Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Torture of my Dad: Agent Fowler and Agent Louis Freeh

When my Dad got home today, I saw him and his face looked okay. An hour and a half later, he had extremely deep impressions around his eyes and they were purple, pink, and black. Then he asked me to give him the phone saying, "You lost your phone privileges for 3 days" and said not to use "fowl" oops, foul language. I said, "I'm not a kid. You want me to give you my phone and be in more danger than I already am?" and he said, "Keep it up and you'll lose your computer privileges." They're threatening my Dad. Fowler is a major problem here. He is in charge of FBI in this state and he has a military background. Also, we're still being tortured with a technology that causes a suctioning feeling of the heart. It was going on for days, even while I fasted, and then I walked up the road where "Big Boobs" lives and it wasn't happening there at all. It was only on our property. Big Boobs is the blond who has come onto our property, who my mother was afraid of the first time I observed her approaching, and she's been in my house without my permission. She goes to the Methodist church. I think my Dad was telling me that the U.S. government was about to shut down all my communications again to prevent me from putting anything up online. They are literally criminals. What is frightening is that we live in the same state where I was first assaulted and it's not a small deal. They use my parents for research, along with me, here, and it is not a small thing. They have this town swarming with intel and government employees, and then today for some reason, it was tons of hispanics. Why a bunch of hispanics are in town today I don't know. There is a very low hispanic population here and I took a short walk inside of town and they were all inside of the town, not passing through on the highway. According to my blogger stats right now (I don't know if they're accurate or not), the main population reading my blog isn't even hispanics, or at least not ones from out of the area. I know they like Debbie Sweetwater-Burt because she launders money with her business and then takes vacations to Mexico. Since Katie Middleton is connected to a Mexican mother, and Debbie is involved with that group, and with Bechtolds, it makes sense possibly that they want to drive over from Coos Bay whenever they think I offended one of their little breadwinners. Hardly anyone from Mexico, at least through obvious channels, is reading my blog. I am sure government has more secretive ways of monitoring, or private individuals do, of going to sites and not being detected somehow. The stats say it's US, UK, Japan, Germany, and a few other countries. I'm going to put up the post about Kate Middleton again for tonight and then I'll reserve it to draft again. I don't think they'd put Fowler over here from New York if they didn't think he could be a threat to my family and a "safety" to those who have participated in assaulting me. Since I've lived here in Coquille, I've been watched and experimented on. I've been horribly tortured and then I can't even leave my house without a bunch of people following me around or watching to see which side of the road I walk on, where I cross the road, if I talk to someone or not, and what I do. They lay out their "markers" for this crap just like my parents do (they're forced to do this for the US) and like the woman did with me in TN when they locked me in a federal facility to put me in a glass room and have a woman trying out her predictive abilities on me. I said then, "This is degrading treatment and in violation of Geneva Convention" and then I move over here and it's the exact same thing, except they don't have me in a glass room. They're still ignoring thelaw, and now they use me for research with the idea that I'm out in public so they can do what they want. It's true I'm in public, however, the fact that I'm being tortured while this is going on, is illegal. It's 100% military and Agent Fowler was moved over here to be 100% involved in it. He is contributing to felony crime. HE is the "FBI" and yet they break the law and allow research and torture of citizens and think they are above the law. Patrick Donovan. This is a name I haven't mentioned much before. He was in charge of "Diplomatic Services" until 2009 and this is a division of the Department of State which was/is headed by Hilary Clinton. Whenever there is an international dispute involving a child (I was in Canada asking for political asylum and instead of giving me a hearing for this, I was arrested and Canadian officials negotiated with U.S. officials on how to return us with an appearance of authority), the Department of State is involved. Patrick Donovan was in charge of DSS. I was implanted with microchips until Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was President, with ties to Kerry; Louis Freeh was FBI Director (oh just let me guess...Fowler and Freeh once worked together right?!); and Leon Panetta was an advisor to Bill Clinton. A Catholic man I believe, was leading some area of Defense and then there was the British man in charge of Directorate of Intelligence. I think we should look into Fowler and Freeh's connections because I'll put money on it, before I even check, that they know eachother and are connected to this. He was sent here to back up crimes committed under Freeh. Okay, first preliminary search: The wiki does not include the fact Mr. Louis Freeh was a U.S. Army Reserve. Wiki on Freeh excludes any military connection. This page does not: He was a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserves. He's connected to New Jersey people (including his father moved the family to Hudson, where current military director Dempsey is from) and to New York people. He was close to Joe Biden, Daniel Monyhan, and Sam Nunn. His bio proves the FBI often works double jobs, taking work outside of the FBI offices as well as working for the FBI. He worked as an FBI attorney while he also taught as a professor at Fordham University (I'm sure he mentioned his FBI job was mentioned in class). Yup. I'm right. They worked together. Neener neener? He's U.S. Marine Corps--Fowler is: Wow. It looks like I would have won the money doesn't it? They worked together, intimately. Both Agent Fowler and Agent Louis Freeh worked for NY FBI offices, in the exact same division (Organized Crime), at the same time. They worked together, for years. Agent Louis Freeh joined FBI in 1975, then Washington D.C. He then went back to New York and worked as a U.S. attorney for Organized Crime cases and also was the Chief of Organized Crime, from 1981-1993. Agent Gregory Fowler joined FBI in 1988, and was in the New York division for Organized Crime from 1988-1998. He first worked in Organized Crime in New York with Freeh, then in Organized Crime with Freeh in D.C., and then later he was involved in "counterterrorism". They worked in the same group at the same time, for over 10 years together. Both were in the military, with Freeh a U.S. Army Reserve and Fowler a Marine. Agent Fowler was sent over here to cover for Freeh's dirty work and those who helped to torture me in this state first, and then Washington. He was sent over here to be reinforcement for continued crimes against my family and to be back-up for those who intimidate and torture us. Fowler is also connected to Seattle's Laura Laughlin (aka "Julie Thornton") and specialized in "counterterrorism" at the same time. Then I make a report about a couple of Portland agents in 2004 and who interviews me? A man from Palo Alto/San Francisco, CA and a man from D.C. Headquarters who is, of COURSE, U.S. military again. He wrote up a report to make me sound crazy and then I was tortured worse. Why did torture against me stop when I dated Alvaro Pardo? Um...does anyone have the phone number for Agent Louis Freeh? Because you could give him a call, Mr. Fucking Bank of America-maybe-this-will-cover-for-my-shitty-sins. Where Freeh is now. In October of 2009 Freeh went to Italy to get Italian citizenship. When I tried to get the attention of the UN, Fowler broke out his torture-and-assault crew to beat up my parents and we were all brutally tortured by military technology last winter. Then an Italian guy is sending a letter to the UN, warning them and asking them "who is giving money to the UN?" knowing they knew the U.S. was the largest contributor to funds for the poor, including trade deals going to Eastern India. Panetta was certaintly thinking ahead. He didn't bother thinking up a trade deal of billions for India until after I started blogging about how I might have to go to the UN. He knew the head of the UN at the time was from Eastern India. They are bribing anyone and everyone. Agent Fowler also got promoted to Washington D.C. to work in Organized Crime from 1998-2000, which is during the time Freeh was Director of the FBI (from 1993-2001). They worked together, in the same departments and locations and locations, about 12 years. Must be real unfriendly to eachother. According to this site, Freeh was a U.S. Army Reserve from 1985 up until at least 2000-something. So he was active duty or a member, and not retired at the time I was implanted with microchips. He was a JAG member. They both worked out of New York where the bitch Mary Del Balzo is from, who then observed me, along with Carl, for effects of torture after I was implanted. These people worked in "Organized Crime" and yet they destabilized my entire life in an act of organized crime. Karin's relative also worked out of New York. Here is the part about his being in JAG and how long he's been U.S. Army Reserve. The last time I saw someone from JAG, it was a woman Chris Dabney was hooking up with and buying her multiple drinks at The Post Pub in D.C. After I blogged about her, and about the Italian AG or head for CPS in D.C., I was treated like crap and my work was being interfered with. I was then fired and then my unborn baby was murdered, by U.S. military. So from here, skipping over this a moment, I went to Diplomatic Security Services, which is the part of law enforcement within the Department of State that interferes with mother-and-child attempts to get political asylum. Hillary was not yet head of Department of State, it was Condoleeza Rice. The DSS is the group that goes international and defames people as "fugitives" or gets involved in child kidnappings abroad. I did not kidnap my child and they all knew this, but it was an excuse made to interfere. The person in charge of DSS at that time was "Gregory B. Starr". I think there may be a possible connection between him and our lovely Mr. Kenneth Starr. I won't put money on it, but it's a good guess. Gregory B. Starr was in charge from March of 2007 until 2008. Then it was Patrick Donovan, and after this, right after my son's face was cut open at a visit at a state office, Jeffrey "Cutler" was then assigned. Jeffrey is the pseudo-name I gave my son while we were in Canada. I haven't found that much on Gregory B. Starr yet. However, if this man with DSS is connected to Kenneth Starr, we have a political question here. Kenneth Starr was the one who decided Vince Foster's death was a "suicide", and before I went to Canada, I blogged about Vince Foster and how I believed it was NOT a "suicide". I didn't know Kenneth Starr led the inquiry, it's just something I felt was right, intuitively and looking at the background. So then Kenneth is working for a D.C. branch of an L.A. law firm, and then he's in California in 2004 as dean of Pepperdine. After this, he gets a job offer from Marjorie Scardino's alma mater, Baylor University. (side note, Gregory B. Starr, Kenneth Starr, and Scardino all went to George Washington University before getting involved with L.A.). They are all about the same age too. Did they all sit next to eachother in class and pass notes? Kenneth Starr was presiding as president at Baylor and the College of Medicine when I was there, getting x-rays of my hand after federal detention for experimentaton. Threats were made from there, about giving me a "spinal tap". K. Starr's inauguration as president of Baylor was on September 17, 2010, with a Stephen L. Carter speaking (from Ithaca, NY, where Cornell is). I think having someone with the name Stephen "Carter" is symbolic and interesting don't you? This man is black, so he's not related to Lynda Carter, but it's still fascinating. Kenneth Starr also defended Blackwater, a U.S. military group, so he is involved with military and in pay outs from them rather than the average citizen like me. Gregory B. Starr was born in New York and worked at the New York field office in security detail. He also worked in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) among other places, and spent the most time abroad working security for the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel. Oh, by the way! Kenneth Starr's wife is Jewish. She supposedly converted to christianity but they never really convert. It's like believing a Catholic converted to Protestantism. The genuine case of this is extraordinarily rare. Usually a conversion of this nature, esp where politics are involved, is political. (oh and by the way, after a lull in torture that suctions my chest, while writing about FBI, as of about 9:30 p.m., since writing about DSS, the torture is on again--pretty much starting at the point where I wrote Jeffrey Cutler took office with DSS around the same time my son's face was chopped into with a knife)

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