Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm Voting For Obama

. I think I'm voting for Obama. I signed up for my renewal voter's packet through "Young Voters" but haven't received it yet. I had so many problems signing in and being hacked I think I have to send for it again. I don't like the zionist idea or Ryan's brand of Catholism. While I have respected Mormons in the past, I think there is something to the fact that I was literally implanted with microchips by persons connected to Bain/Bane, which is a business Romney is connected to and this makes me hesistant. I've never had a problem with Mormons, to my own thinking or my own mind. However, some of the Mormons are not really Mormons. It's too easy for some of them to use the 2 yr. abroad missions trip as a cover for intelligence and hiding what their actual religious affiliation or beliefs are. Also, I have witnessed some shocking conduct by a few Mormons that I don't agree with and it's mainly been wrapped up with business deals that are personally lucrative to them. Like the whole Wiltbank-Bechtold-Cordova-Kate Middleton thing. I have known some excellent Mormons and have the highest opinion of many of their values and principles. I still feel that I can think of them in this regard, in general. However, I was implanted with microchips at a Mormon-dominant University in Utah. I do still have to find out who was responsible aside from Arthur K. Smith and his wife. The shocking things to me by Mormons have been: 1. Being defamed in FBI records to give other Mormons a business advantage, by a U.S. military Mormon S.S.A. from D.C. Headquarters; 2. The shock of going to Wenatchee police officers, one who was Mormon, about abuse of my son and evidence of severe bruising and having them blow me off and ask me "Ms. Garrett--have you had your PSYCH eval yet?" I was stunned that one of these men was saying he was Mormon; 3. Being dropped by Mormon Roger Harris on a personal injury claim and then refused my legal file, and then finding out he has business deals with Bechtolds and Wiltbanks (who are connected to Middletons); 4. Having Sible, a Mormon with DHS in Wenatchee, seek me out at the Wenatchee public library to pressure me to give my child up for adoption before he was even born, and then smirking at me from offices after he was taken away from me; 5. Going to Wes, who was the FBI rep for Wenatchee, about legitimate public corruption by Judge Gerald Warren and having him blow me off saying it doesn't matter, he's retiring anyway. It doesn't matter? I wasn't retiring. My life was not over, I was not retiring, and what he did caused grave and serious harm to me and my future and my son's future; 6. Having a computer man, Andy Panda, an FBI contractor, as such a good and reliable computer specialist for me, charging me very little to work on my laptop, and then finding out he read my email to discover I had talked to a fertility clinic in Seattle about donating eggs (wondering what the process was and cost, and about surrogacy without my eggs). I was told they wanted me for this, and it would pay $4,000. I was then contacted by a Mormon lawyer in Wenatchee who told me if I wanted my housing back (my federal housing that was illegally taken from me), they could do it for exactly $4,000 retainer. I was being pressured to donate eggs for the FBI in Seattle, and then give the $4,000 to a lawyer just to get my housing back. It was housing or my ovarian eggs. I chose to refuse this and they allowed me to be on the "streets" literally, degraded and tortured. It was extortion; 7. Being ogled in the offices of the Mormon lawyer who was telling me he's help for $4,000. I have never blogged about this before but he was suggestive torwards me, which was shocking and made me feel like he thought I was some kind of call girl. I noticed this same look and treatment by a different Mormon at the Wenatchee Mormon church as well, when it was just me in his office. It didn't happen at other offices, but in Wenatchee, I was viewed like a potential sexual plaything and this was shocking to me; 8. Having all of my personal belongings stolen and given away to a Canadian partner by a self-described "Jack-Mormon" who first acted as a hostess and took me out for dinner and gave me a place to stay and then when I wasn't marrying Alvaro, wanted to dump off all of my things when she knew I was in an unstable situation in TN. Then I asked her to hold off on sending my belongings because I had no storage yet, and without telling me, warning me, or giving me any further email, she stole all of these belongings she'd promised to keep until I needed them, to strangers. These are the disappointments I've had, and it's affected my life. I don't see why they would be involved in harming me, when I have nothing against them on a religious level, other than that they are connected through business (and military/FBI) deals and profits with those who implanted me and then tried to cozy up to the biggest financial rewards. I cannot condone this, nor can I forget how they dismissed physical abuse of my own son. 9. I feel the Romney campaign has demonstrated an exclusive willingness to align with Israel to the detriment of other Middle Eastern relationships. One CIA Director, a few decades ago, shared the same concern when suddenly the U.S. shifted from a fairly neutral position to "alienating" other Middle Eastern and Arab/Persian nations. I don't think this has done a lot of good for U.S.-Middle East relations and probably none of the terrorism and wars would occur had this not been done. I believe Israel should have their own country, but I do not believe in excluding the rights and concerns of those who are not Israeli or Jewish. 10. I am suspicious of Ryan. My first thought when I saw his photo was that he was Jewish. It said he was Catholic but I thought Jewish. Then I read his bio and he has Jewish ancestry so I wasn't off the mark. I am not sure what brand of philosophy he actually carries because I don't feel he's forthright with what he really thinks. I believe it is possible my son and I could be in worse danger with this team in position, despite what's already occured, because of the desire that would be there to protect those who committed the original crimes of implanting me and using me for research, and torturing me to ruin my life for decades. 11. I am not sure who is running for office, Mitt or his wife. She has a very hard and calculating appearance. Appearance doesn't mean everything, and I have photos and moments where I appear to be one way or have a demeanor that's not true to reality, but the impression I have is she's a Kate Middleton fan. Anyone who is a Kate Middleton fan is a concern to me, given the crimes and corruption that's surrounded the Middleton family. 12. I was implanted and violated under Clinton and Freeh (FBI). However, the worst torture of my life was under Bush Jr. My son and I almost died and we suffered the most horrendous and excruciating pain that anyone could imagine. It concerns me that some of these people have no problem sacrificing U.S. citizen's rights as long as they or their friends get huge payoffs from it. My son and I have also suffered under Obama and Biden and their group, however, I feel there is potential for this to be exposed and resolved and put to an end. It cannot continue and I feel the case is beginning to crack and that evidence is coming forth to the public to show what has happened. 13. I am Republican in the sense of having some similiar values. However, I think it's wrong to criticize food stamps for others when they need them and that's why they worked so hard and what their tax dollars should give them in a return for their work, in hard times. I also feel it's not a bad idea to remove the demand for mothers who just had babies, on welfare, to go to work. Forcing poor mothers to work and put their babies in daycares and orphanages (basically) is not good for the children and does lead to a healthy child development. It doesn't mean these mothers sit around like couch potatoes--they could have other requirements that involve bringing their children with them. 14. The economy is bad because it's the economy. This is a complaint against every single President we've had. Gripes directed to the President and blaming him for the economy. One man cannot control the entire economy. 15. I don't like what has happened under Obama, but I don't necessarily believe it will improve or get better under Romney-Ryan. I consider myself to be independent. Not "independent" as in, part of that political group, but truly independent, and I think for me it's case by case. I believe in less government and more free economy and in privacy, but I also believe in respecting the rights of all citizens. This, to me, means calling Republican welfare to corporations and the rich "welfare" just as "welfare" is given to the poor. Why denigrate the poor who take a few hundred from welfare every month, who are just down on their luck for awhile (usually) and treat the richer with welfare and yet pretend it's not a hand-out? The biggest welfare recipients are people like the Middletons and other large U.S. corporations. I support small business. Probably, if the U.S. was going to do a one-time cash return for people to spur the economy after the banks and Wall Street fell, giving the money to those that were responsible for the failure was not the #1 option. The best solution, to keep people from losing their homes and to stimulate the economy, would have been to put that money into the U.S. citizens' bank accounts. They were the victims and they were the ones who could have been compensated with more, and in return, that middle and lower income sector would have gained confidence which would have increased sales, market, and the economy. It's not always "trickle down effect". Sometimes, it's building up your base. 16. I also read the Romney-Ryan platform wants to cut off and reduce more Pell Grants when they've already been reduced and minimized. Students hardly have enough to live on while going to college as it is, even when struggling with a job too. This would put education into the hands of the rich. I had to wait until I was 24 just to go to college because I needed the financial aid. There are enough burdens and barriers already and this country doesn't need more obstacles for the average citizen and their kid.

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