Friday, August 31, 2012

Torture NOW &Dallas, TX "Mental Health" Evaluation

(UPDATE: as of 8:40 p.m. I have military/NASA doing the jabbing in the head, on the top of the head, left side, center to lower section.) (UPDATED: I was cleared as not being mentally ill or physically ill. However, he said now I'm on their "radar". I am being tortured to the section under my sternum though, tonight, and now I know for sure it is because of another metal part or implant that is being remotely accessed. It isn't just in front of the computer. I walked from my house across the property to my parents house and my heart and this section above my heart was being targeted by technology. It's remote access. This has also been done while I am walking from my house all the way to the store downtown. There is no reason why it would be this specific part and no other part of my body. They put a metal stent into my chest region and the military is remotely targeting me and torturing me. This was done in Maryland. Whether it's a burning sensation or a vibrating pain or a pressured pain that vibrates, it's a specific spot. In front of the computer they use something that causes more vibrating. If I hold my hand in front of my chest and don't even touch my chest, it quits. This would explain why the doctors over here wanted to take CTs that went down to my heart when all they were supposed to check was my neck and head. No one looks at the heart with a CT (dangerously risky and delivering the equivalent of 100 x-rays) without a reason. Doctors here are in on it.) My parents called a mental health person from Coos County to "evaluate" me, the day before I stated I was making a youtube video about my attempt to reports rapes to police, my treatment, and the FBI. I asked who they called and my mother said she didn't know, someone by the name of "Ross". She said my Dad called him but she's been talking to someone for awhile too. So I looked for a "Ross" with Coos County and what do you know? Someone from Texas. This man was in Dallas, TX from 2009-2010. Here's the link: Robin Bechtold, 1st degree rapist #2 lives in Dallas, TX as a lawyer. I was just about to put up a youtube clip about him and Josh Gatov and what happened when I attempted to report rape. And then all of a sudden, I am being pressured to speak to someone who is coming from the same town the rapist lives in. He worked in the Juvenile Department for Dallas, TX and since Robin is a lawyer working at a law firm, there is no way they do not have mutual friends. Ross Acker has been working in Coos Couny now since 2010, and if he was first working with Juvenile Department (police), he is also connected to police in this area as well, and Nathan Bechtold, Robin's brother, is an Oregon cop. Ross was educated at University of North Texas. I am putting up youtube clip for today before he shows up, but it's about this and is taking a tangent from going right into the state-sponsored crimes by police and FBI. I will make another post today about those things, as long as I am not "carted away". If my eye looks droopy in a section of this clip, it's because I tried this other water I had and I had a bad reaction to it so I'm returning the rest of it. With the other water, there was no problem and then right after drinking the other brand, there was a problem with droopy eye and that was the reaction. So I'm returning the brand. Why would I have a droopy eye with only one brand and none of the others? So it might be a day until it's out of my system. Overall, I feel great.

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