethicist at Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Rights told Truthout. “The problem is not simply what the report implies, that good information is unlikely to be obtained when someone shows psychotic symptoms, but the continued use of highly abusive interrogation methods against men who are suffering from grave mental deterioration that may have been caused by those very same methods,” Rubenstein said.

  3. Guantanamo Inmates Forcibly Given ‘Mind Altering Drugs’ Prior To Investigations,, July 12, 2012,
    ← Detainees in U.S. military custody at Guantanamo Bay were regularly interrogated under the influence of antipsychotics and other “mind altering drugs,” according to a declassified Department of Defense (DOD) report obtained by Truthout. The report alleges that prisoners were not only forcibly given mind altering drugs, but were also drugged immediately preceding interrogations. ..... Brandon Neely, a former Guantanamo prison guard, says that “medics never informed the detainees what the medication was…The medics walked around with little white cups that had pills in it a couple of times a day,” and if the prisoners refused to voluntarily take the drugs, they were forcibly administered. The only drug explicitly named in the report is Haldol, an anti-psychotic sedative used in psychiatric hospitals. According to Wired, Haldol has many side effects, which “include depression, muscle contractions and suicidal behavior. A patient on Haldol can develop long-term movement disorders and life-threatening neurological disorders…Haldol’s main effect, though, is that it makes you really groggy.” The report also confirms that “at least one detainee – convicted ‘dirty bomb’ plotter Jose Padilla – was the subject of a ‘deliberate ruse’ in which his interrogator led him to believe he was given an injection of ‘truth serum.’ The DOD report raises many concerns, including uncertainty regarding both the ethical standards of the treatment of prisoners and the validity of the prisoners’ interrogations. Leonard Rubenstein, a medical ethicist at Johns Hopkins Center for Public health and Human Rights, said that the doctors’ failure to tell their patients what drugs they were being given neglects basic principals of medical ethics, “especially those requiring a doctor to explain his or her recommendation and seek consent for it as an affirmation of the dignity and autonomy of the patient.” The report also indicates that the testimonies of prisoners during interrogations were assumed to be accurate, despite the debilitating affects of the drugs. Combined with the use of manipulative practices like the truth-serum ruse, the prisoners’ ability to give accurate testimony is gravely called into question.

  4. Jesus fucking christ. Who fucking cares you big whiner

  5. Thank you,

    I have no idea what you just wrote but it sort of looks like a passage to a scripture verse? I will try looking it up. From what I tried to find, it has something to do with torture.?

  6. On the article from ThinkProgress:

    Yes, you are correct. Haldol is actually not even a "truth serum" if I may add is a form of punishment and assault because it is known to permanently alter brain function after only one dose.

    This doesn't mean people can't remember things anymore, but parts of the brain that are for high ordered tasks like intellectual creativity and drive, are specifically targeted. This is the part of the brain that is targted--so it affects a persons ability to be as analytical, or as spontaneously creative and driven or motivated as they might be naturally. Give a musician Haldol, and the music dies. Give a poet Haldol, and the poetry ceases. Give an artist Haldol, and his art is affected. Give a strategist Haldol, and his ingenuity is ruined. This is why they give it to activists and journalists. They want to ruin the creativity of journalists they don't like and they seek to ruin the drive to be active.

    It works by slowing down the brain, and then not only that, because you could do that with a tranquilizer, then it alters brain function, and specifically attacks histamine production. High levels of histamines are found in extremely active and creative people, and this acts as a blocker and it stays in the brain and cannot be removed by a detox program. Supposedly an anti-histamine is the way to correct muscle contractions resulting from Haldol, but the problem is created by a severe histamine imbalance and disturbance to begin with.

    Using Haldol is a way to ruin someone and get revenge. It has no good effect other than brain damage. It is a drug that should be outlawed and is the primary medical tool used to torture people and have it not look like torture. You could give someone a lobatomy or you could give them Haldol. Haldol gives them excuses that look like medical excuses.

  7. I am positive Guantanamo prisoners are not just being "interrogated" but are being used for illegal medical research.

    I am also now aware of how dangerous, exceedingly dangerous it is, for anyone to be admitted to a psych ward.

    Prisons and psych wards are government offices where involuntary subjects to illegal experiments can be coerced or dosed, and be in a controlled environment.

    Coercion of human subjects is also done outside of prison, as my own family experiences.
