Friday, August 24, 2012

Mom Pressured To "Commit Me" for Fasting (UPDATE)

This is really getting bizarre. My mother said today she was going to "commit me" for fasting. She said she was contacting people about it today. Whether she did or not I don't know. There is nothing illegal about fasting and nothing mentally ill about fasting. In fact, I worked outside in the garden today, and weeded out a section I hadn't gotten to, and I went for a 2 mile walk. Earlier today she said this and said I looked too skinny and then later tonight she opened the door with horribly blackened eyes and deep impressions around them and then she told me to quit fasting, saying "You're too skinny; you look like a skeleton." Then she added, "You don't even look like you." Yes I do, I look like me. What do you all want? Curly hair? You look like a skeleton. I said this to Chris Dabney one night when I woke up and he was lying in bed in the dark with moonlight across his face and jagged breathing and the hollows of his cheekbones and everything standing out. In that moment, he really suddenly looked skeletal. I said to him, "you look like a skeleton." He woke up and I said this. I am not skeletal. I've fasted longer than this before, and I've been thinner and weighed less than this before. The only thing negative I noticed, is that I'm still bleeding from the D&C and it was obviously never done right. Not lots of bleeding, but mild and minor bleeding that is not from my menstrual cycle and is the same kind of bleeding I had after the surgery which never quit. I had my period anyway, the full thing, and I'm not in "perimenopause"--I was checked for horomone levels only a few years ago and told they were at the same level as someone in their 20s. I'll ask my Mom tonight if I can weigh on her scale. I am probably 110. I've been 100 lbs before and looked great. I have very small bone structure and I'm 5'4". I could be at 75 lbs and it's inhuman. People need to leave me alone as I say what I have to say. If you don't like it, you shouldn't have done the horrible things you've done to me and my son, and it shouldn't be continuing. ******************************* UPDATE: I checked online to see what is normal for my height, 5'4". I was actually 5'4" 1/2, almost 5'5", prior to my auto accident, or maybe it after my accident. I was measured by several docs and that's what it was without shoes. Then I shrunk a little, somehow, ? maybe with my neck repair settling but I also remember this one doctor getting literally mad that I claimed I was 5'4" and a half and called me a liar and said smugly, "You're NOT 5'4", you're 5'4"!!" and he was then the first doc to record me that way (sort of strange, no?). He acted so strangely about it, like he WANTED me to measure shorter for some reason, and I thought it was very odd. It was maybe when I first got to Wenatchee or just before. So, actually, if you want to be technical about my weight, you can throw that extra 1/2 inch back into my frame. I checked online and women of even 5'4" weigh as low as 75 lbs healthfully (teenagers). I found several. Of course, I think they could gain at least 10 lbs, but there was a whole range of what is healthy. So I weighed myself today and I was 99 lbs. Today is August 25, 2012. This is not abnormal for me at a healthy weight. I weighed this much after my auto accident and I weight about 75-85 at this approximate height as a teenager.

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