Thursday, July 12, 2012

University Of Phoenix Unlawful Use

I sent my transcript as they asked and instead of processing it as they do for everyone else, they came up with excuses to use me for research again.

They lied and said my signature didn't show up on their form when it did.

I sent them a pdf with electronic signature and it was obvious on the form.  This man Kyle Collins took this form that I sent in and then told me they couldn't accept it because "someone" in their college admissions said they couldn't "see" the signature.  I said please send me a copy of that proof.

I know that it went through fine and instead of processing things normally they came up with an excuse to harass me and use me.  So why lie about that?

Then I looked at the pdf I sent them and someone had included a backslash on my pdf next to one of the colleges.  I didn't put a backslash there.

I confirmed with 2 of the colleges that they accept electronic signature if it's coming from a college that has a secured electronic request and then Google refused to give me the phone number, when I made an online search, for the 800 number for PCC.  I dialed the number that came up online and it was for "deaf and hard of hearing", and then it showed backslashes in front of the number that matched what someone put on my transcript request, which I did not add myself.

I was transfered to "deaf and hard of hearing" after I had this country target the ear that I've been losing hearing in because of Mossad and Catholic military corruption. 

This country is totally corrupt.  I have been tortured and there are more people interested in playing games than they are in how a child, like my son, was tortured so badly he lost his ability to speak.

Is that fun for you?

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