Wednesday, August 8, 2012

TORTURE NOW & Lisa Thebault's Army & Air Force

Someone needs to seriously quit the torture gimmick now, because a lot of you people, in FBI and otherwise, are going directly to jail and no, you do not get to pass go or get out free. You're going to jail. It's 10:33 p.m. and about a half hour ago, or more, the U.S. military DOD and DOE began torturing me by targeting the implant in my neck. And apparently, according to what I read about telesurgery, which is what the hospital specialized in that did this to me, it can be done from remote locations. All I have to do is track this to the Utah hospital doctors and medical personnel and who gave them shitloads of money after this was done, and then expose the military dentists in Wenatchee. . I am being tortured tonight to my teeth and this is after being tortured to my heart all day. I am now being tortured to the implant in my teeth. I found out tonight that along with Italians, Lisa is related and connected to a bunch of military people. Hardcore military. I'm also starting to realize people in Oregon have been connected to her, over in NJ. I am starting to realize it looks like even Christa Schneider is possibly connected to them. She's related to Lymans, for one thing. She is connected to career military from Arlington, VA. Which means if someone wanted to retaliate against me in 1995, and use military to put implants in my body and then torture me, they could. According to an obituary from New Jersey, it says a woman named Winifred Dietrich Lyman died in 2011, leaving behind 1 sister in Arlington, VA, and grandchildren including Lisa Thebault of New Vernon, NJ. She had 2 sons who both died, one named Lawrence and one named Edward Vance, and between them there were 5 grandchildren. There are several links going to San Antonio, TX and Houston, TX from the Thebaults. It was either El Paso or San Antonio that FBI SA's were from. The S.A.s Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza I mean--these are guys I reported. Lisa's grandmother Lyman was married to Col. Harry E. Lyman with the U.S. Army. One son, Edward, was a U.S. career military man. His name was Edward Vance, like the S.S.A.s name of the Mormon guy who was U.S. military and sent from FBI in Washington D.C. to see me. Edward Vance was a U.S. Army Lt. Col who died in 1997 at age 58 at the Mary Immaculate Hospital. He was the owner of Edward Vance Lyman Realty in Hampton, VA. He was active Army military for 17 years, and then a reserve until 1987. His kids are Robert Scott Lyman (Hawaii) and Lauren Bowser (Col). Winifred was living in San Antonio, TX until she died but she grew up in Arlington, VA. She worked for the Air Force her entire life. She was working in Secretary of Air Force office of public affairs and her last assignment was at Kelly Air Force Base, in San Antonio, TX. She is survived by her sister "Zula" of Arlington, VA. So basically, I got a visit from San Antonio people who are most likely connected to Thebaults and then FBI was sent out to protect everyone and ruin my life and then torture me and my son, hopefully, to death. You know why they wanted me to marry Alvaro? Because they knew someday they might get caught, and what better thing than to try to get me to marry someone connected to those who implanted me and tortured me and my son. Or, like I said, Alvaro was also working an angle with others to have me set up to go to prison for marriage fraud too, so that also would have worked out nicely for them. Winifred was obviously not just married to a career military man, she was military herself, her entire life, with the Air Force. So I found out Edward Vance, the hotshot Army man that the FBI is still doing favors for, had these 2 kids, one in Hawaii and one in Colorado. I also found something that said he went to Virginia Tech in the 60s with a guy named George E. Middleton going in the 50s but not sure. It said Lt. Col Edward Vance Lyman, with Virginia Tech. The other son is apparently Lisa's father. If she is a grandchild and there are just sons, well then, Lawrence must have been her father. So NO ONE ever told me she was military connected when I was a nanny for them--ever. Lyman doesn't even sound Italian and I was only told she was Italian, so I guess maybe her mother was the Italian one. So I guess Lawrence W. Lyman is her father and all I could find about him (haven't totally cross-checked and confirmed sources but...) was that he was from Carthage, New York. Lisa's Dad lived in New York. It said she has (Lisa) two siblings, a Lawrence Lyman from Bridgewater, NJ, and a sister named Cynthia Bailey from Fort Meyers, FL. So her family was living in Carthage, New York possibly, in 1965. Her Dad was appointed to be head of the Board of Education. They banked and put all of the education money with Marine Midland Trust company, a banking group that has headquarters in London, UK now. Marine Midland started out without the Midland part. It was just Marine. That was the original name, and it was in Buffalo, NY. (They added the Midland part in 1929). So they banked with what was then Marine Midland Trust in Carthage. I had to see how far Carthage is from Ithaca, NY, out of curiosity. I wanted to see how close it was to Cornell, since well, Mary Del Balzo went there and is from that part of New York, and since the Fallons got a scholarship for a kid there (Katie). From Carthage to Ithaca it's 2 hours. It's Northern New York and it's about 1 hour from Canada. I can write more tomorrow. But like I said, I've been working for FBI and military employees my entire life, babysitting their kids, working as their nanny, and look at what these people have done to repay me and my son. Torture. And then kidnapping of my only son. And Thebault printing, I checked, has a business subsidiary called "Nicholsearth". ? I work for them, and then I have my car hijacked by a guy named Mike Nichols, and rolled, I then get implanted illegally and tortured out of retaliation, and they want to name a company after him? So they have military connections, now we know. Now I know. So I had military putting microchips in my body in 1995 after the Thebaults didn't like me, and then I had another implant put into my body by military in 2006 after I reported FBI agents from San Antonio, TX, where both Thebault and Lyman had relatives. What is strange, is how much money University of Utah hospital received and who they got it from. Some of it was coming from Mormons that had worked for Nixon and then some of it, I don't know. They acquired 15 new buildings and right after what they did to me, they got approval and funding to do "telesurgery" and "telepharmacy" which is surgery by remote locations (like torture from remote locations). That kind of money is given through Department of Defense and NASA. Those are the two groups that deal with this technology. So what do the DOD and NASA have in common? besides satellites.

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