Thursday, July 5, 2012

U.S. Metal (Copper, & other) Implants In My Body: Torture

The U.S. put metal implants in my body.

They put implants in my neck when they did my neck operation when I broke my neck.  It was done in Salt Lake City University Hospital.

Then in Wenatchee, I believe one of the fillings they used at a hispanic center, was intended all along for purposes of targeting me and torture.  The dentists supervising the one dental filling that has been repeatedly accessed to torture me by, were 1 latino Mexican dentist and 1 U.S. Army dentist.  The U.S. Army dentist had been trained in the Army and was not a regular enlister.

None of the other fillings I've had are ever used or targeted for torture.  It's only one specific one they did and I thought there was something wrong at the time they did it too.  And then right after it was done, they refused to see me again.

After this, is when FT torture began.

They didn't target the metal in this one filling or the implants in my neck (which I have documentation of) when I was with my son.  They used ultrasound and microwave/MRI technology.  It mainly caused our hair to fall out and then quit growing for months, and caused calcium-related parts of the body to warp after being heated.  The heating created severe benign fasciculations in our bodies, from muscles being warmed up beyond the norm and then cooled and then targeted again.  And our lower backs and where bone density was greatest for some levels, we became weak from the ongoing ultrasound.

Targeting my neck and teeth was later, but I did have tooth pain then, mild, and thought it was normal dental but it wasn't.  Then when I tried to go to a different dentist and he took full X-rays, those x-rays all disappeared from his offices.  This occured at my first visit with him, right after I saw him when I had the implant filling put in one tooth by the Wenatchee federally-funded clinic:  Columbia Valley Dental or the dental office next to it.

I thought something was wrong at the time, because I sensed hatred in the room.  I've had many dental visits and it was the only time I ever noticed hatred present.  The nurse dental technician was cool and I sensed hate from her; the hispanic dentist was sort of gleefully hating, like he had a secret he was proud of and couldn't share; but then the U.S. Army dentist got in and I sensed he was doing something that wasn't normal.  At that point, I almost (almost) wondered if the hispanic dentist had a twinge of regret, or shock.  Like maybe one split second of thinking, this is bad, and it shouldn't be done.  I thought too, maybe it's guilt or wondering if they'd be caught.  But then the white U.S. Army dentist, had no second thoughts.  He seemed glad to do it but was very removed emotionally.  I knew they were doing something abnormal.

My son had already been born and was sleeping in  a carseat next to me when it was done.  They then didn't want to see me.  There was a lot of hostility and smug laughing.  I asked for my dental records from them and they refused to give them to me.  Then me and my son were kicked out of Columbia Valley Clinic (the medical clinic) at that time, by Dr. Butler and I was told I was thereby also blocked from the dental offices.  They never gave me dental x-rays.  Then the next place I went to, they disappeared.  That filling was done in 2006.

I think they were able to track me possibly with what they did.  They already had implants in my neck from my neck operation.  These show up as distortions on CT.

Horrific torture was leveled against me and my son, warping and frying our bodies.  We almost died.  I never had an actual laser burn but my son did.  It showed up and the doctor said he had no idea what it was but no big deal. I believe that doctor was Dr. Craine (the one connected to Department of State, whose parents worked East Coast for them as diplomats).

After more recent specific torture to metal in my neck and teeth, I remembered what they'd done with the filling and how weird is was they kept the x-ray records from me.  What they told me, was that it was amalgam, the silver-colored stuff.  The stuff that's metal and contains minute traces of mercury.  Well, they didn't fill it all the way but most of it. 

It's a molar in the back of the left upper jaw.  It's my very last molar, so it's tucked way back there, under cheek folds.  The torture against me is a throbbing pulsating vibration that is not normal pain from caries (cavities).  If I put a finger against it, I have been able to feel an actual 'charge' coming from the recess near the gumline of that tooth.  There is also often a sound, an actual sound while it is reacting to something.

So months ago or more, I took a compact mirror to look at it better.  On the outside, and on the surface, if you saw into my mouth, it looks like regular silver filling.  But I was able to stretch the hell out of my cheek to get it out of the way and shine a flashlight in while prying my cheek open and looking with the mirror.  It's copper. It is the exact same color as copper, and if it's not copper, it looks like copper.  Not only that, it was moving.  When I looked into the recess of the filling, down inside, I could see, as I felt torture, something that was copper colored and moving just slightly, and moving saliva around, with each "hit" or pulse of torture.

Here are some things about copper, that I want to know..."Is it reactive?"  "Why would the U.S. Army doctor fill my tooth with copper and not tell me and then have a layer of silver around it so no one can see the copper?

I had copper put into this reactive filling, by a U.S. Army doctor and a Catholic Mexican dentist, in 2006.

Then Debbie Sweetwater-Burt opened up a brand new real estate office, hiring my mother and she named it:  "Coppertree Realty." She opened up Coppertree in 2006, after my tooth was secretly filled with copper.  There is potentially something else in it because it reacts like there is a specific small thing inside, but maybe they can just trigger copper to be reactive. 

I had no idea, all this time, what was inside that filling.  Then, the FBI had an Irish-Catholic truck driver who was U.S. Army pick me up at a truckstop after I said I needed out of the state of New Mexico (I had reported a Judge for what I thought was possibly exploiting a hispanic woman).  Guess where he takes me for one of his stops along the way?  A copper mine.  He told me not to look and said the U.S. military uses copper mines to build missiles.  Then his truck broke down there and we had to get out and I was getting out at the copper mine. 

Debbie Sweetwater-Burt is from New Mexico, where this truck driver picked me up. Debbie Sweetwater-Burt opened up "Coppertree Realty" after I had the filling done by these men in Wenatchee.  She knows people in Wenatchee and she tried to tell me years later that she is Protestant, but in 2006, and 2007, she was Catholic and didn't hide it.  She and Patty Otterbach (or Kathy?) took my mother to Mexico around that time.

Here's another weird thing.  My newborn christening gown, or newborn 1st photo gown, was copper colored satin.  My aunt Locklyn handmade it for me and it was this long thick satin newborn gown, in a rich copper color and with a taupe-cream colored lace trim.  It was my 1st baby photo and the dress was a special dress.  I believe I was christened and dedicated, in church, in that satin dress.  I think it had a small cameo next to it but I don't remember for sure. Others would remember.

I went from being given a special connection with a copper color, and then even using Paul Revereware copper plated saucepans as a kid while growing up, to finding out just this year, after trying to find out what was in my teeth, this country used people who are in U.S. Army, who had a religious hate crime agenda against me, to add to the implants in my body for torturing me with.  They first put implants in my neck in 1995, and then in 2006, as if for a 10 yr. anniversary, they added another implant.  A copper filling inside of my tooth.

Then, I wasn't allowed to talk to my own parents at this time, and I was in Wenatchee, WA and my parents were in Coquille, Oregon.  I went from working at a deli making espressos for a year with a Catholic woman from Argentina and her husband, U.S. Army Russ Strong, to a copper filling in my tooth by a U.S. Army dentist.  My mother went from working at the coffeehouse here, called "The Caboose", to being told to work for Debbie at her brand new business, "Coppertree Realty". 

From there, my son and I were tortured in Wenatchee, Washington.  It first happened at a BBQ at Russ Strong's house, before my son was even born, at 7 months.  But then after this, I never saw them again and the next thing I knew, unknown to me, I was being "fitted" for a copper filling concealed with metal which they used to track me and torture me with. 

So guess what?  I have no doubt some government psychic that works for FBI figured out I was thinking about this part in my tooth.  All of a sudden, the FBI wanted me on healthcare.  If I need to have something "removed" or fixed, does it seem like a good idea to YOU GUYS to allow the U.S. to lay one finger on me?  The FBI is guilty of concealing and allowing crimes against me that hardly anyone could imagine would be so bad.

The people who knew about the filling in Wenatchee were Catholic Mexican, a white Catholic woman who was the tech, and then the U.S. Army dentist.

If I look up copper (CU) now, it states it is a metal with extremely high electrical conductivity, and is "ductile", and it is used for PET scans (scans used to locate the brain on radar or from a distance).  This is from the wikipedia page:

62Cu and 64Cu have significant applications. 64Cu is a radiocontrast for X-ray imaging, and complexed with a chelate can be used for treating cancer. 62Cu is used in 62Cu-PTSM that is a radioactive tracer for positron emission tomography.[14

 in group 11 of the periodic table, and they share certain attributes: they have one s-orbital electron on top of a filled d-electron shell and are characterized by high ductility and electrical conductivity. The filled d-shells in these elements do not contribute much to the interatomic interactions, which are dominated by the s-electrons through metallic bonds.

The major applications of copper are in electrical wires (60%), roofing and plumbing (20%) and industrial machinery (15%).

The electrical properties of copper are exploited in copper wires and devices such as electromagnets. Integrated circuits and printed circuit boards increasingly feature copper in place of aluminium because of its superior electrical conductivity (see Copper interconnect for main article); heat sinks and heat exchangers use copper as a result of its superior heat dissipation capacity to aluminium. Vacuum tubes, cathode ray tubes, and the magnetrons in microwave ovens use copper, as do wave guides for microwave radiation.[

Copper’s greater conductivity versus other metallic materials enhances the electrical energy efficiency of motors.

So am I a U.S. citizen or what?

They quit torturing and started again.  The U.S. stopped or reduced the level of torture from 3:45 p.m.-4:10 p.m.or so and then started it up again.  I am exhausted from being tortured and went outside to lie down in the sun and they started it again.  Then they quit and I went to my bed to lie down and they started the torture bad enough to get me up again.

My mother's face is 2 different colors now. Her pigment is changed--on the top part of her cheeks it's white and looks slightly scarred and then beneath the regular color. I noticed it today.

The FBI and military are trying to force me out of this country.  What else do you call this?  They are forcing me to ruin my college and career plans or stay here and be tortured, and they STARTED all of this as soon as last term ended and they knew I didn't have money.

They put me through all of this exact same thing before I was in college at EOU.  Torturing me to provoke me, torturing me so I couldn't sleep night or day, torturing me so I'd call up my parents, torturing me so I'd take medications, all they did was torture me and harass me with it.  For months, every single day and night.

Doesn't it look odd to anyone else that they do all these things if I'm not in college and then jack it up and start all over again if I'm not taking courses?

They did this to me again.  I laid down at 5 p.m. and they tortured me to the point of having to get up 15 minutes later.  When these neighbors were allowed to do this last time, and the FBI and Coburg police and friends participated, I was never sleeping and trying to find someplace to sleep besides my bed if it was better.  This country had me sleeping on the floor of my kitchen, in the living room, I tried to sleep curled up in a space in the bathroom, on the couch.

They did this same thing to my neck when I was in Wenatchee, after Chris Rozollo was around (another military man).

On my CT and MRI, a better scan would show more but I believe it's tiny microchip size, very small implants.  Yes, I have metal in my neck, but aside from that, there are other things which are peculiar and might be showing up on the CT.  My parents have also alluded to things that are used against them, possibly my Dad's fillings and then my mother has staples in her neck and up in her hairline. Who know what they did during the plastic surgery.  I know my mother just cried and cried.


  1. There are very few known deposits of cobalt, most production is a by-product of copper production.I love the ideas in Newmarket Dentist. i hope it can help you.
