Sunday, July 15, 2012

Telling My Mother About Implants In My Body & FBI

My Mom asked me to take down the post about her being tortured.  Right after I see new <  >  on her face and bring up who is in town.

I said how do you know you don't have implants?

Then she said why did I think I did, and that for 10 years she never heard about it.

I said, "Because no one was torturing me with them all that time until recently."  She said, "People can have false memories."

I said, "No, I noticed RIGHT after my surgery, and I never forgot it or had gaps in my memory about it.  I always knew, but I thought maybe they'd done a free plastic surgery and it sounded weird or vain to suggest that's what I thought they did for me, so I never said anything to anyone."

I added, "I knew right away, that two incisions were made that had nothing to do with my neck injury.  I remember where it was, and how far across it was too."

So I explained, "I thought that since I'd told them I was going to Nashville to sing, they had decided to give me a free plastic surgery to improve my profile or chin or something.  I couldn't figure out why they cut above my ear (it wasn't below the ear lobe or on my actual appendage part of the ear), but I thought, "They must have given me a small nip and tuck".  I thought that maybe since they heard I was going to sing, it would be a nice extra thing to do.  But I thought, probably, if they gave a small free plastic surgery, I shouldn't tell anyone about it.  I figured if they hadn't told me, it was because it was a free bonus and if I brought it up, it sounded vain.

So I always knew it was done, but I had a different 20-21 yr. old idea of why they maybe did it.  Of course I wasn't going to say to my Mom or Dad, "I think they gave me an extra plastic surgery too."  It sounded weird and I didn't share thoughts like these with anyone.  There was nothing wrong with my profile before, but I thought maybe they thought it was helpful.

I even pulled out stitches from it.    They were dissolving stitches, but I pulled a couple out because there was a scab over it and when I picked off part of the scab, stitches came out.  I remembered this because I thought, "They even stitched me up but all they talked about was how they had made one incision to the middle of my neck."

I showed my mother today where it was.  I said, "It was right here, from here to here" and I drew a line from under my chin from the left to right, to show her how it was a horizontal line under my chin about 1 inch across.  I'll draw a picture for y'all.

My mother said, "Well maybe they had to put something in there and sometimes things go in places you wouldn't expect, like a stent for a heart goes in through the groin."  (She mentioned another thing, about how one thing goes in at one place but is for a different area).

I said, "Mom, I know, but what can you possibly reach, for my neck, through my chin?  They already made the incision in the middle of my neck and why would anyone think of making it underneath my chin, more towards the front of my chin, if they are wanting to get to my spine?  And the incision by my ear??

I said, "What they told me after surgery is that they had made just one small incision into my neck and that was it."

She said, "How were you conscious to know?" and I said, "I wasn't, at the Nevada hospital, and I wasn't in the ambulance or in the helicopter, but when I got to Utah, I checked my entire body and I had to wait so long, I had time to do it.  I told them I was having increasing tingling and numbness, and I felt my entire face and ears and throat and neck and knew the only bleeding was on my scalp.  I was making sure I didn't have cuts to my body, or face, and wasn't missing an ear.  So I checked.  I saw cuts on my hands and wounds, but I felt everything else."

My Mom said, you'd have a scar and I lifted up my chin and pointed to where it was, and said, "I don't know, but it went from here to here."

So just now I looked and I have small scars there, very small, but more like a line to an angle and then a small dot like incision, about the size of a pellet bee-bee and it's white from scar tissue.

I would be surprised if anything scared at all, because I had long, multiple cuts on my hands and you can barely see them and they shrunk in size.  I used a combination of vitamin E oil, squeezed from a capsule, and vitamin A oil, and aloe, and I applied it every day to my scars so I healed well.

Yeah, I have scars under my chin.  They're a lot smaller than the incision though, because of how I healed well at age 20-21. 

I did not have any cuts from the accident there, because I checked.  After the surgery, I had a pronounced scab there all of a sudden, or a line of a suture, and then a scab and it rescabed a few times.  I looked at it plenty of time back at my house, wondering why they'd wanted to give me a face lift.

I kept asking them to let me see my face in a mirror, while I waited for surgery.  They didn't want me to see myself.  So I felt over my entire face and throat and chin, wondering if I had some gross cut, but no, my face, chin, throat, ears, were not scraped at all.  It was my hands and scalp.

So yes, I did have 2 incisions in my body that had nothing to do with my neck surgery, and they told me the only incision they made was to the front of my neck. 

It's not a "false memory" because I've always remembered it--I just attributed it to something else.  Then, more recently, these have been tortured to torture me with.  So when I am pushing on these objects in my body, and it's stopping the current, then I know these are implants, and then I realize it wasn't "plastic surgery".

It was Implant Surgery.

This is why I believe my mother also possibly has implants.  If they did this to me, in 1995, there is no way to eliminate the possiblity that they did this to my Mom, before or after that date. 

(Oh yeah--Levi!  Don't go to the hospital for anything okay?)

So guess what.  If I have implants in my body since 1995, to be latent and for purposes of finding me so I could be targeted with military (maybe Lisa and the Thebaults got mad at me for reporting tax stuff in 1994, or maybe Canadians or FBI wanted constant info on me)...

This was most likely known by Princess Diana and I don't think her photo ops in halo and with round landmines were random. 

Some people knew.

What is most important, is that the United States government knew and has known all this time.

It means that not only could I be disadvantaged by getting hit with migraines and having things triggered to happen to me by military weaponry, it means that this affected my work, my college, my treatment after I was raped and then told someone about it, my lawsuits.  It means that of course they used migraines to "knock" me out of lawsuits.  Repeated, severe hits, on court dates, to keep me out of protecting my own name.  It means of course they could track me as I drove in my car and my various cars were getting powered-off by military.  It means of course someone in U.S.government overheard all of my legal plans and strategies and then passed that information over to my opponents.  It means that even if I was tortured to the point of having curled up toenails, and spitting up blood, and losing hair growth, and having laser hits made on me; to the point of twitching all night and watching my son be tormented and tortured...of course they could find me easily. Even when I had no place to go or sleep, and the U.S. drove me to sleep in the dirt in an alley between 2 buildings in Wenatchee, with plants all around, how did the Wenatchee police officer then know where I was  when no one had been following me? and why was I still being lasered to the point of being extremely hot and then having it quit, so that I chilled down so drastically, my entire body was shaking.

This United States is criminal.

They have tried to kill me, attempted to drive me to kill myself, made me the object of repeated and constant hits and assaults, and then went into full-time torture of me and my son Oliver.  After that, I get assaulted with Haldol.

My lawsuits were not lost because I didn't have a solid case or wasn't competent.  They were lost because the U.S. tortured me and was using military to induce migraines on specified court dates, and trying to hide it with excuses that it was around my date of period so must be "naturally induced" or triggered.

KO'd.  Knocked Out.

And then the FBI puts in a woman for New Mexico whose name is, I believe Karol or Carole or something like that, and something about KO. 

They did this for Middletons.  Do the Thebaults or Kargmans know the Middletons too? 

I have implants in my body.  This country has been using them to torture me with, and ruin my life, for over a decade, and then tortured me so badly, according to them, anyone else would have committed suicide over it.

Here is a little line-up on the "timing".

1992:  Catholics get offended that I won't date a Catholic and want revenge for Robin Bechtold.
1993:  Brian Thebault:  "If you want to punch in and out on a timecard, I can give you a job in my factory."

(Brian's family is French, Lisa's is Italian)
(I later turned in my taxes after quitting bc they wouldn't pay me for overtime as we agreed.  They broke their promises, broke the contract, and then said the contract could be changed at any time.  First I filed taxes for myself and tried to pay my share but the IRS didn't register the check I sent--which means it was a government employee that refused to do this.  After this, in 1994 later, I did call IRS and reported the fact and asked where my check was, why it hadn't gone through)

1994:  Kargmans get told off by a nanny agency that tells them the nanny shouldn't have to do housework while the baby naps because the nanny needs a break at that time as well.  I told them they were better about "respecting my time".

1994:  IRS check from me for Thebault employment goes nowhere.
1994:  I get mailed a request or announcement to be in Who's Who.
1994:  UK Department of State cable issued to the U.S. stating it's the end of Who's Who.

1995:  Mike Nichols hijacks my car and rolls it when he hears my seatbelt is off.  Mike's adoptive parents are Catholic and maybe FBI, his biological parents are French-Canadian.

1995:  I get surgery and have 2 incisions made and implants placed inside of my body.
1996:  Princess Diana begins more public role with landmines, culminating in a photo shoot in Angola, for Halo Trust (and more after that).  She stops in Colombia and then is scheduled to go to Cambodia.

1996:  I am being targeted by military for the first time, having migraines triggered.
1997:  I work at CTR and after Princess Diana dies, I begin having migraines that interfere with my work there, on a more regular basis.  It escalating to the point that I had to go from "full-time" to sharing my position "half-time" with another woman.  I was still working FT hours but because of the escalation of migraine, had more need to stay home.
1997: I quit work because I have money to go to college to study English Lit.
1997:  I work for Lorraine and Rabbi Rose who fire me with "Most disappointed with times."
1998:  Raped by Jew Josh Gatov who takes me to see "A Clockwork Orange" so others can mock me in Portland.

"Stop!  I mean it!"  (and the U.S. didn't overhear how I was raped?)
1998:  I report rape to a medical clinic because I'm worried I got something, and then I suffered retaliation from U.S. government at the rate of 1 migraine triggered to last 2-3 days and incapacitate me, 10-15 times in one month.  I think I am going to die, literally.  I fight anyway and retain all of my college courses, and Christa Schneider with Dept of State/Justice is stunned.   Even if I have implants, I know Christa leaked information and asked questions to get info to pass on to others.  The questions she asked were things that were not normal, and if I answered, gave my enemies ammunition against me.  So I always knew there were either bugs in my house, or she passed things on and now there is a 3rd possibility, that the bugs were not only in my house but possibly inside of my body.
and so on...
"If you want to punch in and out, I can give you a job in my factory!" (Thebault, 1993)
"I need an employer that respects my time and my time-off" (Kargman, 1994)
"Most disappointed with times" (Rose, 1997-1998)
"Have you ever read 'The Count Of Monte Christo?" (said the woman I worked for after Roses, through Express Temps, in Portland) (1998 or later)
Rape, Clockwork Orange (1998)

"It's too late to allow you and your son to take advantage of our special program" (Ross, Canada Immigration, 2007, knowing my son and I are tortured)

"It's TOO LATE!!!!" (Alvaro, 2010)
What is too late?  Is it too late to put people in jail for criminal conspiracy?


  1. I can see that Dicksie Garrett has had plastic surgery from looking at the picture on her Copper Tree Realty site-

  2. Hi Middleton,

    She had no surgery that changed her appearance or made her look better or younger. She looked better before the surgery and no younger, so any idea that she looks decent for her age bc of this is a misnomer. It changed nothing about her age appearance--it wasn't even a full surgery. It was a small partial one and it pulled up a small amount of skin on her forehead and they made a cut that was zig-zagged and possibly put implants into her head at that time.

    I say this because I know for sure they did that to me. If they were first torturing my mother with use of implants, they could easily feel it was less work to get my mother to agree to have me do things for them or do what they want.

    The scar on my mother's face matches the incisions they made on me, 2 which were only for implant purposes.

    Then they forced me to work for a microchip employee who monitored me and reported whether targeting me worked or not.

  3. Oh yeah, and if you know the Middletons (sure you don't), you would already know they are connected to the Del Balzos.
