Thursday, August 9, 2012


After I was implanted with microchips and things to facilitate torture from remote locations, the hospital involved not only got millions from private donors connected to the White House, they got money from NASA and DOD for "telesurgery" and "telepharmacy". First they "tested" their work with Del Balzos (Intel microchip and FBI employees) watching and observing me. Could they trigger the implants from a remote location? could they track me and trigger migraine? They "tested" this out in 1996. After it was reported to have worked, that hospital was funded and outfitted with new "telesurgery" and "telepharmacy" operations. It was 1996 and you can read about from their own history files. Telesurgery is doing surgery with robots while the doctor is in a remote location. So basically, a patient could be in one state, and the doctor is using technology to get things inside the persons body, with robotic technology and other means. Need something lasered? no problem. So the doctor doesn't even have to be next to the patient at all. While they were getting all excited about "telesurgery", I was being targeted first, with teletorture. And teletorture is what this country and England and Israel and Canada are all about right? My parents have been physically assaulted by military and FBI in person and remotely, and I've been assaulted through activation and targeting by remote location. After I had another implant added through a dental filling, in 2006, the hospital in Utah for some reason, got even more money and opened a new clinic called South Jordan. "teletorture". For over 10 years. So why, ? was CPS in Wenatchee, WA trying to bribe me to move with my son to Salt Lake City? They were saying they'd pay for it too, just move. To the same state that implanted me. My idea is this: They didn't tell me to do this until after I had an implant added to my teeth by a Mexican and a military dentist (probably more Military dentist and the woman there)in 2006. So maybe they were hoping to have me go to Utah with the dental implant and then they'd teletorture me but "get to watch!" too. Once there, I could be tortured and my son taken from me while I end up in the hospital. They could then claim to need to do a repair or something, remove all the implants they placed, but leave the dental one and then claim, with evidence gone, that there was never anything like implants in my body. I was being targeted for assassination several times, and it didn't work. So they couldn't pull out the implants then after I was dead, and I wasn't comitting suicide to give them the pleasure. Why put in another implant? Maybe because after I spoke up, saying I had figured out my migraines were being triggered by military and artificial means, they were worried that more discovery could bite their bank account into puzzle pieces (of which I'd take a 99% share). So if I was claiming I was being targeted by military to have these migraines (or teletorture scientists), they were possibly worried, stuck in another implant,and then wanted to swap some things out. I am being tortured and some people are making HUGE amounts of money off of it. Not only that, they're getting perks from England, and Israel apparently, and not only are rewards going around for promotion, private scholarships for kids at great colleges, new cars for teens, and vacations, and bank account deposits, massive amounts of money is being given to "reward" institutions that participate in facilitating and committing "teletorture". So now that I know NASA is involved, I'm thinking differently about the so-called "Mormon" kid who just happened to be on my property with his friend, from rocket science academy. I have always eliminated Mormons from my list of suspects, but no, some of them are bribed with large amounts of money too, and they take it. Or they go along with another group that really wants this to happen. NASA is involved with DOD in using satellite technology to inflict harm to humans as much as "space exploration". They electrocuted our cat and then think it's funny to send up a "curiosity" satellite. It's torture. DO YOU GET IT? You are taking MONEY for the torturing of me, my parents, and Oliver Garrett? I think Del Balzo's are possibly tied in with Thebaults too, with who they all know or knew in New York. Some things can be done without implants too, and I wonder what's been done to Granny because I know she has been tortured. I know my son was and is tortured but when he was with me he didn't have implants... I don't think. They took him out of my sight twice. Once at Central WA right after he was born and he looked so horribly distressed I never ever left his side again, for anything. Then he was taken from me again, after I was at ER when I almost blacked out from "teletorture". Oh wait, it was for the time we both threw up at the same time, and then they took him into a different room and I always felt they had done something to him out of my sight. That's why Wenatchee gets new buildings and new construction too. Cooperation with crime. I think it's long due for the U.S. to make me and my son, and the rest of my family, a decent offer. Diana even talked about her own country being involved with putting land mines in and not taking them out. That's England. And yes, I'm starting to see how more than one country has been involved.


  1. Have Dicksie & Bob personally told you that they think you were an unfit mother?

  2. I was reading your blog entry from 2009 and you wrote: "My own family never saw me and my son prior my son’s removal, except for my grandparents at least once a month. My mother and father visited only one time, for my son’s 1st birthday. Not one member of the Baird family, living in Cashmere and Wenatchee, came to visit me and my son although they were invited to. "

    Is that true? Your parents didn't see your son except for one time before CPS took him away??

  3. Yes, they told me I should be in the slammer and hung upside down by my ankles. In fact, my Dad demonstrated what Indian burns really felt like. Real torture. Twist twist, like handcuffs that are too tight. Oh they definitely let me know that I was the scummiest mother and parent they knew, which is why the FBI had me babysit their own kids. It's been a form of "work" while in prison, because even prisoners deserve to work. All this time, they could foresee into my future and knew I would be an unfit mother, so they had me babysit their kids, took my child, and then had me babysit their kids again.

  4. Adding to what I wrote above, yes, it's true they visited once.

    I now know there have been things going on that I wasn't always filled in on however.

    They visited me in the hospital and then had to go back and then visited me when he turned 1 and played with him. Basically, it's like the U.S. was keeping us isolated from eachother.

    We've all been held hostage, all been forced to work for the U.S., and all of us have been tortured.
