Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Avila's & My Mother's Family: Zero Contact With My Own Son

I have to make a post about the Avilas. I have had zero contact with my son since my "rights were terminated" which was an illegal act by the United States federal fuckers. The federal government of the U.S. is responsible for torturing both me and my son and they are responsible for kidnapping him from me, using a fraudulent claim of mental illness as an excuse. The Avilas never should have been the family my son was placed with. He never should have been taken from me to start, but when he was, it was a conflict of interest to the parental bond and rights of the mother and child, from the start. Since the Avila's have "legally adopted" my son (an adoption which is a fraud), they have provided me with zero information about him. Since my aunt complained to CPS about me when I was in D.C., after I said I was going to report her for arguing with me over the phone while my son could hear, she and Michelle Erickson colluded to have my rights to even speak to my son over the phone terminated. I have had zero phone calls with my son, zero interaction, for years now. This country has broken every law there is, allowed my son to be assaulted, cut up, punched in the face, and denied medical care he needs to correct damages that were done to him in Wenatchee, and adopted him out to family members that hated me from the start. Holly Avila was never on my side and we have never gotten along--ever. At the time my son and I left for Canada, she was hateful and hostile torwards me because she felt I was the reason my Dad was considering a split from my Mother. Since my mother is her best friend, and since my mother had already sent me a letter with Barb Greenman's encouragement (Barb is FBI) to "cut me off", and saying she "didn't love me anymore", they both treated me disdainfully at that time. My entire family hated me so much, when I returned from Canada, I was told spitefully that if I wanted to get back to Wenatchee to see my son, to hitchhike. They knew I had about $30 on me and told me it my problem if I didn't have a hotel to stay at, after being dumped over the border. My parents work for the military and either the FBI or CIA. I am not sure whether it's FBI or CIA, but they work for one of them and I am positive part of it is with military intelligence programs. Today was my son's first day at school and I asked how it was, and was there any information and I was told yes, but I don't get to hear about it until I "start eating". Today is the 13th day of my fast, and this has nothing to do with them. After being pressured all night tonight about it, I said, "This is not your fast. When it's your fast, you can make decisions for yourself about that. This is my fast and I will decide for myself when to quit." She then informed me that she called a "mental health" person yesterday or a day before and she was out for a walk when he called and she missed it. So then she said he tried again and it was something else, or she tried calling him and left a message. She said if I did not start eating, they would commit me. I said, "I already turned marriage down." She said what are you talking about, I said we'd commit you. I said, "Yeah, and I already said no to marriage." She said they would take me away to a little small room and I cut in to say, "--to what? put a ring on my finger?" My Dad said I wasn't making any sense and I said, "Let's see, if I'm not committed I get committed. Yes, it makes sense." The Department of State was involved in recruiting Alvaro Pardo and he was already an FBI agent. You don't have to be a U.S. citizen to be an agent. They just wanted him to work over here in the U.S. with U.S. citizenship. It was "too late" when he and I had passed our 36th birthdays, because the FBI doesn't hire anyone over 36 years old. They were hoping to drag me into their rat's nest and when I refused, they committed me. The FBI and military (it was a military man who made the call in TN) injected me with Haldol and assaulted me, and did innumerable things to me, all because if I didn't commit to their man and do them a favor with the asset they wanted here, they were going to commit me and keep calling me mentally ill. They are the enemy. This country and this government is not my friend in any way, shape, or form. After they committed gross crimes against me, out of fear that I'd report them or had made contact with internationals who might assist me (or expose them) they then tried to get me to join them. The only reason the FBI wanted me to join them was to sidle up next to me and act like we were on the same team. If we were on the same team, and I was married to their man, then they felt sure I would not report them or expose them for their crimes in allowing torture of me and my son. They hoped I'd never then sue them for defamation or expose what any of them are responsible for and the Department of State, since they were involved, hoped it would cover their own liabilities. I don't believe my parents have always been on my side either. When they haven't been, they've used their influence and value with the Department of Defense to work against me. They don't care that my son was taken from me. They don't care that we were tortured in Wenatchee either. They knew about it and knew who was responsible and said nothing. If they had cared, they would have talked. They talk about how can I "prove it"--that I'm tortured and tell me to "cope with it" when it's close to murder what has been done to me and my son. They are the ones with information, they are the ones who have the ability to overturn everything with the knowledge that they have of who is responsible, and they choose not to do so for who? For the United States of America. Their employer. My mother, when angry with me over my Dad separating from her, told me if I reported her brother Loren for anything, she would make sure that I was out on the streets. She let me know she had influence to do this to me. And then that's what happened. My Dad, when I said people were asking why they didn't even visit and how come they were only in town for a day to see my son...when I insulted his ego, after this, all of the resources in the town of Wenatchee dried up and I was punished. When I was about to write about how the man who put a dental filling into my mouth in 2006 was a U.S. military man, my Dad didn't want me to write about it. Why not? Why not unless he's U.S. military intelligence himself. My own family has had knowledge of who is involved in torturing me and they said nothing. My mother's entire Wenatchee family wasn't speaking to me before I ever left the country. They hated my guts because they blamed me for my Dad's separation from my Mother and the distress it caused her. They hated me. After they had my son, they deliberately held my son against me in revenge. Holly was jealous of me after having my son for 3 months and they stated an intention of adopting him almost right away. I found even Ivory, the cousin I'd formerly done things with, mocking me with her sister while driving with Holly and my son out of a CPS parking lot. They never called, wrote, and when Dahlia drove by as I carried heavy groceries to my place, she smirked at me and drove past. If my parents are blackmailed into not talking, it's because the U.S. already knows some of the horrific things they've done to their own child and they threaten to expose them over this. My parents are likely afraid that if they say anything about torture to even themselves, someone will expose them for the things they allowed to happen to me and my son, and think I will then act upon this information. Which is another reason the lawyers kept discovery out of court. My mother doesn't want me to know who assisted in defaming me and my son and hauling us out of Canada into the Land of The Devil. It makes me question everything. I wonder now and then if it is even possible a family member put a hit on me at some point, worried that I knew something they didn't want me to know. I literally cannot rule out, with 100% certaintly, the possibility that someone at some time, ordered a hit on me. I am told, like a child, that if I am "nice", Holly and the Avila's will share information and I'm told I don't get to talk to him because "of your actions". I have no actions that are wrong or harmful. I never got along with Holly, ever. I don't share her religious views which are extreme and she is extremeley condescending and has a superiority issue over how she is a christian and I'm not. She is short-tempered and jealous and petty. She puts a cleaning obsession over playing with my son. She and the Avila's allowed grave danger to come to my son in their care and lied and kept their mouths shut along with CPS workers and military and police in that town. I would never do this to my son. I would never keep my mouth shut over such harm. This is why the feds made sure it was the Avila's who got custody of my son. They kept their mouths shut. Alvaro Pardo is a dog. He took off from Wenatchee and went straight to Seattle FBI offices to hook up with a blond woman, after first trimming all of his pubic hair. He never did it when he was with me, just when he was leaving after I asked him to go, in order to be presentable to Seattle FBI. He didn't get a regular hair-cut, for his head hair. No, he manicured his little pubic hair region so precisely it looked like he'd been to a salon. He sent me a recent email claiming he went back to Colombia and I don't believe it. I think he's in the U.S. If he did go back, it was only because he had to for Visa reasons after marrying her or someone else or planning this. Possibly, he went back and then flew someone there to marry. That's what he said he'd have to do with me. Either he went back to Colombia for awhile and then got back to the U.S., or we would go together and I would have to marry him in Colombia. I know his entire game, and he's a filthy fraud and a coward who allowed a child to be tortured and his "ex-fiance" to be tortured and dragged through the mud. The Seattle FBI in the meantime, left me out in the open to be assaulted and poisoned and degraded. They are responsible for allowing torture of me and my son and then conniving a set-up and negotiation with D.C. Why is it I was only "stable" and "not mentally ill" if I was with the government man? The things they did to me are unforgivable. Alvaro is unforgivable. He has full knowledge of who is responsible and has said nothing publicly to defend a tortured child, my son, or me. What has he said to the public, to clear us? nothing. He is in it for himself. He doesn't care who is tortured, and all he wanted out of it, was something for himself. And why is it I was the "social butterfly" only if I was with him, but I'm accused of being a recluse or "schizo" if I'm not with him? That man worked with the DEA as well as being an FBI agent. I hate him. I hate him for being a genuine fraud. I curse him. I curse him with a curse for what he did to Oliver Garrett and I curse the Seattle FBI and D.C./NY FBI. The DEA can go to hell as well. His cousin Oscar, who brought him to the U.S., worked in a U.S. Army building. Alvaro was willing to marry me publicly, for his own benefit, but he has never been willing to expose torture of me and my son publicly. God damn him to hell. FBI promises broken: "We'll increase your visitation with your son Ms. Garrett" "We'll give you 14 hours psychological evaluation to clear your name Ms. Garrett" "I promise not to have sex with others while engaged to you and in marriage Cameo" "I promise to be faithful and to not humiliate you Cameo" "We'll keep your property safe here Cameo" Oh yeah, and "hurray" for 'revolution' that allowed my son and I to be tortured. What an incredible revolution we witnessed with Alvaro the FBI agent. They refused to give me a normal psychological evaluation when it would have helped with return of my son after they committed crimes. All they had to do was make a way and they deliberately withheld evidence and my ability to have him returned. Then after they terminated my rights with corrupt Judges obstructing justice, NOW they want me to have a psychiatric evaluation. Why now? What happened to all the other promises years ago? What happened to my independent psychological evaluation then and why try to evaluate me now? Why? Because the FBI is a corrupt organization that is WORSE than any mafia in this country. Now all they want is another psychiatric evaluation to try to defame me worse, because they know it's over for them. They know I don't want to be on their team, and they know I know about their collusion and about Alvaro being an FBI agent. Since they allowed crimes, all they care about, including Fowler, who was flown over here just to cover for Freeh and NY, is ruining my name further to protect themselves. I don't think they'll change. "Change" "change" change, is all I ever heard from Alvaro, and where was his change? where is the change from the FBI? I've seen nothing but crime from law enforcement. Nothing but crime. And THAT is our "protection" and THAT is what my son and I were leaving this country over. I haven't heard my son's voice for years, because of these criminals. My other family members have visited him, perfect strangers do, and his own mother is cut off from him like she's dead. I am dead to my son because of the God Damned FBI. GOD DAMN this country and God Damn the FBI. When my son was first kidnapped by this country, through a set-up of false arrest of me, in collusion with Department of State, FBI, AG, and local police and corrupt Judge and CPS liars (who wrote a false report), I spent 3 months writing to hundreds, HUNDREDS of lawyers looking for a private attorney. All that I did was spend time on the computer searching for help. Email after email. The only time the FBI wanted to "help" was when they thought they were going to get caught. They have allowed me to do nothing but struggle and fight in vain, for my son, who they illegally tortured and kidnapped. I have accomplished zero, nothing, in 5 years time because of the FBI. Absolutely nothing. All I've done is run around trying to find someone to help my son and trying to find work in Wenatchee to be blacklisted out of everything including housing and then victim of an extortion attempt for my ovarian eggs. They've degraded me, humiliated me, blocked my freedom of movement, experimented on me, and then punished me for not marrying their FBI agent. Is that what I really needed? That was the cure for torture huh? Being with an FBI agent? Because NASA and DOD just quit torturing citizens if they're with an FBI agent? That's really what my son needed too, right? An FBI agent rat. Because you can see how much the FBI cares about kids. If I am having sex with their agent, they'll make demands to have torture against me and my son quit, but if I'm not having sex with their agent, they do not even speak up in my son's defense, much less mine. My son MUST be returned. I will expose every FBI asshole there is if he is not returned to me, and every military asshole that has been involved as well. *********************************************** I am also being tortured tonight while writing. It started over an hour ago and they are targeting the metal stent under my sternum, with vibrating/suctioning. Alvaro knew what was done to me. As an FBI agent, he went out of his way to keep me from court, to cut my hair off to eliminate evidence that proved the FBI defamed me as a drug addict or marijuana user when I stated I could prove this was a lie with my hair. He was a rat, like the rest of the FBI and DEA, and they are criminal rats who don't even have the decency to speak up about torture of a child. They just quit the torture and negotiated this, if they felt I was doing them a favor or joining their team. All they cared about was covering their own liabilities. After I wrote this, the targeting under my sternum quit but for several hours there has been use of technology to cause the fasciculations in my legs and feet, which is distinctly military/technology and not a natural "tired legs" kind of fasciculation. You can feel it and know the difference.

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