Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mike Huckabee: Criminal Intimidation (with footnotes)

(The above are photos of me tonight, taken for my son Oliver. The box in the back says Uncle Sam Original) Mike Huckabee's career is almost over. I've been watching this man closely and wondering why he has gone out of his way, several times on his show, to make inside threats to my family. He's done it on several occasions. So I'm finding out who he knows, I'm exposing him, and you're fucking DONE Huckabee. Pack your fucking bags and figure out how you're going to make a living making more "Dinosaur Pet" songs. He's listed as Southern Baptist. So he claims to be a Protestant. With Protestants like him, who needs the Devil. I think he's a liar. He is on a show as a "Republican" and claims to be a christian, a "Southern Baptist". Well, both of his parents were Democrats. He grew up in Hope, Arkansas, which is where Bill Clinton grew up: Hope, Arkansas. There is no "hope" coming out of "Hope", Arkansas. He is the same age as Bill Clinton, and he took the exact same trajectory that Bill Clinton took, becoming Governor of the State. It was under Bill Clinton and Louis Freeh (director of FBI and friend to Thebaults) that I was implanted with microchips. The absence of "military service" does not necessarily mean he has not been serving the military. He applied and enrolled with ROTC in college and they supposedly "turned him down" for "flat feet". No one gets turned out of the military because of "flat feet". Another source says heart murmur but on the application for U.S. Army, he was rejected for "flat feet". Then he went into politics. The military has been known to "reject" people for service while asking them to be employed through their military intelligence. It's secret, and the person gets "rejected" on paper while they are basically doing undercover military or other government work instead. (He was a flat foot former fattie. Maybe he has sympathies for other fatties like Michelle Erickson, when they torture kids. I was fat once too, but not because I had no self-control. I got fat for my son's best health and nutrition, like because I was hiding an addictive personality. Food addiction is linked to addictive personality types. So what has Huckabee been using to keep himself so perky.) He got his current job as a talk show host on "Huckabee" September 27, 2008. Then he went to Brown University (Philip Thebault's alma mater) 1 month later, on October 30, 2008. I'm sure it was just "coincidence". His biggest donor for his campaigns was an R.J. Reynolds. I guess our Huckabee is still hoping for a return of English rule in America and return of the plantations and slaves. R.J. Reynolds is the 2nd largest tobacco company in the United States 42% of it is owned by Britain. This man is such a hypocritical closet criminal, I think he knows how to fake a polygraph and blush at will. He's finished, and his descent into "madness" will commence starting tonight, as he tries to scramble up ideas on how to keep his fucking cover. You SHIT. It really has me wondering. If people like HIM are advocating Romney (who seems fine generally), maybe I should be voting for Obama again. I said something negative about him to my parents and they had positive expressions and voice and everything when I asked, "Do you like him?" and they said yes. So I said well then who DON'T you like?" and they said Obama. I said, "What is this? a reversal of fortune game where the bad guy is good and the good guy is bad?" Then I said, "If you like Huckabee, then I'm starting to think maybe I should vote for Obama again." They said I was banned from the house for a week and I calmly replied, "Good. That will give me more time to research the dirt on Huckabee." Mike Huckabee is as "Baptist" as Bill Clinton. Which then goes to prove my point about some of the people claiming to be "christians" with the 700 Club too. This man has made threats from the show, knowing my parents watch it, after my Dad has been tortured (as Bill O'Reilly has as well, on occasion, moreso last year when "Whitey" was hot). He has also tried to make fun of ME, knowing my parents were watching. I had no clue what his religious background was. I figured it was Catholic bc of how he acted. And when he's done these things, he gets this very intense, hard and mean look, like he is seriously a vindictive disturbed person. But no, he is not Catholic, he is Southern Baptist. And when you see how connected he is to Bill, that's up for debate about both of them. It's like corrupt Southern Bible Belt Beaters who don't mind torturing little kids. I'm feeling like hearing some Tupac, out of respect for people killed, murdered, by the FBI: Huckabees leetle flat feet should have been the poster behind Kate Middleton's engagement photo-op. Right? That's right. Clinton's alma mater? England.,_Oxford "Aaaahhh shit. You're fucked up now..." (listen to "Ain't Nuthin' But A Ganster Party" at 4:33 on the youtube link). Huckabee says he declined running for President. Why was that? (Hello dear readers. One thing I haven't been doing, is including all the links to where I'm getting information when I do my research. So, I'm going to change that starting today and if I can go back and fix up some other posts too, I'll do that. But from today forward, I will try to include the links or footnotes so you can confirm what I am saying is true. I don't just use wiki. I only use this for a starting point and check it and then look for other sources.) He included an endorsement from Bill Clinton in one of his books. Here it is: He must be convincing: Both Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger and Democrat Bill Clinton have endorsed this book. Heres the endorsements they're talking about: Arnold Schwarzenegger - "Governor Huckabee’s fantastic lifestyle change is an inspiration and a model for our nation." Bill Clinton - "Governor Mike Huckabee has proven that self discipline, diet, and exercise can lead to a happier, healthier lifestyle." The link is here: This man is an absolute criminal, connected to criminals, and a total fraud. It gets even better. He writes a book that makes a veiled reference to the FBI and John Kerry in 2007 (when my son and I were brutally tortured): "Character IS the issue: How people with integrity can revolutionize America (with John Perry) published by B&H Books September 15, 1997. ...o o Niki Popodopoulus. ooooooooooooooeeeeeee I smell a pig. I'm looking at who has been publishing books for and with Huckabee. So, many notes I have here, but, for example, Huckabee had books published by Sentinel, through Adrian Zackheim and he works with a Senior Editor who published books FOR John Kerry. ooooooeeeeee. I recognize Dame Marjorie Scardino. I think we're getting closer to who killed the Senator in Georgia and her husband. I believe, it is possible this woman knows Janet Bechtold. I met someone who looked like her through Janet at a football game where I sang the National Anthem. I was asked about San Francisco Conservatory of Music. I found this woman through Penguin books, who Huckabee had publish some of his "work". It leads to Pearson which is a London, UK owned company. The chairperson and CEO are both U.S. born, one from CA and one from Arizona, with Scardino having gone to San Francisco School of Law. The San Francisco School of Law is 2 miles away from the Conservatory of Music. She graduated in 1975 and I think Janet Bechtold was still living in San Francisco then or right before. Supposedly, what Robin Bechtold told me, was that his mother's family in San Francisco was extremely rich and connected (Italian and Irish) and powerful there. They disinherited Janet (temporarily I think) because she married a non-Catholic. She traveled the world (Janet's mother), and I saw photo of her riding elephants in India, going on safari in Africa, and she went to europe--everywhere. I definitely recognize that women, and not from the news either. She worked on The Georgia Gazette with her husband, Albert Scardino. Albert Scardino is featured on a board for immunovaccinations, like the kind my son got a double dose of, and was sick from, and then we were blocked from reporting the incident to VAERS. Here's Albert's face: The San Francisco School of Law has merged, as of 2010, to become "Alliance" which has a torch logo. In keeping with London games. The U.S. wiki leaves out some things from Marjorie's profile. Her father was a U.S. Defense plant engineer, and she was outranking Tony Blair's wife as most important person for England. She got named Dame of the British Empire in 2002 by Buckingham. Here is a Baylor article, and this says she met her husband while working for the AP, but they leave out the fact she started law school at George Washington University, not San Francisco, and another source says that's where she met him. The German wiki on her has other details. The German wiki states she was a student at George Washington University and then dropped out and moved west with her husband, and finished law school in San Fran. It also states she got a doctorate of Commerce from a Jesuit Catholic college in Halifax, Canada. I didn't use the translate bar because I don't trust whatever translation I'd get. I just figured it out, as many Americans could do, I'm sure. According to the book Encyclopedia of Women in Business, the rule she lives by is borrowed from MacArthur, "Have a plan, execute it violently, do it today." (Doward, Jamie. "Mammon: Can Marje Stay In Charge", 2003). She's a regular Bloody Mary. The same writer, Doward, also includes: She recalls how at the age of eight her grandfather sat her down and said sternly: 'We are Democrats because we have the responsibility to take care of those less fortunate than we are. Republicans are just out for themselves.' She is also quoted as having put many people in jail through her "investigative journalism" with her husband. Hmmm. Maybe now it's her turn to go to jail. What do you say former Jailbirds? So she's a Democratic with sympathies with Bill Clinton and people who implanted me with microchips in 1995. The first mention of her using the maxim about having a plan and executing it violently, comes in 1997. It is said that she was dismissive about it, claiming a coworker mentioned it to her, but no, it's her own, and she's stuck with it from 1997 (at least) to now (Horseman, Matthew. "Marjorie Scardino: have a plan...", Jan. 8, 1997). If you go to the German wiki, and click on weblinks it brings up something about Kategorie.? == Weblinks == * [ Portrait Marjorie Scardino] (englisch) * [ Eintrag auf der Internetseite der Saint Mary’s University Halifax] (englisch) {{SORTIERUNG:Scardino, Marjorie}} [[Kategorie:Manager]] [[Kategorie:Ehrendoktor der Saint Mary’s University Halifax]] [[Kategorie:US-Amerikaner]] [[Kategorie:Geboren 1947]] [[Kategorie:Frau]] {{Personendaten |NAME=Scardino, Marjorie |ALTERNATIVNAMEN=Scardino, Marjorie Morris |KURZBESCHREIBUNG=US-amerikanische Managerin |GEBURTSDATUM=1947 |GEBURTSORT=[[Flagstaff]], [[Arizona]] |STERBEDATUM= |STERBEORT= }} [[en:Marjorie Scardino]] [[fi:Marjorie Scardino]] When I was on the train to Georgia (I thought), and then getting off for a break in Washington D.C., I was being followed by students that were Catholic and went to George Washington University. They invited me to have Chinese food with them. I stayed with this one woman at her place in Foggy Bottom (which is part of George Wasington University campus) after she invited me. Which was nice, but not torturing someone and their child is better than a couple nights stay on behalf of Marge From Flagstaf, who is probably the reason my Grandpa Garrett wanted nothing to do with buried with military honors and a flag. He was killed in 2002, and then the Dame of Shame continued to collude with U.S. persons to have me tortured. Tortured. And my son, tortured. And who is murdered in Georgia? Remember the Irish guy from Fox News who was sort of heckling Obama? His name was Neil Monroe. Well, George Washington University's alumni is Neil Bohr, who split the atom, and the college has a section called "Monroe Court". Here's something on her husband, Albert Scardino--he was an advisor to Bill Clinton. He went from advising Clinton and helping him get Presidency, to concealing my implantation and torture and my son's torture and then lounges around playing "football" in England's prestigious clubs. And who was making an inside comment about footballs the other day? Huckabee. The fake "Republican" who is also a fake "christian". In fact, Huckabee even wrote a children's book about Christmas and a football and had the illustrator design the jacket cover after a photo from me and my brother at Christmas. I am not kidding. (I will go into that later). The girl has red hair and the boy has brown, and it's in front of a Christmas tree with the girl sitting and boy standing (exactly as in one of our family photos that was stolen). Then, it's about a football and my brother's first newborn photo was of him in a white and red striped jumper (which is what the boy on this cover is wearing--a white and red shirt that's striped) with his head resting over a football. The first newborn photo of my brother Levi is in a white and red striped shirt with his chin over a little football. It's illustrated by "Jed Henry", who lives in Provo, Utah (next to the University hospital that implanted me). How interesting that Huckabee has 2 books about expecting Christmas, when this is when my son and I were tortured. And then he uses a personal photo? The only person I know of who lived in Provo, is Erica Wiltbank, and then there's the hospital. But why should they have any of our photos? The one of my brother? or of our child Christmases? It's published by Putnam Jr. which was part of Berkely publishing (CA) and merged with London (penguin, which Scaradino supervises through Pearson). All of the publishers that Huckabee used are connected to Ontario, Canada. B&H, Sentinel, Center Street, and Putnam Jr. All 9 of his books are. Other connections I found go to Clinton, England, Bechtolds, the Thebaults, and some Jewish. Oh, and the FBI. These people are criminals. B&H is headquarted in Nashville, TN and 2 sites in Canada: Paris, Ontario (David C. Cook), and Willowdale, Ontario (R.G. Mitchell Inc). I've already shown how Sentinel is part of Penguin which is a merger of Berkely penguin and London penguin and now it's all a subsidiary of Pearson. Center Street is part of the Hachette Group (HBG), owned by Hachette Livre (France) which is a subsidiary of Lagardere. The Headquarters are in NY, Boston, MA, Lebanon, IN, Nashville, TN, and Hachette Group Canada (Ontario, Canada). Lagardere has a 7.5% stake in aerospace and defense firm EADS, which is a merger of: Aerospatiale Matra; Daimler-Chysler Aerospace (DASA); and Construcciones AeronauticesSA (CASA). They're headquarted in the 16th arrondissment of Paris. I found this bitch Scardino a few years ago. I remember the Baylor photo and I don't know how or why I found her then, but I have more information now bitch, and you've fucking met your investigative reporting match. Start packing a little emergency overnight purse in case the train comes comes because you're not getting a chance to stuff a pillowcase full of jewelry first. Huckabee's career is over. It is only a matter of time before he's gone. Okay, and who was the missing man "Reynolds" recently dating? A woman named "Chandrika" right? She was a barrel racer at rodeos, my neighbor. She was the one with the vicious Australian sheepdog, "Blue", that chased me. Well this woman "Scardino" was also a barrel racer at rodeos, and she was a Morris, which is not too far away from a Reynolds, and who gave Huckabee the largest donations? Reynolds. If we're lucky, Scardino and the Clintons will be missing. Scardino is part of the MacArthur Foundation and the Carter Center. It's more like she just signed up for the symbolism of it. She knows Janet Bechtold from San Francisco, who knew I was implanted under direction of "Arthur K." at University of Utah hospital in 1995. This was during Clinton's presidency. Then, Robin Bechtold, who is Janet's son, dated Erica Wiltbank and his family went into business with them. The Wiltbanks are related to Kate Middleton. Evie Wiltbank, Erica's mother, worked as a model with Lynda Carter. Erica Wiltbank told me her mother had worked with Lynda Carter. Look at Lynda Carter's wiki photo: Hello Katie Middleton. Uh, Katie Carter. Lynda Carter grew up in Phoenix, AZ and Marjorie Morris Scardino grew up in Flagstaff, AZ, less than 2 hours from eachother and they are the same age. Their schools competed together. Lynda Carter's Dad is Colby Carter, an "art dealer", and her mother is a Mexican from Chihauhau. Basically, going by appearances, it looks like Lynda Carter shagged Mike Middleton. She was in London off and on since the 70s, and changed her name from "Linda" to "Lynda" in jr. high school in Arizona (she went to Catholic school). In 1980-1981, Lynda was in London almost half of the year. She was being named "Most Beautiful Woman" by England at that time. The first invitro was reported in Australia in 1980, in the U.S. it was 1981, and in UK, 1982. Lynda was married to a Jewish man, as a Catholic. The marriage began falling apart about 9 months before little crazy Katie was born. Lynda's marriage. They had a ranch in California, in L.A., where Katie likes to visit now. I once said to my mother, "I don't think Middleton is really Kate Middleton's last name." I've said this to people in Wenatchee too, a few who were shocked. It's looking like we have a U.S. egg that hooked up with the UK and then the U.S. decided to torture U.S. citizens to prop up Kate Middleton. The only thing that's different from Kate Middleton and Lynda Carter, is her boobs. She has none, like Erica Wiltbank has none. The cover of the album "Crazy Little Things" that Lynda put out in 2011, features her imitating Erica Wiltbank's senior class photos. It's exact. I haven't seen Erica's photos for over 10 years and I still remember them. One she used was of her, with the same expression, clothes and posture, the exact same pose. And Lynda knows Erica's mom Evie. I remember for Christmas one year Evie was making cakes that were braided in a round donut shape and she acted really weird about it, like she didn't want me to see. I've no idea why. She said it was a "tradition" (from wherever Middletons geneology is from). She was giving one to the Bechtolds. It was a Swedish coffeecake (Evie is Swedish or half). So basically, there is a gap as to what Lynda was doing from about May or so of 1981 until Jan. 9, 1982. The only thing that happened later, was she got divorced. Shows were going out but they were prerecorded shows. Then someone offered her a job later for a series called "Born to be Sold" and she decided not to do it. She also wanted to cancel out of "Double Jeopardy". Here's the jeopardy: You tortured me and my son, all of you, you fucking assholes and I am so thrilled to dig up the dirt on all of you. So now Lynda Carter is married to Robert A. Altman and lives in Maryland. They went to Deer Valley, Utah, for their honeymoon. Deer Valley is about 30 minutes from Salt Lake City University hospital, where I was implanted. Okay, so this powerful woman from the U.S., whose family is connected to the Department of Defense, Marjorie Scardino, knows Lynda Carter. Then she's in England, living it up while my son and I were tortured, and have been tortured for some time. And Huckabee, is connected directly and indirectly to many of these people through Clinton, via his own job that he held as Governmor of Arkansas. Scardino's father worked for the U.S. defense and she was born in Phoenix, AZ with contacts there, but then she lived in Texarkana, TX, which is 30 minutes from Hope, Arkansas, which is where Clinton, Rodham-Clinton, Laura Bush, and Mike Huckabee are all from. According to the Jesuit Catholic college that gave Scardino a degree in "Commerce" (and like I said, this is about an attempt to obstruct competition and has nothing to do with 'national interests' bitch), they mention on the section about history of their college, that they are in the final phases of a 10 year project that was $100 million dollars. In 2002, which was 10 years ago, my Grandpa Garrett died of a heart attack and then Marjorie took a title of "Dame". I was being defamed by police and law enforcement in internal records already. So right now, I'm looking back at the books Huckabee published. The one referring to "people with integrity" with "John Perry", published Sept. 15, 1997, is written with a man who went to college in England. (I will organize this and have more to write and then will add footnotes at the end. For now I'm including some of the links). Torture STOPS NOW. For my entire family, or all who are involved, are going straight to jail and out of public favor as I said. I want my son returned and some group had better figure out how to make that happen this year. Before Christmas you fucks. Katie Carter is starting to look like a Tony Harding, with her thugs. So, military. Scardino's father, Robert Morris, was a U.S. Army Corp Engineer. England's #1 most powerful woman (England ranked her higher than Cherie Blair) is a U.S. Army brat who tortures and kills other U.S. citizens for Katie, the U.S. Catholic egg. The Senator in Georgia, who was exposing CPS, would have done me and my son a favor, but that's not what the military, or what this bitch Scardino wanted. They didn't want exposure over torturing me and my son, and FBI and Scardino (formerly investigative reporters from Savannah, Georgia) had the most motive to murder. Anyone responsible for implantation of me and my son, or of secret military or U.S. corruption using kids, or "baby selling" (Lynda didn't want to be featured in a series called "Born To Be Sold", in 1982), was threatened by the Georgia senator. She wasn't military. But look at Washington State and at the bitch who conceals crimes but lies and claims to fight against CASA? That woman is U.S. Air Force. Huckabee, who wanted to be featured sitting next to Church Morris, oh-opps--not-Morris-Norris, was sitting next to a U.S. Air Force man. Chuck Norris is U.S. Air Force. So when I write on my blog, about how my Dad repeated what this "military pastor" Kevin Bolls tells them, "If you want to know what torture is, read this" after Bolls and the military torture us, who is jumping to his defense with inside threats to my family from the t.v. screen but Mike Huckabee. There are two U.S. military bases that show up at first glance, in Texarkana, TX, and Hope, AK. The Red River Army base, in Texarkana, and the U.S. Air Force, in Hope. That's not to mention other sites I haven't checked yet, but will check. I know Scardino's father was U.S. defense but I have to double check that it's Army engineer specifically. I can make more of the military connections later. Right now I'm tired and I'll update this later. There is also Australia to go into. I want my son returned to me before this Christmas. Alvaro Pardo was involved with the Mormons. I finally figured this out. Mormons who were in business with Catholics and for the Middletons, defamed me for the FBI, in FBI records. Then the FBI sent out "SSAs" that were Mormon and Catholic, who already had conflicts of interest in protecting those who were already in business together. The FBI that defamed me and altered my testimoney were a Mormon and Catholic who already knew people connected to business deals. Alvaro was hooked up and connected with the Mormons. I was being set up to go to prison. The Mormons have been involved for the money and the prestige of being connected to British royalty. In order for me to even get my son back, they were asking me to marry Alvaro for them. When I didn't do this, they stole everything I had from me and thought I'd never track it back to them and to their business deals. Carman, my brother's former military wife, stopped talking to our family after April 29th, when Kate was married. Geoff Rasmussen and his wife went to England and after they got back, Kate was soon married and then they quit talking to me. I have never heard from him since. He was one of my closest friends and he sold me out for the Middletons and their business deals with Mormons and Catholics. His uncle is in the FBI and his own uncle is involved. Roger Harris was a Mormon who said he'd help me with my lawsuits and then he backed out of it, leaving me defenseless after he'd already signed a contract, and then he wants me to pay him $400 for my court file. The Mormons hanging out around my house in 2003, were connected to NASA, not "water research". The people who tried to extort eggs from me and left me out of housing when I wouldn't marry Alvaro, were a Mormon lawyer and a Mormon FBI contracter who worked with FBI on computers. They and the FBI tried to extort me out of eggs and left me without housing or anything, to try to do it. This is while they were torturing me. The FBI people in Wenatchee were a retired FBI agent who is connected to Dept. of Justice and Schneiders (Rick Baken), and another FBI person, Wes. While Wes's offices were more helpful initially, my request for investigation of a Judge was treated as no big deal and then how is it possible to still have me and my son tortured? The woman who first approached me to steal my son from me was Sible, this woman who is Mormon and works for the State. Probably no one will know what I'm talking about with this last thing, but now I know why she was carrying around a bowl and there was some running joke with carrying an empty bowl around. These fucking Mormons were mocking me, with "The Liberty Bowl". Who got the liberty bowl? The man in charge of allowing me to be implanted, Arthur K. Smith, who was then promoted to Houston and invited to attend the St. Jude Liberty Bowl. I'm not saying it was all about all of the Mormons, but some of them are in business with Catholics and Jewish, and that means some of them have had conflicts of interest. Because the business deals lead to Middletons, they've been more interested in this, than in protecting my son from torture. The Willamette Week was a major source of defamation but then when the FBI defamed me internally, I was set up to be blacklisted and tortured. I was tortured full-time, all the time, after the Mormon and Catholic FBI agents defamed me. So a Jewish editor first defamed me with Willamette Week, and then Mormons and Catholics who were in business together and knew people in business together, defamed me. By this time it was 2004 and they had already hooked up Kate Middleton with William in 2002. They didn't want me to win my lawsuits, and any further attention I got they wanted to be negative. I was pushed out of college, out of travel, and defamed and then this was spread from one state to the other. They knew I was implanted with microchips in Utah and they began torturing me almost every day. They quit while I was pregnant, for most of the pregnancy, and then they went after both me and my son and tortured both of us. If we look at who is ultimately responsible for failure, it's the FBI. The military never could have done what they did, without the FBI protecting them and concealing crime, and the FBi is the group that is responsible for protection of human rights, where I am being assaulted from state to state. It's no longer a state matter, it's federal. It's national, and the FBI knew it was international because they were getting a piece of ass from the British. The Mexicans, some of the ones involved in torturing my son are from Chihauhau, Mexico, and this is where Lynda Carter's mother's Mexican family is from. They've tortured my son and Mormons protected the Mexican mafia because they did them business favors for Middleton Not only is Chihauhau next to Arizona, it's straight across from San Antonio, which is where Garza and other Mexican policitians and FBI I reported are from. I just looked up Chihauhau and next to it is a town called "Delicicia". My son was coming to visits looking sick and beat up and out of it, in front of Anne Crane and saying to me, repeating this like a parrot, "It's delicious." All the time, and I always knew someone abusing him was forcing him to say this. My aunt Holly and Pablo never say "delicious" and no one in my family does. He was being tortured and forced to say things. Delicious, is a door down from Chihauhau. Lynda Carter is a criminal and she poses imitating Erica Wiltbank. As I've said before, she's connected to Wiltbanks. And so are her children. They're all criminals, and they are connected to the U.S. military, FBI, and Mormons I went to school with, who are in business with Catholics. Lynda Carter got "Most Influential Hispanic Woman" or something, an award from Mexico, after she donated eggs in 1982. It was 1983 that she got the award. The other woman getting many awards from hispanics was Marjorie Scardino, after I was implanted with microchips and most especially, after 2002, when Kate started dating William of Wales. She then became a "Dame" too, of England, in 2002. The college Scardino graduated from, San Francisco School of Law merged with other colleges and they announce they give more degrees to hispanics than any other college in the country. Which is great, but why are these people connected to torture of my son? When is the last time you heard the U.S. going after Chihauhau or the Cordobas? With all the border burials? They're closer to the border than most of the Mexicans. I guess they have FBI pals right over the line, on the look- out for them while they dig. In return for killing Mexicans who are talking about corrupt FBI, these Mexicans torture kids like my son to intimidate U.S. citizens for the FBI. Mormons were never against me until after 2002. After 2002, when their business associate Middleton started dating William of Wales, well suddenly the Mormons are getting a piece of English ass. So who had the ranch in L.A.? Lynda Carter. Who is Marj. Scardino connected to? Janet Bechtold. Right there we have people who are in business with Wiltbanks and Bechtolds and live in California. Catholic Brits know Carter and know Middleton. Oh, and along with the acorn that is the symbol of Vanderbilt, where I was assaulted and tortured at a "psych" ward to keep me from ruining the wedding plans or talking, or being believed, on Kate's earrings there was the oak leaf, and that has nothing to do with Diana and more to do with Lynda Carter's 200 oak trees she had planted on her property in L.A. She's used Mexican mafia to torture my son, along with FBI and military criminals. After I was being harassed by police, Lynda decided to do a show called "Super Trooper". It was produced by Jay Chandrakahar. Chandra (sanscrit for "Moon") was the barrel racer I lived next to as a little girl whose brother was in the Army. Dame Marjorie Scardino also was an Army brat that did barrel racing for the rodeo. That was in 2001, after I was being written up in internal police records for the first time when I had done nothing wrong. Nathan Bechtold was a cop in Oregon and Annette Sandberg was once a State trooper and then she went on to work with the FBI. I believe the Sandberg's met my parents in 1984. It was in 1984 that my mother was instructed to start discouraging me from academics and to take the low road on everything. Super Trouper was also a Swedish song by the Swedish band ABBA, a group Erica Wiltbank liked and played in high school because her mother is Swedish. Nathan Bechtold's parents and Wiltbanks parents were in business together and Carter had worked with Evie Wiltbank in modeling. That's not to exclude Annette Sandberg. The Sandberg's and FBI have been using my parents since 1984. It was in 1984 that they began trying to work at keeping me down. They seemed to be friends but then I remember my mother was suddenly saying these things to me she wouldn't usually say and this went on into high school. People like Barbara Greenman (Oregon FBI)tried to influence what happened with my life. No problem. Torture is illegal bitches. Let me repeat that. TORTURE IS ILLEGAL BITCHES. It's like Carter had a chip on her shoulder from the 70's in not having her first 2 songs released in London, and then Erica Wiltbank never got over my becoming Homecoming Queen instead of her. So they try to get revenge by hooking up through the Middletons. Janet Bechtold hated me for rejecting her son. They, and some others, worked together to have me implanted with microchips. (this woman just came on the radio for an ad for a company called "Bailey" and I still have to get into Lisa Lymans' and Brian Thebault's siblings are. One is in Texas with the last name Bailey. Apparently, Lisa's family is also connected to both Catholics and Jews. There was a marriage with a Rabbi officiating. So is Lyman a Catholic name or Jewish one. (I am putting down ideas here as a draft and then I'll clean it up and organize it better and include the footnotes. But right now, just putting some things on paper so-to-speak) A lot of these military contacts and people ended up conglomerating over in Texas, and connected to Hope, Arkansas. This, or they touched down and left. So it's NJ, and Cornell which is in NY(Cornell is a main University that comes up with people involved in my life), Univeristy of Utah hospital, Houston & San Antonio, TX, Phoenix, AZ, Oregon and Washington. I even found some Scanlon contacts (related to Marie Scanlon, who was social worker for CPS) and her husband who shared records with Kate Middleton, is Justin Titus. Oh, and now I know why Mexican woman from Logan's in Nashville, TN was so into Kate Middleton. They think they have a secret link through Carter. At any rate, I will explain how this all relates to Mike Huckabee and his shitty comments that are made for Middleton and William of Wales. He's not Baptist. He's Church of England, just like Clinton. One thing they have in common is their lynching plantation types that still want to suck the Queen's tits. They never got over the Civil Revolution, they don't like being part of a losing team, and they still feel they have something to prove for their granddaddies and for the Union Jack. If they have to torture U.S. citizens to get a piece of English pie, they've proven they will do this.


  1. Your mom's been getting rid of vintage parfait dishes ~

  2. I aint a killer but don't push me
    Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin' p&%#@

  3. How many readers do you have on this blog?

  4. A lot of schizophrenics say that they are the second coming of Christ. Why do you think that is?

  5. Flat feet used to disqualify men from joining the army. Nowadays, you can join the army with flat feet.

    See the following citations: - "We found it interesting to learn two facts from this article; the first being that the highest number of acceptable draftees were from the countryside and the second involved the malady of flat feet -which effected one out of every five American men at that time." - "During World War II, thousands of men were rejected from military service, because they had asymptomatic flat feet. Athletes are not impeded by this condition. Perhaps one in one thousand adults with flat feet will have pain from the condition." - "Ballet masters shun dancers with low arches and in slang "flat-footed" is synonymous with clumsy. In World War II, the military turned down thousands of recruits because they had flat feet. For years, the flat-footed have been warned that their lives would be plagued with pain and injury and doctors have tried using surgery and braces to correct the "deformity." But after decades of derision, new research is showing that flat feet are perfectly functional and may even be an advantage in sports. In a 1989 study of more than 300 Army infantry trainees at Fort Benning Ga., those with flat feet had far fewer training injuries than recruits with normal or high insteps. In fact, trainees with high arches suffered twice as many injuries, including sprains and stress fractures, as their flat-footed comrades."

    The fact that you did not know this is proof that you are uneducated and mentally disorganized.


  6. Hi.

    I looked at the ad. If my mother placed the ad herself, it's a good deal but they're not antiques.

    They're pretty. Clear glass and sort of a fruit or flower motif? Maybe they're just clear.

    I'd buy them if I had a place right now. I think they're especially nice for kids. Anything with a tall stem is fun for kids, in my opinion.

    fill them up where kids can see the different colors and then top it off with a maraschino cherry or something. Or sherbert with a little sprig.

    Hurry and buy!

  7. To Kay:

    I had to check out who "Kay" was and got a rhinoplasty ad.

    Not sure why. I've known one woman who had it done, Mary Lynn Kargman, in Livingston, NJ.

    Candy Reading the endangered test tube rhino baby? not sure if she's had it done but I'd work on the horn first.

  8. To Read Question:

    I have no idea. Stats used to be accurate and now they're not.

  9. To "a lot of people say they":

    I checked online to see if there was a study about this and nothing came up. I think I've heard of some people claiming to be the second coming of Christ, but I haven't heard that it's always correlated with schizophrenia. I have no idea, without research, why someone might believe this idea, in particular, as a person diagnosed with this disorder.

  10. To Flat-Feet Defender:

    Thank you for sharing this link. However, it is also true that various excuses have been made by military to bring someone into an office, claim it's about rejecting them for service, and actually be giving them the information of their handler as they go on to do secretive work. If anyone wants to know why they were there, the reason is "I tried to sign up but they rejected me" when actually, they got employed by the Defense Intelligence Agency, or brought in someone from another Department that liked them even more.

    "Woot" is an expression I've heard most often used in Canada.

    Also, I think you're confusing the idea of "disorganization" as a mental problem and "disorganization" as a cleaning problem. Am I disorganized right now? Yes. Have I been forced out of work, housing, college, and uprooted wherever I am no matter what I'm doing, to deliberately create instability? yes, and this has been to disorganize me and my efforts to live a normal life, while those doing this have accomplished it only through "organized crime". So when Organized Crime is responsible for creating disorganization and torture in your life, it's not a small issue. As for mental disorganization, this is a different idea. This is to describe when someone cannot make coherent ideas, or express them in writing or speech. Claiming someone is "disorganized" because you don't understand them or have no perspective, is not the criteria for determination. Disorganization is something like this:


    Fritz, fritz,....beep beep beep beep...I talked to my mother yesterday and she sounded 2065489f.a.aib kak9b I think CODE CODE CODE NAME ALICE. ALIVE ALICE. ALICE, CAN YOU HEAR ME?

    This is to the government of alien nation Trytgorp. wawawrrrrhhh. Did you see the spaceship landing last night? it was fabulous and what do you think we should add to this menu for next week? lamb?



    CRASH! I died.

    (example ends here)

    So, this is an example of "disorganization". If I were disorganized mentally, you would not even bother to try to write because what will the response be?

    ALTAR ALICE. ALICE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.< dot >

    This is not to be confused with creativity or creative expression. Don't try to diagnose if you're not a professional, and if you're a professional, don't try to diagnose without seeing someone for at least several consecutive weeks.

    Back to Huckabee--he is a fraud.

  11. I have been seeing you for several consecutive weeks, ya dweeb.

  12. Dee,

    Note to the public. The link to the name above contains pornographic images so proceed at your own risk.

    I don't see how this has anything to do with my life but I will brace myself to look more closely to see if you have some hidden notice there.
