Thursday, August 23, 2012

Continued Assault & Torture While Fasting (UPDDATE)

The U.S. has continued to torture and assault me while I'm fasting. I didn't notice anything last night but I woken up with jolts to one ear and then after I got up, it was the suctioning of my heart technology. I went up the road the other day and this effect stopped immediately. It's only being used over our property. If I walk between my house and my parents house, it's present. If I go up the road where all the military and FBI neighbors live, it stops and there is no effect or use of technology there at all. Someone needs to kill the persons who are responsible for this. I don't care how they die, they are violating domestic and international laws and are commiting crimes of torture. I feel it's the end of the road for them. They have had how many requests, how many warnings, how many negotiations, and they still commit these atrocious crimes. They need to be killed as soon as possible. It has something to do with ionizing technology at least a little because when I took the lithium battery out of my laptop, the level of intensity dropped, but it was still there, and I still have the area around my chest suctioning out. I feel this is a favor to Bechtolds again. If you track who is responsible, you will find they are connected in some way to the Becthold (Bechtel) family. This is a form of torture they came up with, to mock me over something I used to show Robin Bechtold. While in a bathing suit in high school, I sucked in the area under my ribs and told him, "Look, you can see my heart beating." You could see the movement of my heart, and outline of the shape. I remember it made an impression on him. Anyone else I showed this to was when I was in jr. high and they have nothing to do with people connected to technology. It's Robin. So whether it's Robin's "aerospace industry" friends and contacts, or Department of Justice/Defense contacts, this is a newer form of technology that's been used to assault me for the last month. They are still using this and it has to stop. Kill them. ******************* UPDATED: 7:42 P.M. 8/23/2012 I had someone write a comment around 12:45 p.m., which is after I left my house for a walk in public. Tons of people driving by. They said this post was "inappropropriate" and used other disparaging remarks and said if it continued they'd call police and have them force me to take meds. I find it very interesting that then the news wants to put up a huge story about, specifically, "Holmes" and how he made threats and was "banned" from something. This is more spin, used by media that supports federal government and their shitty criminal friends. Do you know how many powerful individuals are behind what's been done to me? What they don't like is that in my last post on youtube, I said I was going to give further facts and "name names" later. They don't like this idea because they committed crimes and don't want to be incriminated. I am nothing like Holmes or any other mass murderer. I am vegan because I respect animal rights, and I am anti-abortion even in the case of rape, because I believe the child is an actual human being and doesn't deserve to be killed. Why kill innocent life? However, last night, in a response to an email I got from Obama's people, from a woman talking about rape and those who call women sluts over it and discredit them, I wrote back. I said I also respected women's rights and I respect her views and consider myself to be a feminist. I added I do not believe in abortion because I believe the fetus is a living human being and is innocent and doesn't deserve to be killed, and then I said, as for those who torture others? Kill away if it ends the suffering of innocent people. How hypocritical would it be to say this is "inappropriate" when our country wages war on masses of people in other countries and tortures their own citizens? I am for peace, but when it comes to repeated torture of others? What kind of a peaceful person would I be to say, "Oh, it's okay, you go ahead and keep torturing all these people. I won't kill you even though we've asked you to stop and given you warnings to stop, for years." Anyone who tortures citizens in this country is a criminal and the worst kind. They deserve death. Yes, they should be killed. Are you going to say other torturers, in other countries, deserve death, but not a U.S. citizen? If that U.S. citizen is defying the laws, they need to be killed. Period. I do not retract my statement. Do I have power to kill, myself? No, I do not. If I found out exactly who was doing this, under U.S. law, I would have a right to defend myself if they came near me, however, in self-defense. I'm tired of the hypocrisy and now, it's more of the same from the Pentagon and Leon Panetta, using media to create his own fear factor for others, trying to link me with Holmes, just as he and some others were trying to link me to Iran. As if I'm a mass murderer, mentally ill, or a terrorist or enemy. They are the enemy. They don't like the fact that my videos prove I'm a normal, sane, person, and they don't like what this is going to lead up to. This person that made a comment then posted again after 7 p.m. or so, after news on Fox News and other media was made, about Holmes, and warnings and bannings. This person said now they were calling police. Why? Because they are too tired to think for themselves and are paranoid over the fact that I am a victim of torture and I'm speaking about it? By the way, Chris Rozollo, is a terrorist, home-grown. He has harmed me and my family and my son. There is a reason I mention him but I'm not going to get into it now. Kill them. Definitely. Whoever knows who is responsible for torturing me and my son, who continues to do this, I am absolutely in my right mind when I make a statement world-wide to anyone who is capable, to kill them. Sooner than later. By the way, my being banned from a medical clinic had nothing to do with me--I was asking them about my son's health and they had committed malpractice in the birth of my son. Then they vaccinated my son and gave him a double dose of one vaccine and refused to give me his records, even when I went to VAERS over it. So no, it had nothing to do with me or how I acted, they didn't like the fact that I kept asking for my son's medical records and he was sick and THEY refused to give me his records! Don't assume anything. Oh. I get it. It was a hint. Sorry, I thought it was an insult but at least it's good I address the media thing a little (just in case). I think the person that wrote was reminding me of what happened when I was being harassed by a law firm and then said, "That's it, I'm filing for anti-harassement" after they then involved my Grandparents and threatened THEM (my poor grandparents, who had NOTHING to do with my lawsuits at all, got this plain, no address on the front manilla envelope containing a letter from John Kaempf with the Bullivant firm, and I was stunned. It was more like mafia than law firm. Sort of like that John Grisham movie The Rainmaker, where they're getting harassing mail.). And he...? or Dick Whittemore, I think it was Dick, not John, used condescending language when addressing me all the time...Maybe it was John (would have to think) about "behavior" and "inappropriate" as if I were a child...just law firm psychological demeaning tactics. They basically try to freak you out or ruin your self esteem like WWF wrestlers and boxers sometimes at a match. Snarling, picking at you, laughing at you to make you believe they are superior and you are worthless...the same thing happens with legal stuff. What I didn't appreciate, was that they involved my grandparents and threatened them. I thought that was a little strange and out of place too.) Will touch on that later. ************************* My Dad looks tortured again tonight after being away today. He wasn't earlier today, because I saw him and his face was normal. Then I left to pick up something from the grocery store and when I got back his car was gone. The next time I saw him, tonight, both of his eyes are impressed and blackened. The military is doing something horrible to him and I wouldn't doubt it if Chris Rozollo is involved somehow. Also, Patty Otterbach's car was in our driveway all day and she was out with my mother the whole time.

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