Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Parents Must Be Criminals

My parents have to be criminals.

They know me and my son Oliver were tortured and they don't speak up at all. 

I spoke up for my own son.  I told the entire world what was happening to Oliver and what people were doing to him and how they were covering things up.  I was punished for doing so, but if others had spoken up WITH me and confirmed what I was saying, even if there wasn't a lot of evidence to go off of, there would have been too many testimonies to argue with.

I chose LOVE.

I chose my SON Oliver.  I chose HIM over everything else and repeatedly fought for him and spoke up for him.

My parents have only lied.  I'm tired of trying to figure out WHY they are lying.  They lie and then tell me all the time to "take personal responsibility for your actions" and yet they LIE about my being tortured and their own torture, and where is THEIR "personal responsiblity for their own actions?"  What have THEY done to put themselves in a position of lying about their own kids and grandkids, so that we are all tortured and no one does anything?

What threat is it that keeps them lying and denying that I am tortured or they are?  What threat is so great, that they don't talk to the public or media about what is being done to my family, to my son Oliver?

Is it jail?  If it's jail, at this point, I think they should then choose jail for themselves rather than keep lying about ME and my reports of being tortured.  I cannot be tortured like this my entire life and I cannot take anymore.  Of course I don't want them in jail.  But if they did something wrong, that is the reason they are lying about all of us being tortured, then they should be accountable for that and be willing to accept jail as a possible consequence of agreeing and confessing it's true that I am tortured.

They would only lie if they are threatened with jail, because of having done something wrong, or jail because of having knowledge of state secrets.  If they are keeping their mouths shut about torture, just to protect state secrets, that means they worked for (in the past) or currently work now for the state.  Even if someone threatened them with sending them to a mental hospital, it's not likely if all of a sudden, at least 3 or more people are all saying the same thing.

So why can't they agree to go together and say the same thing at once?  It's highly unlikely 3 or more people all saying the same thing, no matter how hard it is to prove, are mentally ill.  So then, it's not fear of going to a psych ward.  It's fear of jail.

Why is my son suffering and being tortured then, when he could be freed if my parents were not putting themselves and their fear of jail ahead of him.  They know I'm tortured, my brother is tortured, my son Oliver is tortured.  I've seen them be tortured.  If they feel they have to accept torture as a fact of life, that's their choice.  Why should I be dragged into an entire life of torture, along with my brother and my son, just because they want to repeat what criminals tell them to say to me, "take responsibility for yourself" or whatever.  If they are constantly telling me, when this is extreme, "It's not happening" and "You need prayer" or "you need deliverance" or "take responsibility for your actions" or "I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need help" or "are you willing to take medication?"  or "You must need to be closer to God" or "trust in God!" or "change your attitude" (as if torture is about that)...They say all these things, "I believe you have pain but I don't believe you're being tortured" and then just expect life to go on like this.

They are choosing to lie for major criminals in this country, rather than deliver the innocent people who are even in their own family.  They should not be tortured either, but if they choose to accept torture and not talk about it, that's their choice--they should be speaking up for their own kids and not covering for government or non-government mafia.

I was injected with Haldol and assaulted because of the FBI, in TN.  There was no evaluation first and I wasn't disorderly.  I was calm and polite there and asked to make one phone call.  The man there was military and I was taken there because the FBI first defamed me by phone to Vanderbilt ER.

The FBI and police in Nashville lied.  They told my parents and everyone else I was given an injection because I was disorderly or upset.  That wasn't true.  The reason they lied this way was because on the way over, as I was being driven there by the police officer, I WAS loud and swearing and blaming this country.  I was extremely upset.  I insulted him and everything.  But that was in the cop's car, not at the psych ward.

The cops and FBI were in on it.  They knew I wasn't acting upset when I got there and they already knew the military guy there, possibly because he was connected to FBI himself, or to the police.  They would not know how to make up an excuse for assaulting me upon arrival, with humiliation, being stripped, and injected, if they had not talked to eachother and the cop had not said I was vehement or upset.

They did not evaluate me at all upon arrival.  I got there, and they assaulted me with zero evaluation first.  Then they medicated me and overdosed me for over a week.

All the time, probably lying about why they injected me in the first place.  It's more like, the cop was pissed, who drove me there, and he and whoever heard me on the CB or cop monitors, wanted to punish me so the minute I was in the psych ward, they shot me up and degraded me. Then they claimed I was verbally abusive in the cop car to make it sound like I must have escalated or something happened.  What happened, is they retaliated against me.  FBI, cops, and DEA, retaliated against me.

The DEA "Brad" tried to intimidate my mother over the phone before the FBI ever told me to go to the hospital for a "checkup".

I don't know what leverage they are using except for maybe torturing other family members worse and saying they can't control it.  If they're using torture of family members to keep my parents lying for them, all the family members have to do is talk at the same time.

I'm tired of living in torture because my parents choose to follow the orders of criminals and government criminals over themselves.  If they really cared about what happened to any of us, they'd be choosing a possibility of prison over cotinuing to lie and deny we are not tortured.

I'm not going to be the family martyr.

I used to think it was bad being the scapegoat in the family for "clutter" around the house.  I was always blamed for why the house was more disorderly or cluttered, and yes, I now, tortured, have moments where my place is a disaster zone.  But I finally said, "I haven't even been here and you're saying it's cluttered because of me."  It was an extremely small thing, no big deal, but something I was a scapegoat over.  THIS, blaming me as being "mentally ill" for speaking up about torture, is not small.  They've put me in a mental prison of torture, a torture prison, by lying and saying I'm not tortured and they're not tortured.  They choose to put me in torture, and be hostage to all this, with no way to prove my claim to the public or get my son back and prove I'm not nuts and rebuild my life...they choose to have ME in jail as an innocent person, rather than taking responsiblity for themselves and telling the truth and facing the possiblity that by telling the truth, they might be in a real jail instead of pulling a bunch of people into their torture hostage situation with them.


  1. Cameo for the love of god you need to trust your parents. There is no one torturing or hurting you. You lost your son because you were hell bent on proving the whole world that you were right and everyone else was wrong. When you child is removed from your home you have two years to cooperate with cps and I know they bent over backwards to try to help you get Oliver back and prove you were a fit parent. They even provided you with bus fare and hotel rooms to sleep in. Yet you stalled pitched fits ignored the advice of numerous attorneys who tried to help you. I have two children and I dont care how sick I am.. I would have bent over backwards bleed to death for the opportunity to see my child. I have read your blogs. You complained wanted accomodations demanded different hotels and two seats on the bus. If you need references or anything go back and read your blog again. You are an undeserving selfish cunt who thinks the world revolves around you. I read your blog everyday in hopes that you get thrown in the nut ward again. Your parents do nothing but enable you and YOU use that to your full advantage. If I was your parent I would get conservatorship over you and then throw your ass back in the looney bin until you were stable I would also forcefully medicate your ass. You would get the monthly schizophrenic shot for the rest of your life and once you were stable enough I would put your ass in an assisted living place. Unfortunately I know how all of this works and when Oliver turns 18 he is going to find you and come back to you because he will be an adult. I doubt you will even live until he is 18 with the way you overdose on over the counter medications and misuse and concoct your own herbal remadies. Just face it you are crazy and a paranoid bitch. I honestly feel sorry for your parents because I believe they are ignorant about how to help you and what their rights are. I wish I knew who they were because I would help them and help you by getting the help you need. Your paranoia wastes tons of valuable resources. You waste money on school contacting government agencies and take away time from people who do have have legitimate emergencies. If you want my psychic prediction honey your going to be looking at another stint in a psychiatric hospital very shortely because you are getting out of control again.

  2. If you really want to prove your case about rape torture and the government why dont you contact Steve Wilkos he has been instramental in proving and defending the inocent. Why dont you go on the show tell them your story and take the test if your innocent like you claim the he has the power to help people get their kids back. I have seen it happen.He helps prove child molesters are innocent. I know he can help you.

  3. I am tortured and my son was tortured. My parents are tortured and forced to work for the U.S. and have been forced to do this since they were teenagers. That is not their fault. They cannot say a single word about torture because of some kind of blackmail being used by the FBI against them.

    Quit treading into waters you won't be able to back out of.

  4. About Steve Wilkos,

    Thanks but no thanks
