Monday, August 27, 2012

Vandalism of Multiple Computers

My current laptop which is only a couple months old, is being vandalized just like my last laptop was vandalized and ruined. And that's not mentioning the desktop I had prior to this that was fried, or the printers and faxes that were brand new which were fried and jammed. Since I uploaded my youtube clip about my son, Oliver, and demanding his return, the "O" key on my keyboard has been sticking and not working without pressing it several times. I have not spilled anything on this laptop. My last laptop was ruined and vandalized after I filed a UN complaint against the U.S., and they made the the "L" and "K" keys stick and then not work, and shut everything down. My communications were totally shut down and then the keys were never restored to normal. So now it's happened again, out of revenge for my putting up a post about the horrific things done to me and my son. The only reason they'd choose the "O" key is because I used to show my son how to write his name and see it, and would say, "O is for Oliver!" (mainly because I had an alphabet chart across the wall with different things for different letters...i.e, "c" is for cat, etc). So now my next laptop is being vandalized and ruined. All of my property is being destroyed by the Department of Justice computer people and their military friends.

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