Sunday, August 12, 2012

Katie Carter Middeton (test tube baby of Cambridge)

This country has allowed me and my son to be tortured for Katie Carter Middleton. Kate Middleton is not even Carol Goldsmith's kid. She's Lynda Carter's kid. Read my last post. - "How many KC-45s do you want to provide contracts for?" She's a Baby Jessica. Is that what the BJ on the wedding license plate was for? or just to represent the world's biggest blow job. Oh wait. That's not Baby Jessica, Australia's first test tube baby was Candace Reed, in 1980. I read somewhere that Australia had the first and then the UK. Now today I'm finding the UK says they had the first, in 1978, Louise Joy Brown. I guess she had all those initials on the car too, if you want to be technical. L, B, and J. UKs first test tube baby was done at Cambridge. "Catherine" was named Duchess of Cambridge when she has nothing to do with them, oh, except for being U.S. Carters' spawn. Dr. Robert Edwards and Dr. Patrick "Steptoe" were the doctors who acheived the first UK test tube baby, Louise Joy Brown, in 1978. It happened at Cambridge. Stepping on my toes was not just this little girl at the church, it was a reference to Katie and test tube babies. The first U.S. test tube baby, was named Elizabeth Jordan Carr, and was born December 24, 1981, in Virginia. Supposedly, Catherine Middleton's name is "Catherine Elizabeth Middleton" but that's a lie. Her entire life is a lie, and her country is lied to as mine has been, while my son and I are tortured over her because of her U.S. contacts. Oops! CONTRACTS. Then, "Catherine Elizabeth" is sent off to live in "Jordan" when her biological mother is looking pretty much like she's a "Carr"--oh, "Carter". So what did she do? She's the product of the U.S. and lives in England, so she had an IVF done herself to have a baby in the U.S.? Here's another small thing. I can't remember the name of the movie right now, but in it, these two young women are partying in a car and one has yellow hot pants on, like Katie chose to wear for roller-skating. Who else wears hot pants? Lynda Carter as "superwoman" and then, in this movie, a man is found floating dead in a river, just like Carter found a "body floating in the river" in 2008. So basically, with Lynda's Mexican contacts, she would have Mexican gangsters ready to kill and torture over Kate too. Lynda is half Mexican and Spanish. Here is a photo of the "tube" that Kate wore for showing her body in public (it is the same color and design as my first prom dress, with the same colors of black and teal, and I had a teal band across the top exactly like this, same straight line too. The difference is that she's wearing it split like a swimsuit and a tube over it. Which is fitting for a test tube fraud. This woman is not a woman, she is pure evil.,r:19,s:309,i:129 Her mother gave her diamond oak leave and acorn earrings to wear for her wedding after I was tortured and thrown into a psych ward and injected with Haldol by Vanderbilt University hospital. Vanderbilt's symbol is the oak leaf and acorn. And note the "Y" split in her hair on one side. Linda Carter changed her name to include a "Y" with Lynda. In 2005, a different Robert Morris and an Englishman and Canadian and other U.S. woman, started a business called the "Y-combinator". I'll refer to this in my previous post. I want Katie and the Middletons, out. If she does not get out, and step down as some others have had to do (like Arthur Smith's wife, June, from the Church of England school), someone is going to remove her by exposure and force, and it won't be pretty Katie. Your heart is made out of diarrhea. She looks exactly like Michelle Erickson.,r:13,s:244,i:253 She's not pretty at all. She is as common looking as anyone, and she's tortured my son. I believe she may have been involved with the cutting of my mother's face. It was someone with a British accent, and I know it was a UK knife (longer explanation behind that). I would never ever doubt that she has directly tortured children and others with her own hands. If you type in a search for her photos, on image search which I did, and just start scanning them, this overall impression and vibe rises up from them. She is not good. She is an extremely bad and devious person and has become worse. Her mother, Lynda Carter, is a "great example". She's as malicious and hateful as her daughter. Also, it is no wonder Kate studied Art History, because Colby Carter is an art dealer, an Irish one. That's Lynda Carter's Dad, which would be Kate's grandpa. So there's one Irish connection, and it goes with the Art History she chose to study. Type in "Kate Middleton images" and look what comes up on Google. Then type in "Lynda Carter images" and look at what comes up on Google. The mother. Look at even Kate's hairline, and forehead, and then look at Lynda Carter. Match-match. Look at Kate's ears and then look at Lynda Carter's ears. Match-match. All features match and I have enough facts to prove how they are related and connected. Carol Goldsmith has an enormous nose. You can't see it in photos straight-on, but in profile. It's huge, and it has a hump or is sort of hooked or whatever. She also has enormous ears and she usually hides them with hair but I found them in a photo. Mike Middleton has slightly more resemblance to his daughter but he looks like Bill Clinton to me, to the nose. There is something Bill Clinton about him. Pipi looks like a biological daughter of Carol's. Katie is not. It's not that "she doesn't look like it,"--she's not. James I have no idea. He looks like Philip Thebault, but why who knows. There are too many U.S. indicators that Kate is a U.S. egg, and if it's true Lynda Carter is her mother (a Roman Catholic) and that a Jewish woman raised her, you can see why some have been against me. Katie is a double operative, isn't she. How cute, too, she even wore a little "tiara" that looked like her mother's "Superwoman" crown. And who should know what dress I wore to a Sherwood High School dance in 1992? I went with Brian Parker, and Erica Wiltbank met me at the school. It was the first dance I went to and I wore a black velvet dress that went just above my knees, with a teal sash straight across the top which then tied in the back into a bow. Erica Wiltbank's mother knows Lynda Carter. They were models together. So Mormons are connected to Katie Middleton, which is partly why many of them have been willing to take bribes and allowed my son to be tortured. They wanted their own business ideas to work out. Kate's mother is Catholic. Lynda Carter is a Catholic. Here is a photo of "Katie"s Mommy:,r:21,s:184,i:71 It's exactly what the English Monarchy asked for. The British Monarchy wanted some "fresh" air, like circus air. The woman who raised her is Jewish (Carol Goldsmith). After Katie walked the runway in a dress that imitated my dress, in 2002, wearing her hair split into a Y on one side, Robert Morris (a Morris that is related to Dame Marjorie Scardino) created a new computer company while in college at MIT. At the time, in 2003, MIT decided, that degeneration of the Y chromosome (called Muller's Rachet) could be "re-combined". Robert Morris, originally a Cornell graduate (like Mary Del Balzo), decided to use this idea with the idea of the Y in Katie's hair in 2002 and Lynda Carter parentage (with the special "Y") and created a computer program called "Y-combinator" in 2005. Before this, he was hacking into people's Yahoo accounts through Viacom in 1999. Another person on their team is from Cornell. Patty Otterbach looks like Carol Goldsmith.


  1. Couldn't agree more with animal abuse but That along with All thus far is very open to long lenght but as was getting to that response Cat hopps on computer Mouse & these click noises all fast happen to then lost all typed was just geting to animal sort That & was conteplating Gods plan or will on this is going to smoothly as with all their is always something going on to be aware of to dumbfounded couple days relay wth many coincided events can do That to a guy just cut down to 24 hours give or take well relays are everyThing so can get to That later as well, but cutting close on room. So yep this be anotherr go around fully expect some quark on other end to happen but let Time tell right regardless of his form or voice! Penpals with benifits love It lets get right on It! Seriously freinds are always welcome. Connecticut hugh that spells interesting minus here there & all That but what possed someone to leave? Hlloween such a unique day many a trouble from That day. Nevada is home as with every other place if God made It All is well if nesscieties are delivered we can be All over It! Mainly though he gave If for a stamp of approval so This guy with many others can indulge with satisfactions but realisticaly He has not given the stamp to everywhere for this guy. NV is enjoyable in many respects as far as them go been their few times already once on fmily vaction, another with same family for family so much time by the pool in fact Uncle had this Black Widow problem he would not let us get rid of It their was many to much family spun into webs with one big Black Mama porportioned like she had given birth (still maken sense?) so he denied us from moving some sort like It hasn't done anything to us & as Fate proved he along with family have went on to days on In so he had a point after all, them things not filled with harmful to humans sorts trip Ma some brother has momnts & they were webed off slider to wall great during heate months but they are known to venture inwards during other seasons. Last time Pops & some of us friends whent down for Boxing not for self persay but he got into It somewhat beleive That was the time we drov from Oregon with two other guys so he could fight word to him was a Boxing show was starten so if their gurented match to show producers or of some sorts that whoever was cabable & worth their & everybody elses while for the show, he was denied for being to big or some sort sene that one coming hes like a super heavy weight ameature (only way to get on show anyhow), when ameature they have weight restrictions along with age he passed tweenty up years ago like 30 so slim chance blood pressure could be bypassed but he was not amused so he didn't even see the scene all the times of him out os state can be counted like on one hand aprat for business runs with his pops, barely got out to se anything with the other guys they got whole different age bracket much whent on but as

  2. A few years back I went through my worst (at that point) bout of depression. It was so severe I ended up in the mental hospital. But what got me through the months of crying in bed and struggling with every bit of my being to not kill myself were episodes of MST3K. That’s when I first found the show. And I watched them again and again and again. They gave me something to focus on and smile at.

    When I wasn’t watching MST3K, it was Are You Being Served? So, yeah. Crow, Servo, Mike, Joel, and Mr Humphries kept me alive for months until I was checked into the hospital and was helped.

    You hold on to what you can. You find the thing that allows you to survive. Even if other people wouldn’t understand. Find it and hold tight until you can help.

  3. Over 1000 doctors have said AIDS is a cover up. In South America, there was a conference. The war in Iraq down by Waikiki it was done. Done, done, done, done. But the rucker took it over. Then the dog. The dog is Spog. Frog. Leap. Heap, steep, creep, deep, gotta go beep. I'm not schizophrenic. The CIA and the Queen of England have put implants into my brain and my ear-waxy concha via the military. My parents are twins. I'm not mentally ill at all. This is a conspiracy!

  4. Deterioration of social, occupational, and self-care functioning (or failure to achieve expected level of functioning)

    A.1. Delusions (positive symptom)
    · Persecutory (common)
    · Referential (common)
    · Somatic
    · Grandiose
    · Control
    · Guilt or sin

    Impact of Positive & Negative Symptoms
    · Positive symptoms are more bizarre than negative symptoms - elicit fear in others
    · Negative symptoms create more difficulties than positive symptoms in order to function independently in society

    People with SZ (schizophrenia) & predominant negative symptoms are more likely to exhibit
    · Lower educational attainment
    · Less success in holding jobs
    · Lower rate of marriage (30% - 40%) than general population (80%)
    · Poorer performance on cognitive tasks
    · Poorer prognosis
    · Poorer response to medication
    · Poorer response to behavioral therapy

    Cameo has low educational attainment, no success holding jobs since the onset of her psychotic disorder, Cameo has never married = Cameo is schizo.


    (excess or distortion of normal functions)
    · Delusions (erroneous belief)
    · Hallucinations (erroneous perception)
    · Disorganized speech
    · Disorganized or catatonic behavior

  6. Schizophrenia
    · Women have later onset, more predominant mood symptoms, and better prognosis
    · Equal diagnosis for males and females
    · Males more likely to be hospitalized
    · No laboratory findings have been identified that are diagnostic of SZ
    · Not a disease (with known cause) but a disorder (cause unknown)


    o paranoid vs. non-paranoid; former better recovery
    o acute vs. chronic; former better recovery

    3 Major DSM Subtypes
    · Disorganized schizophrenia
    · Catatonic schizophrenia
    · Paranoid schizophrenia
    Cameo has been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic with Axis II Borderline. When Cameo applies for welfare and food stamps, she lists herself as disabled because of her mental illness- schizophrenia.

    Schizophrenia Etiology
    Diathesis Stress Paradigm
    · Familial concordance (genetics) = Diathesis
    Response to medication
    Evidence of brain structure anomalies
    · Dysfunctional learning history--e.g., modeling and reinforcement of odd behaviors = Diathesis
    Response to behavior therapy
    · Negative life events, including a family with inconsistent reinforcement contingencies (operant conditioning and modeling) = Stress

    Side effects of anti-psychotic medications (such as Haldol, Risperdal, Seroquel, Topamax, Zyprexa, Abilify, etc.):
    Parkinsonism (motor tremors and loss of control)
    Extrapyramidal movement disorders
    Endocrine disorders
    Sexual performance dysfunctions
    Menstrual changes
    Blurred vision
    Dry mouth
    Urinary retention
    Memory impairment
    Weight gain
    Rapid heart rate
    Postural hypotension
    Pigmentation of skin
    Pigment deposits in the retina
    Impaired vision
    Decreased pituitary function
    Allergic reactions
    Liver dysfunction
    Blood disorders (e.g., reduced white blood cells count)
    Exacerbation of diabetes mellitus
    *many side effects are NOT reversible

  7. · The following tenets of the psychosocial rehabilitation were described by Cnaan, Blankertz, Messinger, and Gardner (1988; Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 11, 60-77).
    Underutilization of Full Human Capacity.
    Assumption is that each person can improve his or her level of functioning, that "Life is a process of growth and change and all persons, even the most disabled, are capable of growth and change."Equipping People with Skills.
    Rather than focusing on clinical symptoms, the psychosocial rehabilitation approach focuses on the presence or absence of skills needed for independent living. Therefore, treatment aims to teach job skills, daily living skills, skills for interacting with others, and skills for utilizing available resources in the community.

    People with schizophrenia are viewed as adults with the right and ability to participate in decision-making and live by their consequences. Except in emergency situations, clients participate fully in making goals, can reject goals set by others, and are viewed as intelligent consumers who provide important feedback.

    The ultimate goal of psychosocial rehabilitation is independent living in the community, with minimal, if any, support.
    Differential Needs and Care.
    Treatment is individualized to recognize the unique skills and problem areas for each individual person. No common plan for progression, but rather each individual has a unique path & speed for recovery.

    Deprofessionalization of Service.
    Relationships between staff & clients (aka consumers) based on common humanity more than professional barriers. Interaction includes the exchange of contradictory ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and the rehabilitation process is demystified.

    Work-Centered Process.
    The opportunity to aspire to & achieve gainful employment is "a deeply generative and reintegrative force in the life of every human being." Work is central theme in psychosocial rehabilitation.

    Social Rather than Medical Supremacy.
    While medical model focuses on illness, the psychosocial rehabilitation model stresses skill-building & social support systems for coping with life’s stresses. The focus is on present & future functioning, not etiology & past functioning.

  8. 1. I think that I have felt that there are odd or unusual things going on that I can’t explain.
    2. I think that I might be able to predict the future.
    3. I may have felt that there could possibly be something interrupting or controlling my thoughts, feelings, or actions.
    4. I have had the experience of doing something differently because of my superstitions.
    5. I think that I may get confused at times whether something I experience or perceive may be real or may be just part of my imagination or dreams.
    6. I have thought that it might be possible that other people can read my mind, or that I can read other’s minds.
    7. I wonder if people may be planning to hurt me or even may be about to hurt me.
    8. I believe that I have special natural or supernatural gifts beyond my talents and natural strengths.
    9. I think I might feel like my mind is “playing tricks” on me.
    10. I have had the experience of hearing faint or clear sounds of people or a person mumbling or talking when there is no one near me.
    11. I think that I may hear my own thoughts being said out loud.
    12. I have been concerned that I might be “going crazy”.
    !!!I am schizophrenic.

  9. I never thought hyenas essential
    they're crude and unspeakably plain

  10. My psychiatrist randomly called me on Friday. It was weird, because my last appointment with him was last Thursday, more than a week ago. It also the last time I saw him for the foreseeable future, because I figured that if my ADHD medication is staying the same I don’t really need to keep trekking to bumblefuck Hillsboro to talk with him, I can just see someone on campus.

    I actually missed the call so I called the office back right afterward, and the secretary said she would get him. He came over to the phone and said, “I noticed you were wearing a dress the last time we talked and I was wondering what that was about.” Oh, yeah. That was the first time I had worn something other than pants in front of him.

    I told him that I had come to identify as having a nonbinary gender identity over the past year and I had recently started changing the way I present myself. There were lots of awkward pauses and shuffling sounds, and he mumbled something about how he hopes that society is accepting of me blah blah blah (PRABS NOT).

    I half-joked that being at Reed it doesn’t really matter that much, but he didn’t laugh or anything, instead he just said something like, “Oh, well, hmm, I should have asked about it while you were in the office.” I’m thinking, “O RLY WHY IS THAT?”, considering that it has uh no relevance to anything clinical whatsoever. Then he awkwardly got off the phone and ended that incredibly productive conversation.

    In other news, I ordered new glasses. Ise went with me to help me pick them out, it took me a while to figure out what kind I liked but we ended up settling on 5 kinds. I had to come back the next day to actually pick out which one I wanted to order because I needed an eye exam first.

    I realized this situation was somewhat made more awkward by the fact that before I had been wearing my giant flow-y hippie skirt (with bells on the drawstrings, oh yes), while that day I was wearing pants and a nerdy t-shirt with words on it. Also, the lady who was helping me that day wasn’t the same as the lady who had helped me the previous day. So she took them out of the box and there were several Kate Spade pairs and one with rinestones I felt somewhat embarrassed.

    She proceeded to gently (and very likely unintentionally) guide me toward the least feminine looking pair of glasses of the ones I had picked out, by pointing out that those other pairs were too small for my nose. She said it would be uncomfortable in the long term. I really didn’t want that, so I just went along with what she said. To her credit, though, she did pull out several other pairs that were similar to those in an attempt to find one that fit my nose, with no success. *shakes my tiny fist at the glasses manufacturers*

  11. Is your father a musician?

  12. I was born and have lived in the Wenatchee Valley my entire life, with the exception of one year in Bellevue, WA, just after high school, when my life was transformed, and when I really got set on the track to become a teacher. My favorite subject in school has always been English, and along the way I've picked up an interest for cooking, piano, and for learning more of my first language, Spanish. My mom is off-and-on teaching me to sew and to garden! And I have a passion to see ladies, young and old, live true to their identities. I am excited to see how God incorporates these passions and interests into my future. Check out my blog here.

  13. pics of Oliver's b-day

  14. From your blog post on December 21, 2009,
    -"He said P. wouldn't let him watch cartoons. He has also been referring to Pablo as "daddy" which I really do not appreciate and it shows that there are some in my family who do not want me to have my son back. Pablo is most certaintly not his "daddy"."
    -"I should add, to be very fair and correct, I do know that he spent all day in the orchard with Pablo one day or at least Pablo told me this and told me my son was in bed by 5:00 p.m. one night when I called. He said he'd fallen asleep on the couch after a day in the orchard. If it's true he was in the orchard all day, I don't know this is very good for him, because if the pesticides bother him, he's not wearing glasses or anything. But I thought, even if he's on Claritin, something isn't right and I think he needs to be checked out further. When I asked my son if he was out in the orchard with Pablo, my son said no, he didn't go out with him in the orchard that week. I think, most of the time, my son knows. If he'd been in the orchard, he remembers, however, maybe it was too far back for him to recall."

  15. Is there still a restraining order on you to not see Oliver?

  16. In Spanish, spanking is "pow pow."

    fyi, re: your blog where you wrote: "The one thing I did think about, is that while I do know Holly and Pablo believe in corporate punishment, his phrasing of "pow me"? is something he got from someone else. I do not ever hear Holly say "pow" or Pablo? "I'll pow you?" You want a "pow"? Someone obviously gave him this idea of pow. It makes me think someone tried to put this idea in his mind, over and over, so he would repeat one thing if asked, but I DO also believe him that he's hit by the Avilas because I addressed this with the state workers and THEY have ENCOURAGED it. As did the Chelan County "detectives" who shouldn't be detectives and who should be fired. I have a list. Believe me."

  17. To couldn't agree:

    Thank you for your comment.

  18. To "a few years ago...bouts of depression". Thanks for sharing that with us and I will look up the show you mentioned after I get through all these comments.

    If I may share something from personal experience that helped me--a week ago or more I sensed depression from someone else or others. It didn't feel like it was just me, there was something going on and I guess I picked up on it in an intuitive way.

    I was tired and in bed because of torture though, not depression. I wasn't getting any sleep bc I was tortured all night so I slept during the day.

    I don't recommend this for everyone at all, but I said to myself, when I felt like giving up on things I'd had in mind to do, "Don't doubt, in the dark, what God has shown you in the light." So I said to myself, "This is a mood, and snap out of it." And then I did.

    So that's what helped me, but at different times, different things help. Now and then, cutting yourself slack and letting things go a little, in order to recoup, is perfect, or doing nice things for yourself or others. Maybe just one small thing for one person even. And I pray at least 5 minutes a day which is really not hardly at all, but even 5 minutes makes a difference, and if it's more, great. It can be anytime in the day too.

    Thanks for sharing.

  19. To Over a 1,000 Doctors...

    Thank you for your comment. You don't sound crazy at all, you sound like someone trying to sound as though you are, but it proves a point too. Even someone who truly may be mentally ill, or handicapped in some way, does that mean they cannot be telling the truth or some part of it?

    I saw a disabled man who was clearly a victim of torture. Even if he couldn't speak for himself, does that mean he is not a victim of something almost unbelievable?

    Of course it's possible people are infected illegally with AIDS. Of course it's possible horrendous forms of torture are used--but if the govt. is involved, they try to cover it up by discrediting the person if that person is not already in a vulnerable position.

    Thank you for your comment.

  20. To "deterioration"...

    When is the last time you were at a concentration camp?

    It looks like deterioration to me too. And what a social life.


  21. To "positive"...

    How interesting you choose this post to attack me. The only reason you do, is because you feel threatened by this post as do your friends.

    When you meet someone who is actually literally schizophrenic, do me a favor and let all of us know how your field trip went.

    Thanks for the comment.

  22. To "general":

    all the side effects you mention have nothing to do with medication I've been given. I had things showing up before anyone dared suggest there was any disorder.

    Secondly, women do not develop this disorder in their 30s. For men and women both, it's in the early 20s and for men, sometimes even younger than that.

    You claim that I have been diagnosed this way and it is a lie. Whoever told you this, or whatever you read, is not a professional document that holds any weight.

    I have never been evaluated for any mental health disorder. An evaluation is face to face contact for at least several days, and no, this has never occured. All of my objective testing is completely normal as well, and that's without someone interfering with their own bias.

    I have had as many "quick" visits that have cleared me as NOT mentally ill, as I have any that claimed "something" might be wrong. In fact, I have more visits where professionals said I was normal than any that claimed "possibly" something wasn't. 5:2 ratio or better, because I also saw D.C. people who saw me.

    The 2 who tried to say something was wrong, were both paid by the State, when there was a conflict of interest, and neither was longer than 1 hour face to face. One was 1 hour, on one day, and the other one was for 30-45 minutes, AFTER I was first assaulted with a medication, before there was any "evaluation".

    1 hour is not a professional evaluation. If it is, I have about 12 of those under my belt, or more, contradicting what the wackos tried to say, and confirming I am not mentally ill.

    So enjoy your reading.

    Did you know Kate Middleton's cousin is someone named Katrina Darling by the way? You might want to check out my posts about the people from University of Utah and then also read the one about Huckabee. hours ago someone could keep pretending I have nothing to do with the Middletons. That is sort of over and done with now because I pointed out direct links to them, and you can't change who you knew and went to school with, who they went into business with, and what their addresses are.

    Everything I've said adds up and it will continue to add up.

  23. To Jibber,

    Thanks. Read my response to "General".

    Thank you for your comments.

  24. For the "list person":

    Thank you for sharing your ideas. Please read my post about how many psychologists/professionals have evaluated me and what the tally is.

    Those who have cleared me as not having any mental disorder far outnumber 2 people paid by the State and federal government. Literally, about 5:2 or better. If we factor in "out of office" visits, closer to over 12.

    So what now? take a vote? or do we just believe those who have the most glaring conflicts of interest and highest paying customers?

  25. For the hyenas person:

    If you want to be bland and say that sounds mentally ill, one could say that, if you were trying to address people at a forum for the Presidential candidacy.

    However, if you are creative, or at a poetry forum, one could say this is a starting point for conversation.

    After all, aren't the rich always bored with everything? (that's a saying and generality, not necessarily a truth).

    I might say, "Yes, I don't share their sense of humor."

  26. Hi Rowan.

    I followed. So what if others want a more linear approach to the narrative, you still made sense.

    Thanks for your comments and go for the glasses you like best.

  27. To "is your father..."

    Yes, he is.

  28. Hi Dahlia,

    Nice colorful and varied layout for your blog. It's sort of a scrapbook journal (but not scraps, very nice photos too). I think it suits the purpose for your blog very well.

    Congratulations on graduation.

    My comments are:

    The olive green shirt with 3/4 sleeves is a great color, with your arms resting on the table. Like, like.

    The photos of Oliver I appreciated seeing. He didn't like the curly candles because they look broken to him. He's traditional.

    Your mother made an excellent cake, but I've seen her past wedding cakes and that's what I thought was phenomenal. It goes to show she can do cartoons as well as wedding cakes with flowers and tall layers.

    I never thought Granny looked like Stephanie Meyers until I saw her side photo, without her hat, where she's laughing at Grandpa. She looks like ...? stephanie?

    Nice touch with the upside down reports and why name, and bye. Um, why corruption? Isn't that the name of the game (inside comment there).

    Cute photo of Ivory with hands over cheeks. I'm sure someone is happy with her...I thought she was a sensible and adventurous person when we knew eachother, for one summer, before the entire family quit talking to me.

    I guess I'm not sure why anyone is writing now? because I'm not an idiot or mentally ill or maybe I will get Oliver back so let's look great fast? Sorry so sardonic.

    The peppers are a great idea. I just bought some chili pods when I went grocery shopping for my blackberry borscht. Tons of blackberries around here, and I made borscht with them instead of tomatoes and it was okay, but I needed red pepper.

    Now I have everything except vegan sour cream (that's maybe for next week). Also, I made a tofu soup for something fast and realized it needed only a few things to be a coconut soup (Thai). I used silken tofu, blended with red pepper (I ground mine dry, and let the peppers settle a second and then they pop up off of the blade, and I restarted, ground, turn off, and they settle and then pop up like popcorn while adjusting on the blade, which gives me new leverage to hit grind again)...and added some habanero cider salsa and it was a smooth orange soup. Gave it a pinch of salt. Then I realized, all this needs is coconut milk, scallions, and cilantro and mushrooms and I have coconut soup (bamboo shoots optional).

    Hope you're having fun Dahlia.

  29. To "he said P wouldn't let him watch cartoons"--

    I do know my own son.

    Thanks for the comment.

  30. To "is there still a restraining order.."

    My son has been kidnapped. What do you think.


  31. To the person with list of Wenatchee detectives...

    They're reading your mail to me before I am because there were Wenatchee cops in town yesterday afternoon. I saw them late afternoon-early evening.

    If you have a list, I would love to see it. Yes, they encouraged beating my son, and that was before parental rights were illegally terminated.

    I never spanked my son and I have the right to raise my own son. We both have the right to not be tortured, as do all citizens.

  32. Another note to person with list of Wenatchee detectives...

    Um yeah. I just checked when you sent the comment and you sent it at 2:30 A.M.

    We had Wenatchee cops in the town the next day, driving past me and apparently beating up and torturing my parents with more of the cops over here.

    They are guilty if they're reading your mail and then rushing over here to try to punish someone they think might be talking.

    Guilty. They are GUILTY of crimes.
