Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fred Meyers Return Of Laptop

I was told when I bought this laptop that I could return it within 30 days if I didn't like it, and 60 days if there is a mechanical problem with it.

So I had my receipts stolen but I have all of the information on the computer.  It's in the original box and has papers and everything, and the inventory code would confirm this is the laptop I bought from Fred Meyer.

The manager said he'd try to find out who told me this, that I could return it within 60 days.  He said if I had the receipt, he'd honor my word and what I was told, and refund my money, but that without a receipt they had to go by what their employees told them.

So he said he contacted all the employees, every single person at the store, and specifically mentioned a woman with my description, and what I said they told me, and they all denied ever saying this.

I told him I never would have kept this laptop as long, to see if there is a problem or not, if I had not been told this and relied on that information, so the manager said he'd go through security cameras and find out who told me this. 

He said there were 11 laptops sold and then told me he went through all times they were sold and there was no one with red hair.  I said can you please check again and see if there is someone who doesn't have red hair bc maybe my hair doesn't look red on your security camera. 

Last night he told me he checked and said they found no one that matched my description.  I asked him to check again because I bought the computer there and if they keep inventory, the footage is there.  He said he'd look again and then he didn't call me back yesterday.

Today I called and he refuses to take my call.

I've been told he's in a meeting from 12 noon (when I first called) until 5 p.m.

So supposedly he can't call me back until after 5 p.m.

The thing is, I have the box with the seal and the number on it so why can't they match that to inventory?  I think the problem is that the video camera shows that this man was there and told me I could return it within 60 days if I needed to.  So all of a sudden, all the employees are lying? and then the video footage is missing?

I want to return this laptop TODAY.

I was told I could return it for a full refund of my money. 

So the entire thing of asking employees about it and the camera was because at first this manager was saying I could have a replacement but not a refund.  He said, "If you had the receipt, I would honor what you were told, but since you don't have the receipt, I have no way of knowing when you bought this, or anything about it."

That's when I said can't you check and ask your employees because I am sure this man would remember what he told me.  So the manager said he would do that.  Then when they all denied telling me this, he said he'd look for me on the Fred Meyer store cameras. 

He's saying now that even though they have documented inventory of all the laptops sold in the last 60 days, and even though he can look up every single transaction for one, on the camera, within minutes, he is not finding anyone who matches my description anywhere.

So the last thing I asked him to do was to look for someone who maybe doesn't appear to have red hair on the camera because maybe it's not showing up red or strawberry blond and maybe it looks more blond or medium brown.

He said he'd do this and then would get back to me today.  I am positive he will find me on the camera, because I was there, and that's where I bought it.  First he was checking the camera for laptops sold by one woman specifically and I said can you check the other footage because maybe she wasn't the clerk that sold me the laptop.  So he said he checked every single one of 11 transactions for my specific computer and not one of the 11 video clips has me in it (or, he said, someone with red hair.)  He told me there was another woman with red hair who bought this, but it was purchased at night (not when I bought mine) and she used a Fred Meyer card for the purchase.

I want a refund for this laptop! 

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