Thursday, August 9, 2012

UPDATE: Kevin Bolls and Kevin Prosch's "Black Peppercorns"

UPDATE: the cover of "Tumbling Ground" is of a boy looking into a jar of fireflies. This is what I did with Philip and Christie Thebault the first night I arrived in Bedminster, NJ. We went outside to collect fireflies in jars. So this man, Kevin Prosch, and his British cohort, put that on the cover of a CD that is referring to multiple microchips that were put into my body in 1995, for purposes of "teletorture". Read my last entry. I was thinking tonight about how these woman basically wanted to hang out with me all of the sudden: Leslie and Kathy Kirscher and then disappeared from sight. Leslie's family was military and Kathy's family is FBI. Leslie wanted to play The Black Peppercorns around me all the time, after I was implanted in Utah, with microchips, some about the size of black peppercorns. Then she drove so crazy, when she knew I had fears about corners, I never rode with her in a car again. I kept asking her to slow down, as she was driving to a mountain for us to ski. She refused to slow down. I never got in a car with her again and I've done this with very few people. I was in a car with a woman in NM who drove like Mario Andretti and she didn't scare me the way Leslie did. That was just how she drove to, and she was actually the best female driver I've been in a car with (though I had to cancel out after awhile, thinking I am no good to my son as a dead mother). But this one time with Leslie and Kathy, it was more just being mean. So tonight I thought, that "black peppercorn" song has the song on it about a red haired woman dying in it. And "she walks like beauty.." that's a poem I used to recite before 1995 and had in one of my diaries too. So I realized, "that CD was made after I was implanted." I had to check the date and yes, the band "Black Peppercorns" was not even formed until then, and they put a CD out called "Tumbling Ground". (incidentally, Thebaults printing company has a subsidiary named Nicholsearth or Nicholsground.) The man who rolled my car after hijacking it, was Mike Nichols, whose friend was Jewish. I mean this friend he had from work who was always stalking watching me. So I looked it up, and yes, the entire idea came after I was implanted. And who produced the music for him? A British man. Ethan Johns. He's English and did music for Kings of Leon (which Katie Middleton had played at her wedding reception). Not only were there military connected people who hated me and wanted me to be tortured (see my last post about "telesurgery", "telepharmacy" and "teletorture"), the hospital this was done at, was next door to The Jewish Community Center. The Jewish center is not a block away, it's right next door. So what do they do? Jump out of Jewish prayer to the VA to get their military gloves on for implanting me? Or do they just take the "confessions" after corrupt Mormons, or Catholics, or Protestanta do the illegal act? So why do a Jew and a British guy know about my being implanted? and not tell me? All of these people have known, and no one ever spoke up. Not for justice, not out of compassion, nothing. They're all politically motivated and using "christianity" as a cover for being rotten. Which brings me to Kevin Bolls, the pastor that's been here. How funny. Kevin's Black Peppercorns or Kevin Bolls. This man is U.S. Air Force and came over here to harass and torture my parents. Guess what song Katie Middleton chose (or her mother Carol chose) from Kings of Leon? Your Sex Is On Fire. So Ethan Jones skips from producing "Black Peppercorns" after I'm illegally implanted, to joking about "your sex is on fire" when my son is grabbing his own genitals and screaming out in pain because the U.S. has criminals and politicians who take huge bribes in exchange for torturing kids. What a BIG BLACK PEPPERCORN you have there Diana! 2 or 3 years after I am implanted, and Jewish "christians" make fun of this while English produce their record, Princess Diana is holding a larger black ball, for campaigning against land mines. England knew. The U.S. knew, and Israel knew, and England knew. I am sure some other places did too. And maybe not everyone, but a large segment. All of these people knew...a LOT of people knew, and they kept it from me? They just said nothing while I was tortured? While my son was almost dying? They said NOTHING. Then I see Kevin Prosch had a new release in 2009 with Heidi Baker, called "The Gift". I can only imagine. I saw Heidi Baker and I thought she was a fraud. Does she do some good things for kids? yes. I cheer her on for that. But is she a christian without political motives? no, not in my opinion. That is the spirit I sensed from her. When did she speak up about illegal implants? Never. The U.S. has been committing serious crimes for a very long time, against U.S. citizens and a lot of people have known about it. Over here it's all Air Force and Army. Thebault's are connected to military that is connected to San Antonio, TX FBI employees as well. Start looking at who has been receiving the big hand outs. I'm tortured and forced on welfare or to nothing, when I'm able to do a lot, while some of these people are takihg millions...going to billions...of dollars in bribes and hush money to torture my family and even to keep my son from me.

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