Tuesday, July 10, 2012

U.S. Federal Govt. Rapists (update): Gang Rape

I am posting an update to include when they were colluding to commit gang rape.  It also points out some connections between them.  This update is added to the post from last night, about list of date rapists.

I was not looking for a sexual encounter in all of these situations.

Half of the rapes occured in 1 year, by 4-5 different federally connected men. 

The rest were before or after, and connected to eachother.

In all circumstances, I was being set up.  Every situation was a 1 time thing, and I never saw them again and avoided them, even if they kept calling to see me again.  One situation was more than once and I thought, maybe I should just stay with him, because I didn't recognize the crimes, and felt shameful, but I then wouldn't go out with him again.

Each and every single one of these men is connected to the U.S. FBI and/or federal government (CIA and/or U.S. military).

I was date raped 8 times before I was then tortured in 2005.

4 of those date rapes and assaults were in 2004, the year before I was targeted with torture full-time.  I believe the excuse was that I wasn't a good person, or portrayed as someone less sympathetic and so therefore it was easier to torture me, on state-sponsored grounds, or that by then there was increasing motive to torture me and create reactions from things I couldn't prove, in order to perpetuate a "mental illness" smear to discredit me.

This was in the height of my 2 lawsuits that I had filed.  The federal men who gang raped me were connected to the people I was trying to sue to restore my reputation.  Which is ironic, because I was being raped in addition to everything else.

Then Robin told me not to report the FBI agents.  It wasn't just Bujanda and Garza, it was an entire group of these people, who were all connected to eachother.

It was Jews and Catholics.  All of them. The only person whose religion I don't know about is Devin.

Another person who possibly factored in was Adam, whose father was U.S. Navy Intelligence and who was from San Diego.  I met him when he worked as a law clerk at Lewis&Clark and it's possible he was another federally connected person to some of the other federal date-rapists.  I am not sure if he is Jewish, Catholic, or what.

Later, the S.A. coming from San Diego, Palo Alto for the FBI was a Catholic man named Don and then they had another FBI agent from D.C. who was U.S. military.

Following their arrival, my car was towed and I had several false arrests and suspension of license to obstruct my travel and college education.  After I reported rape by Josh Gatov to Portland police, The Willamette Week created an article about me to smear me.  It was possibly because there were other federally-connected men who date-raped me that were afraid that if he was found guilty, they were next.  The police protected a government gang bang and then tortured me after attempting to portray me as mentally ill to those who didn't know the facts, or didn't know what the truth was, and knowing it was to discredit me over criminal reports.

A couple of the rapes were earlier, so I didn't indentify them together.  And then one was later, in 2006, which I identified separately.  At the time it was all of these other ones, in 2004 approximately, I was in shock.  I didn't recognize what was happening or how I was being targeted.  Each time I was date-raped I thought maybe it was my fault but it wasn't.  So I had shame over it and wouldn't tell anyone.  It was not my fault.  I did not put myself into bad situations--most of the time I was ditched at vulnerable moments so I could then be attacked more easily.  One time I was the one who ditched a friend, but I was completely intoxicated and she knows this.  Erica Ballinger was there the night I ditched her for Mike Tanzer, and she knew my level of intoxication.  She had known about Robin too, and was the one who told me she believed I was raped by him and that she was disappointed in him.  All of the rapes that happened within about a year, occured one right after the other.  I was deliberately being targeted. 

I believe I have a right to have fun and be intoxicated safely and that men who know someone is far past the stage of consent, know what they are doing.  They all knew.  They were strategically passing me around and setting it up.

It was so degrading and I was in such a state of shock that it happened repeatedly, and that I was disrespected, I internalized it and then all of a sudden, Devin's attempt convinced me to leave the state.  Then, I was ditched by my own cousin on my birthday in Wenatchee and raped by a Wenatchee doctor who had Wenatchee police following us to the house, and making a stop in his driveway, and asking HIM if he was "okay".  The police have colluded to conceal crimes.

After that date rape, I was tortured full-time.  I was with my cousin who said I was fine to be taken home by this woman she knew.  I told my cousin I still wanted to dance.  So I was dancing and then this woman ditched me to be raped by the doctor.  She was nowhere.  She had left the club with her DJ boyfriend.  Her name is "Franci" (france-ee).  She worked in Seattle a long time as a full-nudity stripper.  I'm sure she knows these people.  She was allegedly into cocaine and drugs but I found out later.  The police liked her because all they care about is tits.

In all cases, I was never looking for a sexual encounter, or a one night stand.  In all cases, I was out to go dancing and I drink when I dance, because I don't feel as self-conscious publicly. I also like to be where I don't feel I stand out.  I enjoyed going where there was loud music and I could dance.  What happened was that a group began to plan how to target me after I was intoxicated.  I was always dressed modestly, and with no intention of being "intoxicated" to be with any man.  I was getting picked off, and it was being set up and then someone was ditching me after I was intoxicated and left in the open.  And then they were trying to say I was promiscuous when I'm not.  I was repeatedly, strategically date-raped.  When I met Jonathan and Helen, I had a couple of drinks because I waiting for Christa to show up.  She never did. 

(When I say "date rape" I mean by technical definition of voluntarily being in that person's presence, not on a date, but because I got ditched after I was intoxicated and needed a ride home or to a place until I was sober)

She went from being the person who coaxed me to go out and drink, to suddenly leaving me in the open to be vulnerable to date rape.

A couple of times I felt something in my drink was not just liquor, but that was only possibly 2 times: with Vince Bernabei (who I took one drink from at his house) and I thought there was something different in a drink that I got, or something else, with Tanzer.  I was too drunk for it to be a normal drink, staggering even, and almost tripping and I'd only had 1/2 (or less) of a drink.  He knew I was totally intoxicated and then he said let's go to his house.  In that situation, even though I did meet him thinking we would be intimate, the drink wasn't normal.  The first time I met him, I was already beyond capacity to consent and I made a mistake of ditching my friend while in this state.  Even if I went with him, he knew I wasn't thinking correctly.  The first time I met him, I didn't plan to have sex with him and didn't.  I wouldn't let him though I was intoxicated and too much happened.  The next time I went out with him, I felt there was a drug or substance in my drink later and there was then what I felt was date rape.  After this, I felt so bad about myself, not realizing I was a target for rape and getting set up (by mainly others), that I thought I should maybe try to stay with Tanzer.   I did so because I thought I cannot be be intimate (even if I was raped) by one more person--it's too many, and I have to deal with this, and just go out with this last person.  So I went out with him again.  Then, he was calling all the time and I kept putting him off because I was working on my lawsuits.  I decided I wasn't going to go out anymore or date and wanted to focus full-time on my lawsuits.  He kept calling me when I had important deadlines to meet in court.  So I finally told him I would consider dating him after I was done with my lawsuits.  I asked him to send me back a ring I had mistakenly left at his house once and he refused to do it.  He just held onto my ring and refused to send it back, for weeks.  I thought it was really weird that he would do this.  It was my tourmaline ring from my Nana and he refused to contact me or send it back to me after I told him I didn't want to date until after my lawsuits were done.  I finally threatened to take him to small claims court if he did not return my ring.  I offered to pay for the postage and everything.  Finally, he drove it over and there was a small intimacy which was pretty odd, and he said he was being followed and kept looking out the window.  Then he called me again when he went to California.  I was focusing on my lawsuits.  Then after I talked to FBI and moved to Washington, he tried calling me at my grandparents house and I didn't return his call.  In hindsight I felt there was something wrong with that one drink I had, and how he had not returned my ring.  I also thought he was calling me up just because he knew the FBI had been around.

The rest of the incidents were mainly situations where I was not dating these people, I was going out to dance and that was it.  I wanted to dance and have a few drinks and it was never in my mind to hook up with a man.  That wasn't ever why I went.  I went, because I discovered I love to dance.  And what is wrong with going with a girlfriend, to have drinks and dance?  What began happening, is I was being ditched and stranded at the last moment by people I should have been able to trust, and then had to have a way home. 

After this, Erica Ballinger, a friend of over a decade told me she never wanted to speak to me again.  I have thought this was odd as well, as if you're a friend, for so long, why hold this against someone when you already knew I was drunk?  She made it sound as if her personal feelings were more important than my mistake.

In every other situation, I had zero intention of being with anyone at all, with zero plan of intimacy at any time.  It was outright date-rape.  I did not choose to sleep with those men.  With Josh, I repeatedly said no and tried to fight him off and then I played dead.  I went into dead mode in every situation where I was raped after that.

It was U.S. federal government gang banging.  They knew eachother and were connected to eachother, and they targeted me.  Then I think some of them wanted to use this to make me out to be immoral or not someone to believe, as I think they wanted to reduce any sympathy for me.

Of course, look at how it worked.

How many federal agents had sympathy for me when my son and I were tortured and kidnapped?

While most of the gang rape was in a short timeframe, when they knew I was going out to dance and they could target me, the same men that targeted me were connected to previous men who raped me (Josh Gatov, Bechtold).  Then, when I moved to Wenatchee, I was set up again and it was an Italian doctor and I don't know who he is connected to in Oregon.  It was either this doctor Frank or this man who was Italian and worked at the employment resource center.  They look similiar, and are same height.  I thought possibly it was this other Italian from that center and he treated me badly.  Whichever one it is, it's one of the two, and his girlfriend was an oncology nurse (he told me this) and he had kids.  I was taken to a house in the suburbs of Wenatchee near Chelan Hospital, about a mile away from the Chelan Hospital, and inside was a painting of an Italian fresco on the living room wall.  He told me, after date raping me, "Now you have some Italian in you."  He said it sarcastically and I always remembered it because I felt sick to my stomach.  I could describe his male organ.  The police knew who he was and they drove over to check up on him.  He lived in the same general area that the woman who had ditched me lived in, who was from Seattle.  Their houses were maybe a few blocks from eachother. It was all up by the Central Washington Hospital.  I later found out The Coast Hotel, which I was tortured at, and "banned" from, was owned by an Italian in Seattle.  Tony Block was an Italian CPS worker who hated my guts and was one of the few men present at the first hearing after I was thrown back from Canada.  He sat in the back, smiling smugly, with an entire pack of vicious CPS women probably out for vendetta for their oncology nurse friend who was cheated on.  The visitation monitors for CPS were all wives of medical professionals in Wenatchee so the doctors and CPS were completely connected.  Tony Block did not show himself again until the very end, my last visit with my son, where he smirked and was hostile, and glad to tell me it was over.  He then worked with Michelle to put a false harassment order against me, which he got privileged attention from by Judge Alicia Nakata who was so eager to please Alvaro Pardo--the FBI and Italian connected Colombian.

In 2003-2004, when I was driving in Portland and my vehicle had the battery power drained from it repeatedly by remote means, I almost died multiple times from sudden loss of power to my car.  It happened to 3 different cars, so it wasn't the car.  When I didn't die that way, I had a hit planned on me when I left my house from Hemlock St. (which is where Italian lawyer Vince Bernabei also lived, on the same street, a few houses down).  After telling Christa where I was going and what time, I had a hispanic AIM for my vehicle and crash into me, laughing like a lunatic the whole time.  My knee was injured.  While I recovered from the eventual surgery, on Hemlock, a dark nice car filled with slick looking "mafia style Italians" drove slowly past my house one day.  I didn't have a good feeling from it, because I was sitting outside in my lawn chair and I was being identified and noted and it didn't seem like they liked me.  They drove by extremely slowly almost stopping and looked out at me.  Possibly one was latino.  I remember one, the one closest to the window next to me, had slicked back hair, was younger, and handsome.  He didn't look nice. Then there was a scowling older middle aged man on the other side who looked more Italian.  They were in a sleek black luxury 4 door sedan.  I later saw some men who looked like the younger one, at the U.S. federal courthouse in downtown Portland when I went there to file something.  It was the day of a hearing for something.

The rape by the Italian doctor later was on my birthday.  My cousin left me with a woman who she knew.  First Rani had me meet this friend at her house and we got ready together (put on make-up) and then we joined Rani.  This woman was formerly a stripper in Seattle as I found out, and very pretty, and I don't know what she was doing, but then after she knew I was drunk, she ditched me, with no way back home, the same way they had been doing in Oregon to me.  It is possible this woman from Seattle, knowingly ditched me so that an Italian in town, with Italian friends in Seattle, could target me.  That would explain why later I was "banned" from the Seattle-Italian owned Coast Hotel, which carried both a Canadian and U.S. flag. 

Hi Katie!

There was one other man in Wenatchee, who attempted to date rape me and he golfed. I don't know how he was connected to the other man, but his main activity was golfing and Rani knew him as well.  He was a bartender for one of the clubs.  I didn't have sex with him but he kept hoping the same tactics would work and then he felt rebuffed.

I was totally blacklisted when I refused to stay connected to him and decided not to go out anymore in Wenatchee.  I was blocked from travel to college. 

I actually met this Italian doctor after I was blocked by the FBI and Judge Warren and Coburg police from traveling between Washington and Oregon to go to college.  I think I wrote that I was blocked after the Italian Wenatchee doctor, but it was before.  First I was blocked from traveling.  Then I was targeted for date-rape in Wenatchee.

So Laura Laughlin supervised date rape and hate crime in Oregon and then she supervised it in Washington when she decided to move over to Washington after she knew I was moving there.  Guess who FBI Laura Laughlin worked with when she was on the East Coast?  The Italian mafia.  She also worked with Irish mafia.  And, she was specializing in RICO, over transportation of foster kids (more state-guardian does deal with the mob stuff).  So the Italian doctor in Wenatchee who is possibly connected to Seattle Italians, are right next to Laura Laughlin who excused date rape and cut me off from even mentioning or trying to bring up a report of hate crime.

So Leon Panetta is Italian right?  What kind of Italian?  He was head of the CIA and now he's head of the Pentagon. 

So then Rick Baken, is also Italian.  He lives in Cashmere, next to Wenatchee. His wife works in oncology.  He's FBI and knows Laura Laughlin.

Thanks for another state-sponsored rape FBI.

Portland police followed Devin when I went with him to his house.  They were watching me, stalking me with hate in their eyes and then they drove up alongside Devin's car, and this man said, "Is everything alright?" and he knew Devin. Devin said yes.  This was not when I sa...I'm just now remembering I think there was a different time with Devin too.  I'm trying to remember how it was but I know I wrote about.  The police were stalking me and checking up with the person that I was in the car with.  He asked if everything was alright but he hated my guts and asked him, not me.

This is almost exactly what the Lake Oswego police did right before Josh Gatov raped me in 1998.

And then the 3rd time a group of police did this same thing, was then when I was in Wenatchee, trapped there, and they pulled up to the Italian doctor's house and asked him if everything was alright, and that was Wenatchee police.

Lake Oswego police, Portland police, and Wenatchee police, repeated the exact same thing with men who all knew eachother, and they did this 3 different times.  They asked the man if he was "alright" right before I was date-raped when they all knew I was intoxicated past ability to consent.

3 times--3 different police bureaus, from Oregon to Washington.

Oh, and by the way, these same people have concealed torture of Oliver Garrett.  Any clue about possible motives? 

Let's see.  Jonathan, Jew, knows Devin, and probably Gatov, connected to Dept. of Justice Catholics, and then it goes further, into Canada contacts.


  1. you are a whore. you are a prostitute.
    Stop blaming other people for your actions

  2. A whore or prostitute is a person that sells their body for money. I have never done this in my life.

    I have been raped by FBI agents after being stranded by women that I went dancing with, or going out with people I trusted who then turned out to be untrustworthy.

    Read the legal definition of rape and sexual abuse. It is what we use to "blame" criminals for crime.

  3. You are not a whore or a prostitute. You are an unfortunate soul who struggles with delusions of persecution and other psychotic type symptoms. People should feel sorry for you. I do and wish you well. May you some day conquer your inner demons and re-join society as a productive person.

  4. You're free to come to the defense of U.S. government workers, and you're not tortured for it either. Are you?
