Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mom's New Scars (on cheek)

My mother has new superficial scars/marks on her face.  They showed up yesterday, after they'd been out to do different things.

My mother's scars are on her left cheek and < > that is the pattern that was put on her face. It's on her left cheekbone and the scar is in white pigment of skin to outline the < and then the >.  This was done to her face on Saturday because I saw her Sunday night and nothing was there, that I noticed.  The next day, she had a red mark and redness in the area and then today it was just etched out in white skin, lighter skin pigment.

This happened to my mother after I brought up the English UK woman on Fox news, who was on the right of the screen, "Catherine Herridge".  I guess they decided to put <   > on the ridge of my mother's cheek.  This Catherine, is married to a man by the last names of Hayes, who is IBM and computer careerist in D.C.  There was another woman on the left, who wore a medium green shirt and it had clothing cut-outs in the design of <  > at her neckline, prominently displayed.  So these 2 women were side by side, on Fox news, talking about Iran's nuclear program and the woman with < > on her shirt was going on and on about how the "delay of the program" was SO important--she really went on ad nauseum, after I had written in my blog about the delay of my program with University of Phoenix.  She reminded me of Anne Crain. 

After I wrote about the other one, from London, who is married to Hayes, and seeing some kind of problem with her head or brain (or effects of some kind) and then of her stomach problem (she donated part of a liver to her son), then my mother gets accosted on Saturday and has a <  and > on her cheek, on her face, on the left side, just as this woman was on the left side of the screen if you watch facing the t.v..  If I face my mother, there is nothing on the left side as I see her, but 2 <  > on the right.  However, if anyone were to point them out on t.v., the woman who was wearing the shirt with the <   > was left of t.v. screen.

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