Monday, August 13, 2012

Computer Interference With Voting NOW

I have someone obstructing justice and interfering my voter registration right now. As far as I know, interfering with someone's right to register to vote, or to vote, is a criminal offense and I think it's a felony. I started filling out an online form, using a password, and I entered it correctly. I was closed out of registration before I finished and then when I tried to log back in, it said the password was incorrect and it's not incorrect. So someone is actively hacking my computer and interfering with my voter registration. Now, each time I try to even enter it, before saying it's incorrect, it's clearing out all of my data that I entered, every time I try. Now I asked to reset my password and someone deleted the instructions that were sent to me. Believe me, Katie is disappearing, just like my emails are disappearing you Dept. of Justice fuckers.


  1. I guess we all go through those times of wondering what the purpose of our existence is. We all sometimes find ourselves caught in that "in-between" space. I feel like I've been in that place more times than I can count.
    What is the purpose that I was put on this earth to fulfill? Will I ever feel like I'm fulfilling it? I wonder these things to myself as I go from babysitting in the first half of the week to being a barista in the second half of the week.
    I find myself longing for an escape as it occurs to me how many people my age are done with college and are moving on to careers, and how many of my old friends are married and raising children.
    Someone once told me that I always "get it" a few days or even weeks after everyone else does. Someone else once told me that my hamster upstairs moves slower than others. Although it took everything in me to not be angry with either of these people when they said it I was able to see that in a way they are speaking the truth.
    Maybe that explains why I come back to this place so often. My dusty room of purposelessness where the windows are so dirty that I cant see out and the dust in the are makes it hard to breath. I wonder again and again, why I had to go through this, that and the other. I can never make head or tail of it and again I find myself rediscovering who I am.

  2. Dear Miss Garrett,
    Here are some anagrams of your name:

    Greatcoat Rem
    Cartage Metro
    Regatta Comer
    Acme Garrotte
    A Gamer Cotter
    A Garter Comet
    A Grater Comet
    A Garret Comet
    A Target Comer
    A Matte Grocer
    Carrot Gamete
    Retract Omega
    A Tram Cortege
    Camera Get Rot
    Ace Gator Term
    Grace Ma Otter
    Acme Rage Tort
    Came Tart Ogre
    Carte Ma Ergot

    Here are some anagrams of Oliver Garrett:
    Aglitter Rover
    Travelog Trier
    Garrotte Liver
    Garrotte Viler
    Rattier Grovel
    Trait Groveler
    A Glitter Rover
    A Gritter Lover
    A Grovel Triter
    Traveler Rig To
    Leaver Rig Tort
    Leaver Rig Trot
    Leaver Trig Ort
    Leaver Trig Tor
    Leaver Trig Rot
    Leaver Grit Ort
    Leaver Grit Tor
    Leaver Grit Rot
    Leaver Girt Ort
    Leaver Girt Tor
    Leaver Girt Rot
    Reveal Rig Tort
    Reveal Rig Trot
    Reveal Trig Ort
    Reveal Trig Tor
    Reveal Trig Rot
    Reveal Grit Ort
    Reveal Grit Tor
    Reveal Grit Rot
    Reveal Girt Ort
    Reveal Girt Tor
    Reveal Girt Rot
    Agiler Rev Tort
    Agiler Rev Trot
    Aglitter Rev Or
    Triage Err Volt
    Gaiter Err Volt
    Gale River Tort
    Gale River Trot
    Travelog Err It
    Travelog Err Ti
    Large River Tot
    Large Trivet Or
    Large Rivet Ort
    Large Rivet Tor
    Large Rivet Rot
    Large Rive Tort
    Large Rive Trot
    Large Rover Tit
    Regal River Tot
    Regal Trivet Or
    Regal Rivet Ort
    Regal Rivet Tor
    Regal Rivet Rot
    Regal Rive Tort
    Regal Rive Trot
    Regal Rover Tit
    Glare River Tot
    Glare Trivet Or
    Glare Rivet Ort
    Glare Rivet Tor
    Glare Rivet Rot
    Glare Rive Tort
    Glare Rive Trot
    Glare Rover Tit
    Lager River Tot
    Lager Trivet Or
    Lager Rivet Ort
    Lager Rivet Tor
    Lager Rivet Rot
    Lager Rive Tort
    Lager Rive Trot
    Lager Rover Tit
    Larger Rivet To
    Larger Rive Tot
    Larger Vie Tort
    Larger Vie Trot
    Larger Voter It
    Larger Voter Ti
    Larger Trove It
    Larger Trove Ti
    Larger Overt It
    Larger Overt Ti
    Larger Over Tit
    Larger Rove Tit
    Larger Vet Tiro
    Larger Vet Riot
    Larger Vet Trio
    Gravel Ire Tort
    Gravel Ire Trot
    Gravel Trier To
    Gravel Rite Ort

  3. Anagrams for "Oliver Avila" are:
    Vale Ravioli
    Lave Ravioli
    Veal Ravioli
    A Rival Olive
    Allover Via I
    A Viral Love I

    Some anagrams for "Dicksie Garrett" are:
    Cartridges Kite
    Cartridges Tike
    Racket Ridgiest
    Cigar Skittered
    Tragedies Trick
    Raged Trickiest
    Grade Trickiest
    Grated Stickier
    Staged Trickier
    Drag Ricketiest
    A Sicker Gritted
    Caged Trite Risk
    Caged Rite Skirt
    Sacred Kite Girt
    Redact Tiger Ski
    Crated Tiger Ski
    Distract Eke Rig

  4. U didn't protect your son!!! You did a bad job!!

  5. Hi Elle,

    Thank you for your comment.

  6. Anagrams:

    Very cool. I like wordplay.

    I was writing my son's name down, Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, and then his age, which is 6 and I ended up with 666. I didn't notice and went to my work and then looked back on my notes and froze. What is THIS? 666? I had written ORGG6 and my G's often look like 6's so it looked like OR666.

    That was more of a coincidence than word play but I look at reversals as well.

    Thanks for the comment.

  7. Nyet. No.

    My son is my crowning glory

  8. For anagrams on me and my son's names,

    That is great. :) You must be able to think very fast. Are you good at boggle?

    Thank you for your time.
