Saturday, August 25, 2012

Torture NOW & Break and Entry (more theft): UPDATED

I am being tortured again, with technology to my heart, as of about 7 p.m. Not only that, we have uninvited "guests" in the area. It is not just a suctioning feeling to the heart, there is a high frequency or high speed vibration that I can feel, under my sternum, that occurs. From my CTs you can see there is metal inside of my chest. I was told some kind of "stent" was put in, up to my chest, and basically doing my surgery for miscarriage. They place stents to the heart through the groin. I am on my 10th day of fasting, and this country continues to commit crime. I have had this "vibrating and suctioning" feeling occur at my house, near my parent's house and while walking to the store, so it's triggered from a remote location and directly targeting me. Once I left my house and went up the road and it stopped. It was a field of energy positioned over my house only, and not anywhere near the neighbors that live up from us. I am making this post because someone needs to get rid of those in charge, and I might start looking at Panetta. He knows about all of this. He is the one who has had both CIA and Pentagon access to all top secret operations, and basically, his buddies have targeted me with torture for over 17 years. Panetta should be in jail, for life. *************************************** Someone has been breaking into my house after I tie the door with string and retying it in the most similiar way that they can, after stealing from me and booby trapping my house and putting crazy marks all over. The only people who do this kind of tying crap are military. This last time, someone let a ton of ants into my house and I had zero ants. The house is not even ground level. There were no ants until today. They put a blob of blackberry in my tub which was clean. I just took a bath last night, and I took a shower this morning and the tub was clean but someone broke into my house and put a blob of blackberry in the middle of my tub. They turn around my vitamin bottles, they turn around my shampoo bottles, and they've stolen a bunch of lids for bottles that I had recycled and saved for use. Someone stole all of the black caps for all of my bottles. Any bottle that I had with a black lid, was stolen, making reuse of the bottle for storage useless. Yesterday they stole my black hair comb. I had to use a different comb for my hair because the other one was stolen from my bathroom sink counter. I don't take the comb anywhere else--I do my hair in the bathroom and I brush it out in the bathroom. They stole one of my hair combs. So yesterday they stole from me, (because I had the hair comb yesterday), and today they broke in and stole from me, unleashed a swarm of ants, and put a blob of blackberry in my tub. They also stole $5 from me recently, in the last week. I knew exactly how much cash I had, and someone stole $5. ***************************************** UPDATED 8/26/2012 After I wrote about the vibration and suctioning effect to my sternum, almost immediately it lessened and then quit within a half hour. The torture has diminished in the last couple of days. I said on my videoclips that I hadn't been sleeping due to insomnia from fasting and not torture, but there are still some things going on. For example, early this morning, it was technology causing the rapid benign fasciculations mainly at my legs and going through my feet. I have noticed that the military has used this against me typically in the early waking hours, about the time I might be dreaming naturally. It's not natural, you can literally feel a kind of electrical current through the legs. This is what was done to both me and my son starting at our house on Methow St., in Wenatchee, WA, when he was only about 1 year old; it was 2007. It was in the summer when it began. It was done to both of us at an extremely high level, so high that you could see all the muscles in my son's body twitching just looking at him. It happened to him at Methow and also in East Wenatchee on the orchard later. It had nothing to do with our diet, or pesticide exposure or anything. Methow St. wasn't an orchard, it was in town. So they still do this to me in the early morning. I would say almost every single day and sometimes skipping a few days, but pretty much, 28 days out of a month at least. Last night they also jabbed me in the head with long-range technology that caused swelling to both me and my brother's heads in the past. It was lower level, but it was done for about 20 minutes last night and this still occurs almost every day. The excruciating and severe tooth pain that I described has pretty much quit. They chiseled a whole section out of one tooth with technology, and then were targeting my teeth, neck and jaw, with high level technology and they totally quit this. It wasn't 'cavities' or another problem, it was military. The ear pain that was being used and almost causing deafness in one ear has almost quit entirely. I am still occasionally having a weird effect to the ear, but not like before. Maybe putting up some CTs helped, but I probably need to put up more for further evidence of microchip implantation. Torture level has dropped about 80% but it's not enough. They're still doing things. I want my son returned to me. There has been no possible way to even appeal for him while being tortured every day and with increased intensity whenever I try to do something productive. 2:55 a.m. As of about 2 a.m. (insomnia is normal for fasters) I have now had U.S. torturing me to my OTHER ear. Piercing pain and the opposite ear, which is not surprising because I actually had several people it's not just the one ear, that I have implants in my OTHER ear too. I guess someone just didn't target that one for some reason. So they're still torturing me.

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