Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paul Ryan (I don't like him) & Heintz & Aurora's Kerry

I think Romney made a mistake with Paul Ryan. Before I even read what his religion was, I sensed something was wrong. My parents have made zero mention of anything. We haven't even watched news together in the last day and no comments at all. However, today I see that he is picked, and it's the same day I'm being told to get used to torture, or "get off it" and that no one is being tortured and no one put implants in my body and my Dad even said he never wanted to hear the word "torture" again. So is this supposed to mean we just expect more of the same? Then he was saying again, "This is torture" and sort of joked and did an "indian burn". I said, "You could do that with all your might and it wouldn't come close to what is going on." Does he know the Heintz family? I will have to make something about them in a different post. On topic with my other post about being surveilled and who knew I was implanted, I am positive the Heintz family knew. That means Heintz knew, and Kerry knew. When I went out with Mike Tanzer in Portland, both times, Heintz was skittish around me and it had nothing to do with me. I had no past history or "snitching" or blogging to be ware of. Both times Heintz was going to engage in illegal drug use, he didn't want me around. Why not? That guy knew I was implanted and that it wouldn't be good for Kerry, who was running for President. Kerry has a huge military history, and somehow he knew, and Heintz knew. The first time we were going to the "afterparty", Heintz got weirded out and said no there was nothing. He said this, out loud to Mike in front of me, as if not just denying it to me, but denying it to the group of people he knew were listening in, through the frickin' microchips I have implanted in my body. If Mike knew something, I don't know for sure one way or other. On one hand I would say yes, and on the other I would say absolutely not and that he gave no sign or behavior that would incidicate this. Heintz on the other hand, definitely chose his words very carefully around me and wanted to be sure to get in the right words for the "implanted mics" in my body. He even denied afterparties to Mike's face, when Mike was his friend and had already been to them. The second time I was blocked from even being around Heintz was when going out for dinner, we were going to go to a club and Heintz was inside. It looked like fun, sort of a dive and lively. But the guy at the door looked at me and blocked us, saying it was a "private party". Mike already knew Heintz. So then there was supposed to be an afterparty later, which I was going to go to, and instead, they sent the message to Mike, over the phone, he was not invited but not me. I have an excellent feeling that Heintz knew I had microchips in my body. The only person I can think of who would tip him off, about some so "high profile" in the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) world and U.S. government (my entire life is being tracked, monitored, recorded, and then I was tortured too), would be Kerry. John Kerry would know because he's military and someone in the military would let him know, or someone otherwise connected. I would have to see how Heintz might be connected to Utah, Southern California, or Cornell. Oh my gosh. She's British. I had no idea. Theresa Heintz is British and Portugeuse. She is possibly the one who knew. It wasn't Henry Heintz. I looked him up and his photo actually looks sort of friendly. He died in 1991 and had nothing to do with anything. Kerry, on the other hand, has several connections to people who knew I was implanted with microchips. Possibilies are military, church, Massechusettes, New Hampshire, Oh and guess what? he was born in Aurora, Colorado. He was married to Thorne, and has kids by her that went to colleges Thebault's kids went to, and London contacts. Then he married another woman with British contacts, Theresa. I would have to look further, but they knew. So in 2004, they knew, and had their son guarding his speech because he knew too. I wonder who, in England, they knew. Full blown torture happened after 2004. I really don't care if someone did minor or major's not that interesting to me. What is interesting to me, is knowledge of microchips in human beings and deliberate torture. He is U.S. Navy, sort of careerist, and his father was U.S. Army. He has a Jewish (?) brother and English wife. Half of his family is Jewish and half is Catholic. Somewhere in the mix, they got information and they knew about me.

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