Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Severe Torture By U.S. (NOW) Starting @ 4 A.M: Dempsey

The U.S military began severe torture to the metal in my teeth, where the one filling is located, beginning at exactly 4 a.m.

I woke up from torture.

Then starting at 4:05 a.m. the U.S. DOD/DOE began targeting my neck as well as the metal in the one tooth.

The first time my son Oliver and I were tortured, we were being specifically targeted starting at 4 a.m. in the morning, to the point of waking up, and it was from microwave/MRI/ultrasound torture.

It's Dempsey.

Dempsey knows Chris Dabney who is connected to other people I mentioned last night, as having date raped me.

I was able to sleep for a few hours and then I was being tortured.  Dempsey is absolutely responsible.

It's 5:53 and I am being tortured to my ear, to metal in my teeth, and my neck.  For about 2 days it wasn't as much torture, and I slept a little.  Then it has started up again.

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