Thursday, August 16, 2012

Announcement: Not Posting Comments (UPDATE)

This is an announcement that I am not going to be posting comments for awhile. I won't delete them, I will save them in my mailbox and possibly post at a later date. I will also attempt to go through my backlog of comments that need to be posted from the past, which got lost and then I haven't gotten through. If someone has something to post to me or email me about, with regard to evidence about those responsible for torturing me and/or my son, please feel free to email or send a comment and mark it "private". It won't be "private" because people read my mail, but I won't publish it online if you mark it this way. I am preparing for putting up youtube clips to familiarize people with who I am and I am considering streamin cam but might not do this. I am then planning to go on a hunger strike which I will document online. I am taking a break from publishing comments because I am also minimizing how many posts I make and I am trying to put the focus on torture and evidence of this. I am not in the mood to pretend like this has not been serious. This has ruined 10 years of my life, and has resulted in severe and excruciating torture for over 7 years. My son was kidnapped from me. There is no hope in the justice system. There is NO "hope". I do not have mental illness--I have been cut into with a knife, by people who knew people I thought were friends. They were not friends. I have had implants put into my body, and then been forced to work for others who observed me for my reactions to torture, triggered from remote locations. I have been tortured out of everything good and normal in life, including my own son. I have been held hostage in this country and forced to witness the State and federal agents bring my son to me, in visits, tortured and with evidence of torture, while Mormon police officers and other officers lied about it. UPDATED 3/22/2012 I wanted to let you know I haven't looked at the comment made by someone, about DHS. It was porn and I clicked it out right after it came up bc I was surprised by it. I was going to look, thinking maybe there is some message in it, but if you have a message, please send it in non-porn form, if possible. I found out later my son got up early and was watching t.v. and it was something "inappropriate" and I just have to avoid this right now. I do think I get some of the idea though...that DHS is involved in filming me (in past) or is involved with porn in some way. DHS as in Department of Homeland Security? or Department of Health? I'm thinking Dept. of Homeland Security. I thought of this tonight when I saw there is news of P. Harry nude with nude women in Vegas. I thought "Oh no." and I laughed, but I can't look at it, just as I can't look at these porn notes. But it was a good idea for a message.

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