Friday, August 17, 2012

Videoclips During My Hunger Strike (UPDATE)

UPDATE: I will be uploading links to videoclips of each day during my hunger strike. I'll include the first clip I made and then they will be in order. There is one from today, the 18th, and it is the third one. 1. 2. 3. I cry in these, but crying is a sign of distress, not of depression or mental illness. 4. Part 1. (I have two parts for today to give a longer clip.) Part 2. 5. There are 3 parts of one clip today, totalling about 41 minutes. I will make shorter ones, but for someone looking for consistency, here it is. In the second one I make an accidental comment and say "university of Washington" but I meant University of Utah. I think I've still been doped up with something possibly, too, because my body hair quit growing like normal and my eye is droopy (left eye). Not only has this country assaulted and tortured me, and kidnapped my son, they have illegally medicated me without my consent multiple times, and drugged me as well. They tortured me to keep me from being able to appeal the case for my son and they torture me now so why would I go to college? Have this country torture me while I'm in college and try to prove that if I'm even so-so in college, why didn't I appeal for my son? They are torturing me, that's why. They are criminals. This country is full of criminals. Also, I found out, you can go on a fast for 60 days. I found several sites last night, and I had thought 30 days was the maximum and that 40 was pushing it, but according to several health sites, with nurses included, you can go up to 60 days fasting with only water. Some people go for 90 days: (this made me cry) 6. August 21, 2012. 4 parts totalling 50 minutes (very long and dull to me, but describing migraines and how I discovered they were triggered by U.S. Department of Defense, and this also includes Portland Police treatment of my rape as a virgin at age 24). 7. August 22, 2012. I thought I would have 3 parts and possibly 4 but for now I'm putting up 2 parts, totaling 17 minutes or so. I describe corruption and what "clean torture" is, and touch on the motives of the FBI. I don't look tortured here, but I am still being tortured. I slept better than usual last night, but all day today...they know I'm fasting and they still used technology to create a suction on my heart and after maybe 5 days of not doing anything to affect my ear, they started that again. It's military. I live around military, I have been forced to work for military, and the CIA is involved in this kind of thing. The FBI just covers for them. Look at who has been covering things up? FBI employees that worked for the U.S. military. My Dad said last night, "Nothing is happening" and he knows it's a lie. Then today I picked up the phone and my mother's employer, Debbie Sweetwater-Burt, was on the other line and she knew when I picked up the phone bc I noticed her change in tone. She pretended not to know, just like the time she pretended not to know I was in the back of my mother's car on the way to a conference. Suddenly, she didn't want to ride with my mother to the Casino where their conference was, because she didn't like the idea of me hiding in the back of the car behind her. Hmmm...wonder why? When my own mother didn't know I was there, how did Debbie know? I got in on our own property and only if someone was spying on me, or if there was a hidden camera, they'd have seen me. So today, she heard the phone pick up but pretended not to and then she deliberately provoked me. She knew I was on the other line. I had picked it up because I had thought maybe it was the grocery man calling me about a special order I made--I was trying to snoop but then I stayed on. So she is talking about one person and the next and then says, "Oh you know how she is, Susan is bipolar like Cameo." (I guess, Susan Hayes). I then piped up, told her to "fuck off" (despite my fast) and hung up the phone. I thought I had hung it up but it ended up instead on "conference call" and I overheard both of them laughing at me. So first I'm "paranoid schizophrenic" and then Debbie, who talks to my Mom almost every day, is stating something she thinks is an accepted fact with my mother, that I'm "bipolar". So what is it? I have one group (FBI) that discredited me, along with Patrick Donovan with the Department of State, to Canada as "paranoid schizophrenic". Also, in TN, the FBI discredited me, when I had zero diagnosis of this, as such. So I get to Oregon and the FBI is initially I think making all these bogus promises to my parents. Now I'm "bipolar"? Paranoid schizophrenic works for those who want to totally discredit me and what the military is doing. It's the nuttiest of the nuts. Bipolar works for those who want an excuse for how I have no creativity anymore because I've been non-consensually medicated at various times, and I normally have high energy until I'm drugged or tortured. So it's another excuse to cover up the effects of torture. I have zero personality or psychiatric disorder other than some PTSD. How about that? I wonder why Debbie never wants to call it PTSD. The reason no one wants to admit to PTSD is because they refuse to take responsibility for their actions and the fact that THEIR "behavior" is what has created any anxiety or distress in my life. And aside from anxiety or distress, I have no disorder. I am tortured, almost daily. It is assault. I have never had any professional evaluation of ANY disorder and the two "quickies" I had that worked against me, were only 2 against 8 others that said I was normal. The court never allowed that evidence, and I never got anywhere because this country allowed torture of me during all court processes. So why exactly, did they quit only for the Colombian "Alvaro Pardo"? Really interesting, don't you think? Later tonight I randomly found a clip of this Virginia Tech shooter from 2007. This is the wiki, and the photo looks normal but in his self-made video, one of his eyes is droopy, indicating he is possibly a torture victim in the U.S. This might explain at least some of his unusual behaviors. You can find the video for him online if you want. You will see, his left eye is droopy compared to the right. It occurs during his speech of, "Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to defend..." 8. Here are posts from today, which discuss the first incident of obstruction of freedom of movement and also goes into how migraines were again used against me to keep me out of court next in Wenatchee. This demonstrates that what started in Oregon was carried over to Washington and then worse happened, but I haven't approached that topic yet, nor have I explained what form of torture is occuring while I've been fasting. There are 2 parts totaling about 19 minutes. 9. Posts for today, 3 totaling about 40 minutes. Description is with the first post. (topics: diamond theft, employment, car vandalisms, assault and vandalisms against good friend and others I knew, felony intimidation, date-rape). I may actually address date rape and the difference between having a drink with someone and agreeing to intimacy, and what date rape is. I think there are a lot of men that seem to need the education, as this DJ on the radio just made a joke about it and then imitated Josh Gatov's laugh. Again, Bowers (the DJ). I also think many women could use the validation. So possibly, I will discuss this and then move on past the part where my grandparents were threatened. 10. 2 clips totaling about 20 minutes. Description is with the first Part for August 25, 2012. 11. 4 clips totaling about 50 minutes. Description is with the first Part for August 26, 2012. I will clarify that I state I have not slept much because of insomnia from fasting and not torture, but there still has been torture at night. See most recent (updated) post about "Torture NOW" for further information. 12. Here are clips for August 27, 2012. I took a tangent to describe the frustration of invalidation of actual torture, and briefly touched on some of the military surroundings (I left out about 50% of the rest of the info on it, like the military moving in with me, renting from me, moving in next door to me after I'm in a new neighborhood, but maybe later...). 13. This clip made me laugh watching it over. I was still trying to position my head into the frame of the camera. The hair...well no, I didn't wear it this way downtown of course, I put it back up in my wreath braiding across the head. I wore it this way because it was my son's first day of school and I had something similiar done to my hair as a kid for my first day of school. It wasn't loopy though--it was tight braided buns on either side of my head. I mention what brought me to the Abbey, in case some wondered, but I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about it. I wanted to add this, along with my explanation of what my character was and my celibacy history, to preface why the Willamette Week article was defamatory and portrayed me as someone 100% different than reality. My fast is going okay, and I don't feel ill or anything. I've done a lot of educated research on it. I read about long fasts and signs of when to stop (some people vomit after day 18, to release toxins and the meds say if it lasts past 7 days, to quit), and how to safely break a long fast (no solids, 50/50 juice/water but not fruit juice bc it will give you a blood sugar spike...diluted green drinks are okay). I've noticed some healing inn my body already. Although I look skinnier, other things are correcting. My thrust infection showed up exactly where it was after I nursed my son but it's improving--they say you have to starve the yeast. I really don't think it's tinea versicolor. It's a systemic thrush. The marks are in only the exact same spots as when I nursed my son and we got it. I don't feel any temptation with food. I think it helps being a disciplined vegan. As a vegan I like the smell and sight of meat and dairy dishes, but having learned to control myself, I am not tempted and with fasting it's feeling the same way. I can be around food and smell it and think of it, and not crave it or be tempted. Slight hunger pangs here and there but nothing big. Sore throat cleared up and old cigarette tar from lungs came up in phlegm yesterday. I only smoked 2 months and lightly, and it was 2 years ago, and this brought some residue up. Yesterday, lots of energy. Today, I was very drained but not staggering or light-headed or ill. 14. 2 part videoclip for today, describing initial origin of defamation to law enforcement and 1st suggestion (and desire) to have me designated as mentally ill. 14th day of my fast. One correction is that I said I didn't remember if I had returned a book or it was stolen, but I remembered it was returned in person and then after I returned it, they said it was missing. I told them this at the time it happened as well. I am 100% positive I had returned it. So, someone had it "missing" after it was back in Abbey property. I will try to speed it up to the torture and obstruction of justice from this point forward. I don't need to rehash everything I've already blogged about and I want to get straight to the state-sponsored torture more immediately. I've been dragging this out. This more detailed description in the beginning however, will make it easier to understand the other things I bring up that are more shocking and to the point. 15. I wanted to speed it up and again, a little less than 20 minutes! I am working towards concise clips of 1 part so let's try again tomorrow. These clips describe unlawful use of police against me and what the citations were that were issued and why they were unlawful (Section 1983). 15th day of my fast. Boy do I look better with maskara. I don't think I'll do another clip without it. I am really being tortured again, as of last night. Burning to my chest, which quits only if I hold my hand up against my chest, and all day and all night, the microwave technology that causes benign fasciculations in legs and feet. 16. Today is August 31, 2012. "Zack" with put on the song "Paradise" by Coldplay just as I was calling my mother. I noticed for the first time, that this song includes a little quick "clapping" rhythm that I did at a party with British and a bunch of Jewish assholes. I clapped to this beat and this couple next to me was Jewish and mocking me. There were African-Americans, latinos, British, and others there. It was for my fiance's birthday and I went out and danced and clapped to this beat even after I had just witnessed the asshole kissing a woman behind my back (Jennie). I saw him kiss her when I was walking away and he didn't think I was watching. I turned my head for some reason and caught him. Instead of crying or being upset, I ignored him, went out to the dance floor, and partied without him and then there was this clapping in one section and everyone was staring at me like they were shocked. Then I danced with the British man with a British accent after a man who was African-American and I think a musician. Alvaro Pardo medicated me without my consent. I forgot to add that to my clip today but I can address that later. I hate him. He also worked to hold me hostage and keep me from reporting CIA employees that whacked my back. I took footage of the damage to my back today and will upload this. I have an enormous lump on my back from where she struck me with a military blow. She was a head police officer for Nigeria and her sons were CIA employees. Alvaro prevented me from going to court to challenge her petition for "restraining" order against ME, after she broke bones in my back. I developed a huge bone lump from raised bone after it, the size of a golf ball. It's very obvious, and you can compare the two sides and see the difference. Alvaro was a 1st class FRAUD. He protected people working for the CIA who physically assaulted and caused damages, he tried to set me up to go to prison for marriage fraud, and he worked for the FBI. Most likely he was also connected to Middletons. The FBI gives my information to Kate Middleton, but not me. So today my parents told me they'd called "mental health". The man saw that clearly there was nothing wrong with me and said he'd check back in 2 weeks to see if I was eating and how I was, and that if my health declined before this, they'd have a nurse come out to do vitals. I was cleared of any mental illness or physical illness. This threw me off-track from discussing the things I had prepared to discuss so that will be tomorrow. (clip after mental health eval) I am being tortured tonight starting about 7 p.m. and when I left my house and it was only targeting my heart and under my sternum, all the way to my parents house, I realized something was put in my chest that is another thing that is being accessed by remote means. There is no reason for it to be just my chest and that specific part unless they put something there specifically. I am trying to look up classes at SWOCC and I wrote down my ID and password in a notebook and it's not accepting it. So I guess I have to wait 3 days to call and find out what's wrong. This is the 2nd time I've had this problem with login at SWOCC. The last time they confirmed I knew the correct ID but it wasn't accepting it and saying it was wrong. Yeah. I just tried the user name I had with the right password and it wouldn't work and then I found my number ID and it's not taking that either. No problem. I will check in a few days. I looked at Will Wagler's facebook profile tonight. I didn't think first or focus at all and just thought, "I think the photo has changed and I think he looks tired." It's a cartoon. New photo, but no actual photo of him. Maybe he's tired in reality. About the physical aspects of is day 16. I felt very good today. A couple of days ago I felt depressed like something was wrong and then sure enough, I was then being assaulted and couldn't upload some evidence I had. I had a really dry mouth the last couple of days but it was better today. I made sure I was hydrated and returned water that had a weird effect on my eye. I had sort of sagging skin around my stomach and thought, "Oh my gosh, that is horrible" and it was this way until this morning. ? Very strange. It was like overnight my skin quit sagging. I mean, for several days, it looked the same and was from weight loss and then this morning I looked and only a couple of wrinkles. I didn't think it was even possible for skin to shrink back like that. I think this is good for my stomach bc I had a stomach muscle separation from getting so fat in pregnancy and I think this encourages it to go back together. I am wearing size 10 girls jeans. That sounds horrible too, but it's not as bad as it sounds. (I guess I should take a photo to prove I'm not skeletal)
They're very stretchy and comfortable. They're too short so I roll them up, but they feel good. I was bothered by the eye drooping so I took 6 capsules of charcoal. I did it with care because that could be extremely dangerous when fasting. Charcoal absorbs nutrients as well as chemicals. But after I did, I felt better, no more droopy eye, and no more dry mouth either. I'm not taking vitamins. It's a 100% water fast except for 6 capsules of charcoal today to correct the chemical imbalance. 17. Today is Day 17 of my fast. Whew! I put this shirt on today that my mother gave me, with a large O in the front and then did my hair. Sort of messy today, and after I braided it, I looked at the back and there was a large O loop of hair in the middle at the nape of my neck. 7:22 p.m. I had 1 cup diluted juice with water after I was manipulated and lied to. I was thinking of going back to the fast in that case, but actually, I had already thought about quitting it today so I guess I am stopping the fast because of my already-low weight. If I weighed more I'd keep going. Also, I'm being tortured tonight with the suctioning pressure to my heart and for the last several days it's been non-stop microwaving. The one form they have continued is microwaves or MRI. It's what has caused the benign fasciculations and what the military is doing to people to research and torture. This has been happening all day and all night which might be why my energy level is so low--it's not the fast. I'm being tortured still, by the DOD/DOE. The Department of Energy is involved because they work with NASA and the DOD. The man at the top is Chinese. Robin Bechtold's wife is also Chinese and not that I can prove anything, but the torture has been worse recently, even while I'm fasting. Here's the killer: He was at Berkeley in California the same time Scardino was in the area (June Smith as well, the later wife of Arthur Smith who secured a nice Church of England job after they moved to Texas once they had overseen an illegal microchip implantation of me in 1995). June stepped down from her Anglican job after I filed a Writ of Habeas Corpus naming the FBI and others for torture. She's always known who has been involved. He also went to Stanford where "Sandy" went to college, the one with the British contacts and ex-British wife, and Chu's second man is another British kiss-ass who went to Oxford and is Catholic (Daniel Poneman). Also, Chu has connections with Cornell, which is where most of the "discreet" observers of torture against me from remote locations have been from. Cornell. These people are so inter-connected it's not even funny. It's like a bunch of clams packed into a can. Sort of like the "Little Rock, AK" phenomenon where all these President's and Presidential wives are coming out of Little Rock and still paying tithes to England at the same time. I need my strength for uploading the rest of the CTs and exposing the military/DOD and FBI more effectively on youtube. (what follows below is text from something I wrote that went with the second videoclip, from the 17th) Here is the video clip of me from today, for today. I say, in the clip, it's August 18th, but it was accidental. It's the 17th. I will upload more CTs as soon as possible. Today I have a bunch of things to do, but I will get to more of it, and more research, hopefully this weekend. I will be 38 years old in October. I have better looking weeks, but I am sure I will only look much older and less attractive esp. with the hunger strike. My son's right to damages for medical malpractice are expired by his 7th year. He is now 6. I have been saying I've been tortured for almost a decade. That's not even true. It's closer to 2 decades. It was since 1995. And people have tried to kill me since 1992. In 1992 I was run off the road in extremely dangerous settings. Then I was being targeted while at my high school. This is also the first time I remember any reference of Kate Middleton coming up. I had no idea who he was, er, she was. But she was first figuring in, with people I knew, in the U.S., in 1992. Then I was being run off the road to be killed. In 1995 I had my car hijacked by Mike Nichols and he tried to kill me. When you are 21 years old, you don't realize what the definition of "hijacking" is. I didn't realize even that it was a crime but I know I was shocked. My friend Monica is still alive. She would agree with me about how many times I asked him to pull over, and let one of us drive. I finally said, after a half hour of this, pull over now, it's my car. I even had to say, "It's MY car" and he refused. I then told Monica, "I think we need to pray." I had a bad feeling and now I realize, I wouldn't have had that intuitive bad feeling, if it wasn't coming from Mike and I wasn't picking up on bad intentions. He hijacked my car and then only when my seatbelt was off, did he jerk the car around to have it roll. If my seatbelt had been off, I would have died. It's not as though there are some unwilling to die for a "cause" or a pay-out to their family or some other group. When I did not die, the opportunity was then taken to implant me with microchips in 1995. From that point on, I was tortured by the U.S. It is now 2012. It has been 17 years. For 17 years the U.S. has used microchips to track me and target me for torture. They have stolen the best years of my life. 17 years. First it was migraines being triggered, in 1996, with Del Balzo's observing. I remember what the example was that she gave me, of what kind of work she did, by the way...She gave more than one. Then the migraines were escalated to obstruct me from court and it was state-sponsored (U.S. sponsored) obstruction of justice. There were several other assassination attempts. Then, beginning with defamation of me by FBI, people felt free to torture me full time, after another implant was added by a military dentist. Then, in 2006, it was full blown torture. Most of the stalking and obstruction came in 2002. This is the same year Kate Middleton began dating William of Wales. I can think of one other possible attempt on my life, when I was in junior high, before we moved from Moses Lake to Sherwood, Oregon. It was in Moses Lake and I believe it was a car that was running Barbara Maiers off the road. I was in the van with her kids. It was icy or snowy but we all know how to drive in that weather over there. That was in 1990 or a little earlier. She started screaming. It wasn't just a slick road, we were being run off the road. She screamed and said, "Kids, get your pants on!" Put your clothes on. Put your pants on. She was run off the road by an oncoming vehicle and it was slick so she went down a slope into the field below the road. When Mike started to steer in the same direction, off the shoulder of the road, I thought he was going to drive down into the field like Barbara had done, because it's what I'd have done. But it was intentional. I remember the look on Mike Nichol's face before he jerked the wheel back to flip the car. He looked back at me. The Canadians moved in. Middletons friends moved to Moses Lake, next to Katie Fallon's parents, across the street from the Maiers. We moved to Sherwood, Oregon. It was fine for about 2 years until Janet Bechtold felt offended. Then in 1992, I had people trying to kill me again. By 1995, after I hadn't been killed, the U.S. took the opportunity to implant me so they could torture me. And that's what they did. For 17 years. I prayed last night before bed that God would help me remember what examples Mary Del Balzo gave me for projects she was working on. She had told me some of them were "top secret" and she couldn't share with anyone. We didn't have this conversation until close to the time I was targeted at their house and they were there to observe me. This morning I woke up and remembered. She said Intel was working on a program where the internet could be remotely accessed by the t.v. Then, she mentioned other remote control ideas, carefully. She was testing me. When she found out I had mentioned the internet-t.v. idea, she freaked out and got mad at me, telling me it was "Corporate SECRETS". It was nothing. The real "secret" was that she was a criminal. She knew I was implanted. I am listening to "power FM" right now and the current radio DJ, Jason Bowers, just commented about a man saying, "he...can barely speak a clear sentence". Which could be a great "sequeway" into how my son has been tortured and some have enjoyed rubbing this in my face. After I was tortured, my son was tortured. This country has a major criminal problem that is not going to go away until someone else is in charge in every way, in the departments responsible, and they begin routing out those using state protection to torture citizens. Mary Del Balzo was talking to me about remote controlled programs for Intel in 1996, at the same time she observed how "teletorture" or remote controlled triggers worked to target and torture me. The University Hospital that did it, in 1995, got multi-millions of dollars in combined private grants and government grants, after they implanted me, in 1996. They became certified to be a "telesurgery" (remote location operated surgery) in 1996, which is programs run by the Department of Defense and NASA. This was when I was getting a little card from "Katie" with her "sympathies", which had more to do with adults getting in their triumphant joke, than the Katie that actually sent it to me (who I didn't even know).

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