Thursday, August 30, 2012

Torture & Communication Hacking of Family Computers

There is still a great amount of torture occuring. Not only that, some group is hacking each of my family members laptops and ruining communications. I am still being tortured by technology means, and for the last week, I've had a group shutting down my communications entirely several times to force me to go to the library computer and out of my house. They are disconnecting my connection when the connection to the main wifi is fine. Even if it shows there is a connection, this party is disconnecting it. I have college employees I'm writing to telling me they are not getting my emails and then they're getting them very late. I am writing email to my mother and then going to the house to find she hasn't received my email. So we wait, and wait, and then a half hour later, it shows up. Half of my emails going out to my son and family were being sent to the draft folder instead of going out when I clicked "send" as it said it was sending. Then last night, I tried to upload video evidence that Elsevier (the online student source that's connected to a bunch of British), was changing my answers when I was taking tests and scoring them wrong, and I was severely tortured with the burning sensation technology to my chest all night last night. I kept trying to upload it, and had all the correct information and it was bouncing back to me and not accepting it. So basically, someone has been obstructing me from uploading evidence of malicious conduct and interference with my college. THe severe torture last night began after I started trying to upload this evidence. Additionally, one day this week I went to the library and I wasn't tortured there by technology means, but today I went and this particular form was being directed somehow by a person there. It wasn't coming "from the sky". It was the same Catholic woman that I've mentioned before, with dark hair. I stood at the desk to request a book and I had technology aimed at me that created literal vibration under my sternum by my heart. So I didn't know where it was from of course. I stepped back and it lessened about 80%. Then I stepped back even further to look at a bookcase of books and it was strong again. I then realized that when it wasn't as strong is when an enormous metal printer was inbetween me and this woman. If I stepped forward, in front of it, I was in her line of fire and my sternum was vibrating. If I stepped behind it, it almost quit completely. If I stepped back from it, and it wasn't inbetween me and her, it was just as strong. I've had a problem before when she has been there and half the time it's just been her in the early morning and no one else. So not all of the technology torture is coming from "satellites" and remote access somewhere. Some of it is being used by persons who have some form of technology that triggers it, and they've been given this by someone who explained what it does. So they are willingly colluding to torture. I wouldn't have even known it was her if I hadn't stepped forward and then back. When I realized what the difference was, it was this huge printer that is several feet wide and taller than I am or over the chest-high, and it's made of metal. That is what blocked what was being aimed at me to cause pain to my heart-sternum. I also had someone suggest to me that the metal in my chest or near the sternum is brushed metal or covered with a substance so it's not picked up easily on CT and x-rays. I don't know why they think this. One other person said I was definitely "fitted" with a metal stent of some kind, that is near my heart and by my sternum, during my surgery for miscarriage. This would make sense, because if a stent is only placed near the heart through the groin, the only access someone had to my groin was in the surgery for miscarriage. Not only that, I never experienced any of the odd "heart burning", vibrating, laser like feeling to this specific part of my body, this part and this part alone, until after that surgery in Maryland. There is no reason why this part of my body would be affected and no other part in the same way, unless some group is targeting and utilizing a metal access that was placed there. It's the same thing with the dental filling with the implant I had in 2006. I had this done and then it's an area that is specific to that side of my mouth, and it's not normal "dental pain". So what is this? I get implanted with microchips in 1995 and the hospital wins big money for telesurgery and cooperation from DOD and NASA. Then I got another implant in 2006 and suddenly, new clinics are being built and renovated. Other monies were being given to those initially responsible for some of the first implants. Then, I had a surgery in Marland after Alvaro already knew I had not signed the papers for marriage license. So he knew I went back and voided it and he never told me he knew. Then I was in a surgery where he and a doctor got revenge. After this, he wanted to dump me. Right after the surgery was done. The doctor was a black woman who, I remember, had a lot of winks and nods for Alvaro and I thought something was up then, but I didn't know what. So they put metal near my sternum to facilitate eventual new torture, and then I'm getting metal silverware for an "engagement" gift. Of course it's only recent that I see from a CT there is something metal in my chest that looks like a fork sticking out of something. I have been able to press on my chest and literally FEEL something vibrating under the skin. One night I did this and then when I discovered this, and pressed down, it stopped all of a sudden. I asked for my medical records from there after I split from Alvaro and they wouldn't give them to me. They waited 3 months to see if I was pregnant after he left and then they began experimenting with their new form of torture against me. Has anyone watched the video preview for ""? It's actually Love (star symbol) Com. It was made in 2006 by the same Japanese man who made Milo & Otis, one of my son's favorite movies. In the preview the woman says, "The only thing standing between us is something the length of a fork". Then she holds up a metal fork and looks at it. They put a metal fork inside my chest. The Cam-bridge. Whether it's a stent that splits or it's the fork image I saw on the CT that reacts like metal on the film, it's there. This country is still torturing me. They almost quit completely for a couple of days, and then after I blogged about the Abbey, they started all of the same things up again. It's not just that. All of my family members email and communications are being tampered with and hacked.

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