Saturday, August 11, 2012

Break & Entry; Military Deletion of Video Cam

I went out to get water for about 20 minutes total and someone broke into my house, waved a pizza around (my entire house smelled like pizza) and then the U.S. military deleted the video documentation I had running. I had a webcam running and when I got home, I stopped the record and it said it was 21 minutes long. My entire house reeked of pizza. Then I tried to playback the recording, and the entire recording was deleted off of my webcam. I didn't press any wrong buttons, and to delete something, you have to go through several steps and menu choices and then confirm deletion. I didn't do any of this. So basically, someone deleted the entire 21 minutes of recording after they committed a break & entry into my house. The only group that would do this is the same group responsible for torture of me and my son and that is the U.S. military (DOD/DIA). I had put a pizza pan, with drying roots, from my outdoor table to the inside of my house before I left. I was drying skunk cabbage on the pan. So basically, someone went in, and to make fun of the pizza pan, they waved pizza around my house, or went in with pizza, and then the military deleted the documentation. The United States has been breaking into my house for years. They force my parents to try to predict what is in my house and the layout and they get their other military brats to try to predict things about me, and then they break into my house to see if they're right. Ever since I've lived here, they have been doing this. So I started using a video camera and the first time I did this, no one went in and that documentation is still there. Today was the second day I was tape recording, and someone went in while I was out, on the weekend, on a Saturday, and within 20 minutes, they entered my house illegally, waved pizza around, or ate pizza while intruding, and then the military deleted the documentation. My door was locked and the only way anyone could get in is with a key. So someone else connected to the U.S. military has a key to my house. It's not just the U.S. military. The FBI have been in on it, and so have the local police. They protect the military and don't press charges, because I am not treated as a citizen with any of the rights of a citizen. They violate all of my rights, and if someone wants to rape me? Go ahead. The FBI will cover it. Someone wants to repeatedly break into my house and violate my right to privacy? The police and FBI have got your back. Someone wants to steal from me? Steal away, because even the U.S. government is stealing things from my house, stealing my photos and diaries, and stealing my clothing and other items. They're not going to press charges for anything, because the United States is corrupt. If they torture me and my son, believe me--they don't care about whether I'm raped, stolen from, or if my privacy is violated. All they care about is themselves. They are the most selfish, self-absorbed, egotistical and disrespectful group and they all draw a check off of taxpayer money. I have evidence of state employees covering up torture of my son? No problem. The U.S. police will put me under false arrest and delete the evidence from my videocam. They did this in Wenatchee. The U.S. has kidnapped my son from me and blocked me from proving my innocence, deleted and destroyed evidence, and they use federal and state positions to mock me, violate my rights, and then share this information with everyone else--humiliating me to people who are not with the U.S. government as well. This includes Middletons, and includes other internationals and U.S. citizens who are not working for the U.S. government. We drove back to the house and it was brand new SUV after SUV passing, federal style large, long SUVs, the ones like vans, one after the other, filled with assholes. My Dad knew what they had done because I could tell he wasn't happy. This country has used me, and ruined my life. I have never been a free and normal citizen in this country--ever. The U.S. has interfered with my life from the day I was born and then they began torturing me. Now, I am nothing to them but an excuse for an experiment and they continually violate my rights while they are violating my son's rights. I had set the pizza pan in my house by the door and then a rectangular tray that I used to dry things and then when we got water, I got round bottles (jugs) and a couple of trays (bottled water). When I went to put them in the back of my Dad's car, he had a round circle on the same side I set my pizza pan and a rectangular shape on the other side, where I had set the other thing. The U.S. forces my parents to predict things and then they violate my right to privacy to "check" it, for "inspection". They go in, like the U.S. fuckers that they are, and "inspect" my house like I live on a military base. They have been doing this to me for years. They not only inspect, they steal from me when they go in and the FBI, police, and military laugh over it like it's great. They've stolen chocolate bars from me, my cooking strainer, clothing, and they've tampered with food. Because they have been doing this so long, and because they even get away with torture and kidnapping of children, I would never doubt that they would allow even William of Wales into my house. They would do this, to humiliate me, and they would think it's great, and no one would let the public know. But they would do this, and I would NEVER doubt it and I have a feeling it's already happened. This country uses me and exploits me and then humiliates me. They steal my raspberry plants, steal my kitchen cooking items, steal chocolate, and so far, all of the people connected are U.S. government.


  1. Why don't you get a realtor's license and become realtor?

  2. Hi,

    I've considered this before. If I ever did something like that, it would be a side job though, not my main interest.

    I'm more interested in medicine and law, where you complete projects, make arguments or analyze a situation, and then try to solve it. There isn't as much analytical room with real estate though it is a nice social job.

    Being defamed would not help me in real estate with selling high end properties either. I'd be blacklisted to take the bottom rung and I'm not interested in that.

    If I'm selling lower end of the market houses, it would be a side job.
