Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Stolen Raspberry Plant (CA or OR) & Needed Informant

If a raspberry plant shows up at the Beckhams or a Middleton friend in California, it's probably the one stolen from me when people from California were here.

I was deliberately lured from my house, while these people were in town, and this is the same timeframe when Harper Seven was born, and when I met the Oregon girl that was instructed to walk across my toes in church.

These people from California came over right after 4th of July.

I had Kyle Collins from University of Phoenix, first telling me that they had received my electronic request for transcripts (which I signed electronically). They confirmed it was received. Then a day or two later, after, I believe, the people from California showed up, Kyle was then telling me to leave my house to print out the pages and sign with my own writing. It was the only way to get me to leave my residence.

He said they couldn't "see" my signature and I don't believe that is the truth.  Kyle or someone there knows someone over her or connected to Middletons (he sounds Jewish to me) and they wanted me away from my house to create an opportunity for my plant to be stolen from me.

If it doesn't show up there, it was taken from me and given to the girl that the McGhees watch.

I was going to garden today and honestly, I can't.

Instead, I turned around and went back to bed because it is very depressing to me that my own country and government continues to steal everything I have.  It's not just here or there--it is all the time, and it is always intended to take out my heart.

Not only that, I caught the U.S. government license of the man who was waiting for me to leave my house for that chance.  The U.S. has colluded to steal my own property from me, on a continual basis. It's not once or twice, or many times in a year.  It's almost every month, and this is after they first steal all of photos and journals and then share them with others.

I know California is involved because I saw that woman when she drove past and how gleeful she was at mocking me, and this was right after I stopped at the place--

Honestly, I wish the people who knew I shouldn't go to Coquille, or that something bad was in store for me here, would let me know.   I am glad to see my parents again, but when I showed up in Coquille, I noticed and intuited, there are people crying and worried about my going to Coquille because they think something bad is set up for me there.  So I remembered and wondered, but had no idea until I was tortured here and used for U.S. Government research on top of being mocked and made fun of and having my property given to UK (or, okay, maybe the other girl in Oregon that people tried to use to mock me with).

I am positive there are people who know more than I do. 

Now that I know I have implants in my body, I understand why no one who actually knows anything, has come forward to talk to me.  Clearly, they would be overheard.  My mail gets stolen all the time, at the post office, so no one can mail me anything reliably.  I guess the only way to tell me is online, by internet.  And then, no one but the best could manage to do that because they'd be traced or tracked and caught unless they were the best.  If they are among the best, why would they care about me either?  Then, if someone international wanted to tell me, they possibly know things, from reports in their own language, and have no way of reading English and writing to me to let me know.

I am positive someone involved with Univerity of Phoenix was part of the attempt to get me out of my house to steal my plant, and it was an important plant to me, that I had set aside until Fall.

So then people from California come over here, around the time of the birthday of that Harper Seven, or a little afterwards and they STEAL from me?  I think of UK because of seeing how U.S. government people were involved as well as California that day (the 13th).  If it wasn't California, when they were acting like the jubilant ones, then it was stolen from me to give to the McGhees girl.

No one steals plants out of my parent's garden.  No one wanted to steal raspberries from my mother, they stole the only one I had. 

If all they wanted was a start, then why not take one of the little starts that was there in the pot? Instead, they stole the main 2 yr. old plant, which I specifically bought because it was 2 years old and was going to produce fruit.

My parents went out to dinner with a couple from California and when I asked who they said no one I knew.  I asked if it was the doctors who were buying property from California and I was told no.  Then, on the day after I found out my raspberry plant was stolen, I had to re-listen to a messsage from Kyle Collins to find out what time he'd decided to call, and I ended up hearing a msg left by the California doctors.

So the doctors from California were here at the same time my parents had dinner with people from California.  This is a town of less than 2,000?  It's small.  No one comes to Coquille without a good reason because there is nothing here.  I asked my mother, "Does she drive a white station wagon? because I saw a woman with CA plates who was driving a white station wagon today."  My mother said she didn't know and said plenty of people from California could be around, but honestly, not that many come to Coquille, because what is here?  Someone comes over here for what/

My raspberry plant?! 

If it didn't go to CA it went to the McGhees girl.

The doctors from California--well, she is an obstetrician.  You know, fertility stuff.  They've been in contact with my parents for about a year.  As to dinner with Californians, it was either not with the obstetrician or it was and my parents didn't want me to know they'd had dinner with the fertility specialist. 

I want my plant back.

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