Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kate Middleton is a Theif and a Criminal

Kate Middleton is a thief and a criminal and so are her friends and family. If I had known back then that this bitch was having people steal my clothing and nylons for her, so she could wear my things and have her friends mock my designs, I would have said something. She chose to wear the sheer "dress" with the teal bandeau and black, on the runway. Charlotte Todd was the designer and she was Katie's friend. According to Charlotte, Katie chose that dress and I am pretty sure she and Carol Middleton helped with the design. It is a direct rip-off of my first prom dress. It's not the only thing that's been ripped off or stolen from me, that Katie has pranced around in. I first noticed she was wearing stolen clothing of mine when I found a photo of her wearing a miniskirt I had worn that was my mothers. I wore it in high school and it was stolen from me. It was identical, not even with alterations. Then, I never cared to look that closely at her runway looks because I've never cared about her, period. But that dress is exactly like the one I chose and wore to prom with Bryan Parker. The nylon stocking over the two piece is also a body stocking, and I had a nylon body stocking stolen from me as well. It was sheer white and it was a head-to-toe sheer nylon body stocking with just a hole for peeing out of. I got it because it kept me warm and I wore it under clothing. It looked like this (now it says unavailable, but it was similiar to the white one featured, with long arms and legs. (the one the blond is wearing except it was plain like this but sheer, not opaque): http://www.bodystockingavenue.co.uk/ I also wore stocking and tights that had a zig-zag pattern that were black, and I had "Round the Clock" hosiery that was stolen from me that had sheer black legs and a front panel shaped in a V with a zig-zag outline around the V (they may have been designer though--like Givenchy or something). The leg was bare almost up to the top and it was a scanty back. Sort of like this: http://store.mathvibe.com/shop.php?i=B000IFQ1KA (Givenchy) http://www.bodystockingavenue.co.uk/Desire-Sheer-Bodystocking-with-Opaque-Faux-Teddy-DE2022.aspx It had this kind of V panel in the front and back, but it wasn't edged with curving ovals like this, it was a > < design. It was a panel on the front and back. > < > < v I also had thigh high stockings stolen from me. They were like thigh highs you wore in a garter belt, but they were elasticized around the band and you didn't have to wear a garder belt. They stayed up around the thigh because of the elastic and these were stolen from me. The elasticized part was the width of the bandeau top and it was lace while the stocking was completely sheer. All of these stockings were stolen from me. These were nylon hosiery and it was one of the first things I noticed disappearing besides my skirt, a shirt, and much of my jewelry. I was into stocking and tights. Mainly what I wore up until 2000, were skirts and dresses so I got lots of different patterned semi-sheer tights and different kinds of nylons. I had black rose patterened tights which were semi-sheer and had a rose pattern along the entire leg (looked like rose lace), I had dimond-zig zag patterned hose, I had sheer black nylons with tiny black polka-dots throughout,...mainly I had black patterned or white stockings but almost all of the tights and stockings I wore had a semi-sheer or sheer pattern on black hose. I was very picky about the pattern. I liked only classic patterns and if it was lace look or brocade rose, I only liked it if it was very good quality print. I wore them sometimes with longer skirts that had a slit or straight mod black skirts to my knee. I had one knee length skirt and lots of mid-calf to ankle length skirts with slits to show a little hose, or when I sat and crossed my legs. I had people telling me to wear shorter skirts because I had nice legs but most of what I wore was longer. I usually didn't like some of the sheer lace patterns so I wore other sheer patterns though one pr was lace, and then I had brocade rose semi-sheer ones I liked. I guess I had one pair of dark navy blue opaque tights that I wore with navy blue shoes, and a pair of maroon tights I only wore with a specific maroon skirt and shirt solid color combo so it was head to toe maroon for a long line. That's about it. Sort of like these Calvin Klein anklets (but mine were full hose and better quality and the polka dot ones had a finer mesh--sheer nylon with polka dots) http://www.barenecessities.com/calvin-klein-hosiery-womens-lace-crochet-ankle-socks-3-pack-acr558_product.htm?pf_id=CalvinKleinHosieryACR558&search= I also had fine fishnet black stockings and these were stolen from me. I didn't like larger fishnet and thought it was tacky. I only liked small textured fishnet. Like this or smaller: http://www.barenecessities.com/calvin-klein-hosiery-net-texture-control-top-tights-301_product.htm?pf_id=CalvinKleinHosiery301&search= My thigh-highs with the elasticized garter were the only ones I had, and they were stolen. I wore them to Portland Community College-Sylvania, and they were white with white lace. They were like this: http://www.barenecessities.com/givenchy-passion-privee-thigh-highs-512_product.htm?pf_id=Givenchy512&search= They were stolen from me. I wore the zig-zag black stockings the most--they were my favorite pattern and were semi-sheer tights. My polka dotted ones were delicate and they eventually tore in the leg. If I didn't wear semi-sheer stockings or nylons, I wore solid opaque black tights. I didn't wear colored stockings. Just patterned black, nude colored sheer nylons, or white, but rarely white and sometimes nude in the summer, but mostly black tights with a design on them. I was also getting into high quality hosiery, and trying out some very sheer stockings when they were on sale. Hose that was normally $30-$40 where they were usually $7 (and I got them on sale). The sweater she's in below, featured a design of what looks like the necklace with the pearl in it that Rabbi Rose gave me. It was sort of a ball but sort of dipped in the center like a heart (but wasn't heart shaped) and then had a small point at the bottom. Also, I wore the necklace with a heart-shaped neckline (solid white long-sleeved shirt) for serving them their passover dinner. Also, the color green in the sweater and the purple, is the same color from underwear and slips stolen from me. It was done after I was going to PCC-Sylvania and I remember some young women hating the fact I had this pale spring green slip. It had been Granny's and had a very pretty lace edge, and I wore it with my skirts. It was the exact same color green and it was stolen from me. I loved it, and the lace was tasteful. It had a 1-2 inch thick solid lace pattern hem to weight the skirt down, and then it went up with stitching and had a rose stitched up higher above the hem on the right side. It was done in a way so it wasn't overlay, or embroidered, but made the imprint of a flower with stitching. Also, all of my underwear were stolen, one by one. The black widow bikini panties I had were black and medium-dark purple with a tiny red rhinestone in the center of the black spider that was embroidered on the front, in the center. Granny gave them to me, as they had been given to her as part of a "risque panty exchange" but she never wore them. She saved some of them just for the novelty and gave me the black widow spider panties when I was in jr. high. I had them until they were stolen from me. I also had a lavendar slip stolen from me that Granny gave me, before the spring green one was stolen (I called it spring green). And I had a full length slip that fell just to my knee or above, that was pale blush pink which was eventually stolen. It had a tiny pink rose bud with green leaves in the center of the lace over nylon bust and ribbon wide straps with sort of a curved ^ ribbon of lace that ran underneath the bodice, plain skirt, and a small, thinner, delicate lace hem. It was an empire waist slip. I wore it with all my church dresses from the time I was in junior high to high school, to when it was stolen from me in about 1997-1999. The neckline was heart shaped and underneath the lace over nylon bodice, it had a thin band of ribbon. I wore it so much that one of the ribbon size straps broke on the right side so I safety pinned it with a small gold colored safety pin. It was always the same safety pin and just one. It had been Granny's and she was taller than me so the ribbon staps were doubled to cinch it up and then the right side broke so I pinned it. The straps curled under sometimes on that side because of the way I pinned it or twisted up. The strap fastener was at the top of my shoulder and then there were two ribbons (bc I doubled it) and I pinned it in the front. It was palest blush pink. The rosebud was regular soft pink to med. pink and possibly had a hint of yellow near the center (sort of a closed but a little peeking through of the rosebud) and then on both sides was a tiny green leaf. It had no zipper. It was an over-the-head thing. It also had a small bow with ribbon ends hanging down but I think I cut it off bc it got straggly and I think it was under the bodice or under the rose in the center of the bodice. Even though it was a slip I still wore underwear and a bra beneath it. I remember my mother was upset when I cut something off from it after years, when it was falling apart more. Maybe it was the rosebud or something. She said, "Why did you cut that off?" but it was done much much later. She said, "Oh no!" and looked worried. I told her it was starting to curl to the side. It was almost a decade or so after I had it that I did. It was like wearing a family symbolic heirloom or something. I was like the girl who lost her entire fortune and then her dresses and clothing fall apart and are stolen. It was stolen from me. So what are people from California giving my mother? pink and yellow roses. How considerate. I had one other slip that was one-piece and it was longer and solid ivory or sort of beige ivory and then it tore under the arm, but I had it for years and wore it with longer dresses. It was from my mother. All of these items were stolen before Katie ever pranced on a runway. I also had a white layered nightgown that was very fluffy and had a lace collar and then it billowed out into this layers of sheer material and it was solid white and I wore it in the summer to bed. I was into these kinds of stockings from 1992-1999. Mostly, from 1994-1997 and then I still was buying this kind of thing up until about 1999 or 2000 when I started wearing jeans more with a suit jacket and t-shirt (or sweater) more. I still wore vintage suits up through 1999, and wore them with plain nylons. If the suit was vintage, I didn't usually combine with patterned stockings. If it was a plain black look, I used patterned tights. I didn't combine things so one thing detracted or competed with the other thing. I mainly wore the patterned stockings with flats, not heels. The stockings thing was something that was uniquely "me" at the time. It wasn't hugely popular in the U.S. but I liked it and I wore skirts all the time. I was into stockings for years. After stockings it was scarves and silk scarves to go with jackets and jeans. I never wore large earrings, usually small drop size or plain wider gold hoops that were small, or round pearls. I had a few dangly earrings that were vintage, and in 1995-1997, I had vintage clip-on earrings. I liked vintage things and most of the earrings there were clip-ons, not for pierced ears, so I had a bunch of vintage clip-on earrings from antique stores, and strands of pearls. Most of my clip-on earrings were close to the ear, round with different rhinestones and plain stones or colors, or pearls. Sort of vintage-modern. They were all stolen from me. I found my prom and senior photos missing from my parent's house in Sherwood when I got back from New Jersey. I asked where they were and my mother said she didn't know. Someone was stealing things from us even then. My entire portfolio layouts for my senior photos were stolen from my parents. It was a 3-panel photo display. Sort of like one of those Russian things, with the 3 panels, but it was photos from senior pictures, in safekeeping with my parents and it was stolen from my parents. They would never give it away. It was made to stand up so it had a square center with photos of me, and then two panels, one on either side, which folded over to the center and you could open it up and set it upright. That 3-panel portfolio has never showed up again. It was stolen from my parents house in Sherwood, Oregon. There were a bunch of extra photos too, and they all disappeared. I had some things, which Alvaro saw, and he was shocked. He said, "How is this possible?" (that I was that pretty). It's possible. And that's why jealous bitches and their Daddies have tortured me. This woman, her mother, and her friends, are theives and criminals. Kate Middleton is a full-blown cocaine snorting theif and her mother is even worse. Oh, I just read two things: she has a cousin named "Katrina Darling" (any relation to Bechtold's friend Darling? and the Darling at USC?". A Bruce Darling worked next to Arthur K. Smith's wife "June" at that college, and she knows Janet Bechtold (who is in business with Wiltbanks, who know Lynda Carter). Supposedly Katie never met her but she knew about her. She's a liar and a criminal. The other thing is Shady Katie is taking a "break from duties" for a few days. How about forever. How about, Katie, you fuck off forever, and resign from your fucking fraudulent act. I think it's great that the cousin is doing Playboy because otherwise I'd have never heard the last name and been able to find out if she's connected to Darling's over here that I knew. The other detail in the runway dress she wore is a sticking like a ribbon or thread in the hem. I gave Janet Becthold a Christmas card that I designed with thread and needle. I used watercolor paper and stitched a red heart into the paper on the front and on the inside it said merry christmas. That's when I was in high school. Janet had pointed out the stitching and said this was very creative. So then her friends copy me. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/sylvscothran/default/kate-middleton-fashion-passion--large-msg-1292721978.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sylvscothran-theevolutionofkatemiddleton.buzznet.com/user/photos/kate-middleton-fashion-passion/?id%3D63972791&h=500&w=375&sz=122&tbnid=kAEsBg7wG7uoTM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=68&zoom=1&usg=__T7lFXXJuglEHBKXhzq1Nde_66tY=&docid=JrSnpFPEr_Z8IM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=43YqUPHbFMaXiALRrYDICA&ved=0CF8Q9QEwBg&dur=199 http://www.styleite.com/tag/kate-middleton-see-through-dress/ TORTURED OVER THIS BITCH. My son and I have been TORTURED because of this bitch. And separated by kidnapping, and what has the U.S. done to return my son? Told me to get married?! They illegally implanted me, illegally stalked me and stole from me, put me under false arrest with my parents trying to convince me to take a guilty plea even (why? FBI was pressuring them, or military was), and then gone on to defame me and continue to torture me as they've ruined all of my potential and the last decade of my life. I should draw a list of all the articles of clothing that have been stolen from me since 1992. So then what does the man do that held me and Monica hostage? He stole my pantyhose. All that he was interested in taking were my pantyhose, and none of them were designer, not by then, because I found a few missing before he broke in. Most of what he stole from me where regular black and nude L'eggs pantyhose. I didn't have any semi-sheer tights in the drawer, and no designer nylons, and nothing with patterns. All that he took was a huge amount of nylons and full stocking pantyhouse and all of them were just plain sheer black or nude ones. This is after people were stealing them from me, one by one, and stealing other things too. I bought more later, but by the time he was going through my pantyhose drawer and slip drawer, none of my patterned or designer stockings were there anymore. Or underwear. It had all been stolen. Then the police took photos of everything and told us not to tell anyone. So who robbed us? Police and the Department of Justice set it up? or what. After stealing all of my nylons, it's a little strange that he specifically wanted nylons and stockings. He didn't take underwear. All he took were black nylons and pantyhose, only the black ones. Black was mainly what I wore and all my patterns were in black too, before they were stolen. I also had other white ones which I mentioned. After Shirina Edwin moved out I bought more. The police and D.A. never wanted to talk to me. It was like it was her own thing (the D.A.s own thing). They claimed he acted alone but no, he didn't. He had probably acted on what one of them set him up to do. Do you know what else he said to the police? They said to him, one of the cops who wanted to be the one taking notes, "Do you know you're going to jail for a long time?" and he responded with, "Would it have helped if I had fucked the bitch?" He wasn't on drugs when he said this. Why would he say this to a cop unless he already knew the cop and was actually committing a crime for that cop. He talked to the cop like he was the one who had ordered him to do what he did. "What if I had fucked the bitch." And then police didn't want me talking to anyone in the media while the D.A. never took a statement from me ever. The police documented in their report what kind of nylons he had on him, and they were "Leggs". Some of them they documented sizes wrong and I didn't know why they wrote the wrong size. All of mine were size A or the smallest size you can get. They came in plastic egg containers, or in packages. When my good pantyhose kept being stolen, I had "Leggs" left. So then U.S. defense brat Marjorie Scardino, of San Francisco, Phoenix, and D.C. fame, takes over Pearson publishing in 2002, right after my Grandpa Garrett dies and remarks in interviews that she had to clean out things and it was an odd assortment of "eggs and Madame Toussad's wax museum".


  1. Ewwww!!! You're so gross. Why would someone steal your panties? Yuck!!

  2. You. Are. Insane!

  3. Learn to spell thief....
    And please, get a psychiatrist. You are insane.

  4. Out of 100 pairs of panties since jr. high, 70% of them have been stolen, and the rest I left behind when moving out of a place quickly, or threw out to replace with new ones.

    I have had the majority of my underwear stolen.

    I have no idea where they are going but I'm getting a better idea about some of it.

  5. To "You",

    Insane can take on so many different meanings. Which were you refering to?

  6. Thank you thief,

    ....for the reminder to correct my typo
