Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Want My Son Returned (youtube to follow): UPDATED

I want my son returned. I asked my parents if anyone had talked to them about this. They said no. Which goes to show, why would anyone try to negotiate with my parents anyway? instead of talking directly to me? This is what the U.S. has done with me, even when I was in jr. high living with my parents. Always using my parents. I want my son returned. So I asked if they thought a hunger strike would do any good. They said no, you'd be locked up. I said, "Not if I first showed the world how I really am, normal, on youtube." They said my blog makes me sound bad but I said, "You can't judge someone by a blog. That is a piece of writing at one point in a day, that has nothing to do with talking to someone in person and finding out if they're normal or not." So I said maybe I will just put myself on youtube to the entire world, "Not showing implants with a scarf and scary (to some) music, but me just talking, and then after I establish there is nothing wrong with me, I will go on my hunger strike and publish it to the world, day by day." I guess I could add more CTs first, possibly, or, given the distress I've been in for almost a decade, and most importantly in the last 7 years, I could go on youtube beginning very soon. I want my son returned. My son and I were tortured, this country has tried to use me and my son as bait, and we are still being tortured. My son was kidnapped from me and this country concealed evidence of all the crime that led up to it. The entire CPS case is a fraud. ************** I tried making a video but I have to do it over. I've never talked to a camera before and it feels unnatural so I kept looking at other things and forgot to look into the lens. I looked into the lens only a couple of times, so it's not good for eye communication. I will upload something later. The weirdest thing I noticed, was that I kept thinking, who do I remind myself of? It was so strange--I don't even watch a lot of Hugh Grant, and it was like I was his own sister. Mannerisms, facial expressions, everything. I've never even cared for him that much. I mean, yes, I like him, and he's very good, but I wasn't like some people over him. I watched myself and it wasn't my Mom, or anyone in the U.S., UK or elsewhere except for Hugh Grant and then I noticed my son picks up on one of my mannerisms. How I got Hugh Grant I have no idea--I've seen his movies (repeated or not) maybe 4-8 times total?


  1. Did they mean locked up in a psych ward? How would the p$ychiatric authorities even know that you were on a hunger strike unless your parents called 911 and arranged for you to be hospitalized or committed?

    Good luck.

  2. They meant, if I went on a hunger strike, and got to the starvation point, someone (whether it was them or not) would lock me up in a psych ward, if they had no basis for seeing I chose to do this, in a normal frame of mind, and without mental illness.

    This is why I would be sure to put up youtube of myself as I am normally first, to establish what a crock of shit this country has served, about me and my family and the disguise of torture.

  3. Is there something that your parents can do, specifically, to give you back custody of Oliver?

    Legally, your parental rights were terminated.

    Legally, H & P ADOPTED him and gave him their last name.

    You aren't even allowed to visit Oliver!

    I can't imagine what it would be like if CPS swooped in and stole my child literally for no reason. They didn't even accuse you of child abuse.

    My question is, what can you or your parents legally do at this point? (Not wishful thinking but real-life options)

    Did you know that in Washington State, parental rights cannot be terminated unless there is someone else that wants to assert parental rights over the child??

    You can contact your local bar association about legal aide for representation at http://www.osbar.org/public/ris/ris.html#mm

    These links may or may not be relevant or helpful:

    Also www.nwjustice.org has a program called CLEAR that helps with legal assistance too

    Cameo, it's really important that if you want people to listen to you, that you NOT mention any delusional content (military, middletons, former employers, parents being tortured, parents having psychic gifts). It's in your best interest to act totally normal. I know you can do that if you wanted to. Think about what your goal really is. Is it to stop torture OR get Oliver back? Or something else altogether?

    I know that you have Christian beliefs. Maybe you could join a church and ask the leader/pastor/etc. for advice and support?

    You need to get out of your home and DO SOMETHING. Writing blogs about things that no one will ever believe (military torture, gangstalking, psychic stuff, CIA, Middleton stuff, panty theft...etc) is seriously NOT helping you.

    I sincerely hope that you realize that writing this blog is harming you.


    Some more links:
    I think the Oregon Law Center does pro-bono work http://lawyers.justia.com/firm/oregon-law-center-9541 call them at (541) 269-1226 or see their site at http://www.oregonlawcenter.org

    You need to be proactive. Have a specific plan. Writing blogs = not helpful, not proactive

  4. An axiom is a premise or starting point of reasoning. As classically conceived, an axiom is a premise so evident as to be accepted as true without controversy.

  5. To Axiom:

    I was going to say that's like "common knowledge" but no, an axiom is not like common knowledge.

    What do I have to do? Math to get my son back?

    How about this:


    (C+F)implies C

    It's not a formula for adoption.

    Return my son

  6. To the bitch trying to use me for U.S. government research while ignoring the law and the facts of crime.

    FUCK OFF BITCH and you and the other fucking military brats can stay off of my blog and quit trying to predict what my responses will be to your shitty comments that go nowhere.

    YOU are part of the problem and when someone starts getting death threats when actually decent people find out what this country has done to my son, YOU are going to be a member of that group.

    I will no longer publish any comment that is sent to me which is intended to be a display of their psychic ingeniuty.


  7. It's not up to your parents. Your parental rights got terminated, right? Then, you need to win at the court of appeals. If the appeal doesn't overturn the termination of your parental rights then you are done and you won't get your child back. A fast will only hurt you and won't get your son back. I'm sad for you. I wish you all the best.
