Thursday, August 9, 2012

U.S. Tortured My Family In Retaliation for My UN Petition

I am being severely tortured and it's now 12:40 p.m. Anything I write now, is going to retracted to draft to highlight what this country doesn't want other to see--links to videos that prove there are microchips and implants in my body. How funny a man named Kevin Prosch would make a CD called "The Black Peppercorns" and write about a red-haired woman who dies. He's Jewish, and then supposedly became a christian but Leslie and Kathy Kirscher used to play this around me, after I was implanted. Some of the implants are about the size of peppercorns so I'll have to check. How funny that then I was giving the Del Balzo's NY style steak with peppercorn sauce. No wonder they couldn't look me in the eye. I am pretty sure they are both military and FBI connected. Leslie was from a military family and Kathy's family is FBI. I have several of these in my body, in my jaw, throat and ears. And I've been told both of my ears were implanted, not just one, even though I only have pain triggered in one. NASA and DOD are responsible for this technology. NASA recently got giddy over sending out a "curiosity" satellite that breaks off and looks like a tail taking off, when our cat just died, after being repeatedly electrocuted by NASA and the DOD. I saw the cat being electrocuted with my own eyes. NASA also paid for funding, along with the DOD, for University of Utah hospital to have "telesurgery" and "telepharmacy" as a bonus award for implanting me so I could be tortured. My surgery was in 1995 and they put microchips and other objects in my body. I was then forced to work for a "top secret" (so she said) Intel semiconductor/microchip company. I'll write about this in a different post. Basically, you can remotely control something inside of someone. It's surgery using robotics and having someone from a remote location choose what to do to the patient, from a great distance. NASA and DOD are the groups that operate this technology. They funded the University that implanted me, with money for this, after they "tested" out the technology on me first, with Del Balzos watching me. They triggered migraine from a distance, by using this technology. When it worked, they got their money from the government. The assault on my Dad that happened last year, which he still has scars from, was with newly arrived FBI Agent Fowler (NY) involved. It was all U.S. government, and when I had petitioned for the Red Cross to intervene, they didn't show up to intervene and investigate torture. They supervised while my Dad and Mom were tortured by the U.S. government and interrogated. Why were my parents beat up? It happened after I filed a UN complaint against the U.S. for torture and forced labor of my family, including my parents. It also occured mainly after I brought up how interesting it was that the Beckhams had a baby exactly 9 months after Kate Middleton was engaged. Meaning, she used Victoria Beckham as a surrogate and then flew to the U.S. to visit her baby. I hinted at this. So if it wasn't a big deal, why were my parents assaulted and tortured? It was a big deal only if there is truth to it. Which, if true, would mean the U.S. continues to suck up to Middletons and then she has a kid in the U.S. instead of her own country, just like any double operative would do. No one in my family said a thing about it, but they were severely tortured. It happened after both Fowler and this man Kevin Bolls, from the U.S. Air Force arrived. Fowler and Bolls (note how cute it is, to have him over here when Kevin Prosch referred to implants as "black peppercorns" and it was played to me by FBI and military women...I'll check the date but I promise it will be after 1995.) Yes, I am right again. "Black Peppercorns" came to Kevin Prosch's "visionary" Jewish mind, along with the help of his producer from England Ethan Jones, in 1995, after I was implanted with illegal implants. Kevin is Jewish and Ethan is British. What a "fabulous" combination. Fowler and Bolls torture my parents. They came over here, both of them military, from NY and Chicago/Seattle (Bolls lived most of his life in Chicago and then was in Seattle right before coming over here). Do you know what NY and Seattle have in common with regard to my family? A desperate wish to conceal and cover up crimes against humanity.

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