Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Torture Marks On Parents (from last year)

My parents both have torture evidence on their faces today. They also have torture marks leftover from last year after this new pastor and FBI Agent Fowler came over from NY and Chicago. I said, "What is that on your knee?" or what happened to his knee. He said, "Oh, it's just an old bruise that's leftover from last year." He said it didn't heal or has taken this long to heal. A bruise. From last year. That didn't heal. My parents have evidence of torture on their bodies. Not only that, he still has some kind of horrible white paint type of residue on one of his kneecaps, that occured last year, and I had gone out there to check on my Dad and it was a bunch of U.S. Red Cross people with a bunch of U.S. government. They tortured my Dad last year and he still has evidence from it and this was during the time I was trying to appeal to get my son back. They were tortured. My Dad also has a scar that matches the one where someone cut me behind my ear in Utah, near his knee. It looks like a new scar. He also has an acid burn on one of his hands that didn't heal except to look like an acid burn, like what the U.S. did to my son. My Dad said no one cared what happened to me and I said I have evidence of scars from cuts, and CTs that show evidence, and I just put up a video of an implant in my mouth, which is next to another one that is larger, closer to the incision. My mom said it's just a blister and I said, "No, it's hard and it doesn't roll like a blister". It's not a blister and no one else has this--it's not part of human anatomy. Then my Dad said what have you accomplished in the last 5 years? and I said, "Nothing." So he said is this working or to get off the torture track. Right. I'm supposed to pretend not to be on the torture track when this is WHY nothing has been accomplished. Alvaro Pardo is probably linked to Philip Thebault. He's linked to different people, but Philip might be one of them, judging by the Italians that were hanging around. This country tried to force me to marry Alvaro as a ransom for getting my son back when taking him and torturing us was illegal (obviously). What has happened since then? What has this country allowed me to accomplish? Nothing. Nothing. Just be tortured. Tonight, on Fox T.V. Juliet Huddy said something about "she's out" and I thought, looking at her, "She is coming across like FBI to me." I looked her up and she's Hoboken, NJ and originally from CIA town (Langley, VA). "She's out". Like, Philip Thebault, "he's in?" Right. How about, you're fucked Juliet. She's another CIA or FBI brat that makes comments like a brat, for U.S. government brats that tried to force me to marry brats for them. I saw even my mother sort of look depressed or down after her comment, and why? my guess is it's because Juliet is just another cog in the federal government machine that likes to make shitty cryptic code and fling it out from the boob tube. Maybe Juliet can go back to Langley and let them know I didn't like the terms of their hostage deal. Philip Thebault had friends from Brown University stalking me even in New Mexico. I saw the guy at the casino there. And if I'm doing a favor for "the enemy" who is that but the Thebaults and government people they know. The implant was done on me after I reported them to the IRS and all Alvaro Pardo wanted to know about was my "taxes" as he tried to set me up. If Brian Thebault is the type of person who is going to threaten me, literally, with "give you a job in my factory so you can punch in and out" when I politely ask about payment for overtime; and if he's the type to break and twist contracts and say he can do whatever he wants; I am wondering if his own brother was even safe near him and Lisa's mafia. Lisa's Italian mafia family, from New Jersey. Did his brother disappear before or after he met Lisa? My check to the IRS to pay for my nanny tax, disappeared. That is a U.S. federal government crime and no one would be happier than to have me implanted and brought down. Every contact I can think of, goes to U.S. government. The man she is photographed standing next to, the U.S. Marine, looks like a man who was stalking me and my son in Wenatchee. Someone who looked like him also stalked me when I protested in the town of Mt. Angel. Half of the military involved in this, and the VP, have been out of New Jersey. And incidentally, the Middleton geneology & friends extends to New Jersey, through a French family. And Brian Thebault is French. Hoboken, or next door, is where the current military general is from. Martin Dempsey. I was approached by U.S. Army Mark, in New Mexico, after being stalked by a Brown University student and calling the local FBI about a Judge. The Thebaults know Louis Freeh, FBI Director during the time I was implanted. Lisa even wanted Brian to go into politics and run for some kind of office. They had Washington D.C. people over as house guests. They are absolutely U.S. federal government connected and after I said something about taxes, I was suddenly being stolen from in Oregon. It was like the Jersey mafia kicked up a boot in Oregon. Then, not long ago, Obama's even took down the Pennsylvania tree from Times Square, to plant a Jersey tree. To mobsters, it's symbolic. Mobsters like Joe Biden & company. The Thebaults probably even know the Del Balzos. It's not Italian families don't know who everyone is. They all know who is part of what family. Lisa's family was Italian from New Jersey and Mary Nozzi Del Balzo's Italian family was from New York. It's a 20 minute ride on the "path" from Jersey to Yorkie. I almost want to say her family's name was even Santogrossi but I'm sure I'm wrong. Military has basically used my family and enslaved us through people in high ranks and positions that are friends with mafias that hate us. As for Huntsman and people giving large donations to hospitals after they implanted me, even if they're Mormon, they can be traced to working for Nixon, and that is when Gannon was murdered and when a Russian Jew was head of the CIA. I've been stalked by Russian Jews for some time and not even known why and it's just going back to CIA and government. Who would know Juliet? If she's living in Miami Beach, Florida now...hmm. Chris Dabney lived there and visits there and knows Martin Dempsey (who is from Jersey). Chris lived in Miami for a long time. My Dad's legs are covered with evidence of torture and that's just his legs. I've seen fresh torture evidence on his back. The Red Cross was over here participating in the torture of my Dad. This guy Huntsman, Sr. was even a Board Director of the American Red Cross at one point. Oh wait wait. Let's see. Aha. Boston and Jersey. What a combination. Boston, Jersey and The CIA, FBI, and White House. Mix some Mexicans in too. Thebaults were always going to Boston to "see the Fall colors". Did they visit Whitey while they were there? Cause you know, Mark, the U.S. Army guy who showed up in New Mexico, showed up after 2 things: Brown University man stalked me, and FBI knew my whereabouts. Where was Mark from? Boston of course. That's where Whitey, who works for the FBI is from and it's also where Brian Thebault's brother went to college, at Notre Dame. Oh yeah, and Bill O'Reilly went to Harvard, in Boston, and then has a bunch of people from Jersey on his show all the time. People who know Martin Dempsey. Did I mention my Dad has scars from torture on his body? I am not happy with this little arrangement of lies and government calling me mentally ill. Got it? Here are some of Lisa Thebault's recent facebook "favorites": Linda Wassmer - Personal Trainer, Pinch Sitters & Services, Protos, One Kings Lane - John Robshaw I really love the Pinch Sitters & Services most. You know, given my son was showing up tortured to visits with me, with bruises all over his legs. She looks exactly the same, but this time, triumphant, like her mob really helped her out in a pinch. Let me get a photo in of what an IRS Tax Cheat looks like:


  1. Your father sounds like a sensible man!

    You are wasting yourself and your life in these persecutory delusions, hatefulness, jealousy and envy!

  2. Hmm. You may be right. I must be so jealous.

  3. Cameo you are wasting your life. Face up to it. Your conduct led to the loss of your son. Your conduct led to your problems with multiple employers, landlords, etc. THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY. The simplest explanation remains that you are deeply insane. Face it.

  4. Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us.
