Monday, August 13, 2012

U.S. Government Assholes In Town: 840 DET (oregon)

My Dad came home this morning and I could tell he was upset. Then I went out to get groceries (made several trips bc I don't want to do this everyday), and the entire town was packed with police, FBI, and U.S. government assholes. By this afternoon when my parents were home, or early evening, their eyes were totally blackened, indented, bruised and swollen and neither looked happy. My internet connection was completely shut down even though there was nothing wrong with our wi-fi, to drive me out of the house. I was also tortured the entire day, to my heart, and to my teeth as well and the U.S. definitely put a metal stent in my heart. Maybe that's what fucking Katie Middleton's little Y part was about. Because most likely, it was already there and not even added later. The DNS server was totally shut down even though nothing was wrong with my wi-fi at all. Then, after seeing from my Dad's expression that something was wrong from this very morning, but this evening the evidence was all over his and my mother's faces. Then, after my internet was shut down, I had over 6 cops following me around as I walked back to my house. The last one had plates 402 EUP. They parked in front of me to the right, passed my on the left, came torwards me from the front down a private driveway, and otherwise harassed me. One man today mouthed to me, to tell me what was going on: KATIE. Or KATE. He wasn't saying this like he liked her, or she was something else--he said it as an explanation for why I was going to find out my parents were tortured. God damn her and her family. I hope they disappear for good. I'm not voting for the Mormon guy because he's connected to Bane or Bain and they are connected to people who implanted me. I don't like everyone around Obama, but I know for a fact he had nothing to do, personally, with my being IMPLANTED. And at least he has some knowledge of what criminal things have been done to people in this country. I was going to vote for Mitt Romney, but since he picked his running mate, and since I've done some research, I think the facts are twisted. All these cops came out to support torture, and are friends with Nathan Bechtold and the Bechtold family. They're all a bunch of sell-out shits. 840 DET (oregon) is one of SEVERAL license plates of U.S. government assholes who were in town harassing my family today. I had the sun in my eyes and I could still what a shitty person he was, and he stared at me with hate but when he saw I was still fixing my eyes on him, even with the sun glaring in my face, he faked this uplifted head look, like keep your chin up. The man is a criminal who thought too late. He looked at me with a direct intent look like he wanted to strangle me. There was also a couple of Italians with California plates who looked like they hated my guts and they're plates to the SUV (white) stared with 6JEL. I didn't catch the rest. Also, there was a cop from Wenatchee in town. He drove all the way over from Wenatchee, to be over here. I'm being tortured on the top of my head now. I turned my head down and it stopped. It was the same torture that was used to create huge swellings on both me and my brother's heads. My brother doesn't get "migraines" by the way. I am positive there is metal in my chest or heart because I had no pain at one point, except for my heart--the suctioning thing they did all day today. I then bent over and had my head by my feet as I put some things on the floor and the pressure or metal from above then went down into my teeth and affected the metal there. It only happened to my upper jaw at that point, when my head was down and it felt like it was coming from my chest, not under my chin. These assholes quit torturing me for a few days and then thought they could still make a run with it, and began torturing me again and have harassed and intimidated my parents. Most likely over a combination of Katie, Huckabee, and Bechtolds. Oh yeah, and the "most powerful bitch" in England who is a U.S. defense brat.

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