Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Torture (childhood LSD, hypnosis, and British rip-offs)

That is it. They are definitely criminals.

There is no reason for any of the things to have happened to me unless my parents are criminals and work for the U.S. government as criminals.

They're the ones who set me up to be a U.S. military guinea pig when I was a kid. They're the ones who used LSD on me as a little girl to let the military and CIA know what the effects were. Yes, LSD. My parents never had drugs in the house when I grew up and didn't even drink liquor. But when I was a little girl, I remember one night feeling "weird" and seeing bugs crawling all over my walls. All four of my walls, and it was hallucinations. I was in my room alone, in bed. Nothing gives a little kid hallucinations like that except for LSD and the CIA and military were still using this for research in the 70s. I was born in 1974.

They're the ones who have the psychic gift that the CIA and military uses for government purposes. I don't have it, so the U.S. found other ways to use and abuse me.

They act tortured and I am starting to think it is an act, because everything about their fingernails and toenails and bodies looked healthy and normal when I arrived, and I was the one who had been suffering. The only evidence of torture that I saw to start with, was a knife scar across one of my mother's cheeks. Then I saw torture marks on my Dad's back and other things which I think police and FBI caused.

It is very likely they have some other daughter too, that is being raised by someone else because every single time I bring it up, my Dad flies off the handle and my mother gets a gleeful look in her eyes, which she's always done, whenever she thinks I'm getting on my Dad's bad side.

She has always liked it when this happens because then she gets away with more of the crap she's done to me.

They used both me and my brother Levi.

My brother is being used by force by the U.S. military as well, and he's been tortured too.

Everything that has happened to us, is because of THEIR fucking employment with the United States.

They're the criminals and they're the ones who sold their own kids out, but they don't have the decency to even speak up for us and tell the truth so we are not tortured.

It is possible that my Dad or Mom even knew who was running me off of the road in 1992, back from Robin Bechtold's house, because the only people who knew my position and where I was were the Bechtolds and my parents, because I called first to let them know I was driving home. When I called my Dad to let him know I'd had an accident his first words were, "Is the car damaged?" He didn't ask if I was okay first, or hurt in any way. He asked if the stationwagon was damaged. I had burst into tears and said, "Your first words are if the car is okay?! You didn't even ask how I was."

I'm tired of writing about how they are being tortured. Why am I the one writing about their torture and what's happening to them when they have never done one thing in return to defend me publicly.

When I left my parent's house before the car wreck in 1995, I was not on good terms with them. I had said something about "I remember things" and then they gave me a very stiff "hug" when I was leaving. I then got in a car wreck and all of a sudden, I'm being implanted by their military cohorts.

They volunteered me and my brother for use and abuse by the military.

My mother just bought some new quilts and has spent her day cleaning the quilts and looking at them, while I'm being tortured. This is how she chooses to spend her time. Looking at quilts and tinkering with antiques and collectibles while I suffer and she rattles off a bunch of lies to me about "faith".

My brother and I would never have been tortured or victims of the U.S. if my parents were not part of the U.S. paycheck. Their "work" has put them in a position of selling their kids out and then being blackmailed to secrecy. So they keep their mouths shut over torture of me and my own brother and my own son Oliver.

My mother has never wanted me to have and raise my own son. She is Holly's best friend and she and Holly hated me and her family was being vicious to me at the time we were leaving the country. She only supported Holly and not me. My Dad never wanted me to even keep my son to begin with.

I am now being tortured even worse by the U.S. military, for writing this. They use my parents for their own work.

Here's another thing--why didn't my Dad want me to blog about how the dentist who put the implant-filling in my tooth was a U.S. military man?

Everyone around me, my entire life, has been U.S. military. It's basically like I've lived on a military base my entire life, and forced to work for federal agents my whole life, and then they torture me and steal my son to torture and program him for research. Everyone my parents ever lived next-door to was military. Then I had weird babysitters trying to coach me into self-hypnosis. When I was a kid.

Then, all of the people I worked for were federal agents and employees. And then no matter where I lived, someone from the military wanted to move in with me or next-door to me.

There is nothing that I've done, or signed up for, that would put me in the position of being tortured and implanted. I am not psychic. My parents are. The U.S. wanted to use me still maybe, and track me because my parents were their own assets, but they never had me working for them. I never got a paycheck from the U.S. for anything. They used my parents to try to control me and my brother.

My brother has been forced to live with military ever since he divorced his wife, and SHE was military. She was U.S. Army. After he split from his U.S. Army wife, he was having to live with another U.S. Army man who was from Minnesota (or Michigan). He had to live with that man until about the time Kate Middleton was married and then this military man moved back to his own state. (I just remember this being the approximate timing bc it was about that time that Carmen, my brother's ex-wife, quit talking to my mother anymore and it was after this that the U.S. decided they could dump me off in Coquille to be used for more research. Oh yeah, and be "reunited" with my parents after 7 years. I got some dress from a store when I was in town, with a specific print and then I was introduced to this girl who was wearing the same print I had on my dress. She acted like my clone and my Dad was having to (or wanting to) chase her around and play with her the way he used to with me, and she was doing things like I did when I was that age. It's like the U.S. stole my son from me and then dumped this girl off and told my Dad to "program her like Cameo." Then, the U.S. has my parents "working with the youth" while they broke all their fucking promises about returning my son to me.

While this man lived with my brother, he was 100% active in the U.S. military and not nice to me when I visited one time.

They are still torturing me to my neck, ear and tooth. It is 6:31 p.m. My parents left the house and I am being tortured. I took a ton of over-the-counter medications and it doesn't help when I'm being tortured. There is no reason why I would go from zero torture to my teeth to almost full-blown torture to my teeth in the last couple of days and today especially. They are attempting to drive me to a medical center because they want to document what their own people did to me, not to report it, but to make excuses for why my teeth on that side hurt all of a sudden and for their own research.

They targeted me with this. I don't have any infection. I went from full blown torture to my teeth, to the U.S. quitting this after I uploaded CT photo evidence. Then for almost 2 months there was almost zero pain to my teeth. Then, in the last couple of days, they started using this against me again. That's not a pattern for "cavity pain". It's a pattern for torture. Right now they are targeting my neck and implants in my neck on the left side as much as my teeth. They are causing a vibrating in my upper tooth with the filling/implant and then my neck has some kind of implant being triggered and the combination of targeting my neck and upper tooth is creating pain in the center of these 2 areas, to affect how my teeth and jaw feel, inbetween point a (neck implant) and point b (upper tooth implant).

The only way the Catholic church or other military would exert power over me and kidnap my son is by using threats to my parents. My parents, if they signed up with the U.S. government at some point, wouldn't have a say in which administration they work for or who their supervisors and co-workers are. They would have to do as told. So if some group did hate me that was connected to military, to get to me when I'm not signed up with govt, all they'd have to do is use and blackmail my parents.

One of the things I was referring to when I stated, in 1995, "I remember things", was seeing bugs all over the walls and later knowing it had to have been from a drug like LSD.

My parents are not even recreational users. They value their minds and are not into that kind of thing and never even took advantage of legal drugs (alcohol for example). So the only reason I would have come into contact with LSD, through my parents or someone else, is the same source (or reason) why I came into contact with a babysitter that tried to teach me to self-hypnotize myself or tried to have me go into a hypnotic state. Both my mother and father were home when I was hallucinating that one night.

This country has done the exact same thing with my son. I witnessed my son Oliver showing me how he wanted me to do something that another person did with him, which then was leading him into hypnosis. Right after this, the "state" cut down my visits with my son so that they were cancelled for various reasons and then we had only a few more after this. They knew, Anne Craine/Crane knew, that I was onto them at that point--that the U.S. was manipulating and using my son for research for the government.

Just like they did with me, starting with when I was a kid.

My parents didn't have that one babysitter come back after I told them about what she'd done, but that is maybe just because I was able to recall and remember and the U.S. decided to keep that out of my focus from that point-on.

The bugs on the wall wasn't a dream and it wasn't a "vision" and I wasn't mentally ill as a kid. It was LSD. The only U.S. groups involved with LSD experimentation on kids are CIA and military.

I was in my room, lying in bed, and all of a sudden, the walls were crawling with bugs. Bugs everywhere, and coming in close view and moving all over my bedroom walls. Wall-to-wall bugs. At one point, I thought some of them were even on me, but mainly I saw them all over the walls. I never forgot it. It wasn't a "recovered memory" because I always remembered it, from that day forward and I never forgot it. I only realized later, as a teen or in my 20s, after hearing about LSD and effects of drugs, that it had to have been from a drug. I was fully awake and fully scared. After a long time, I fell asleep. I never got out of bed to tell anyone, just watched. Around that time and later, as a kid, I remember being nicknamed "Chatty Kathy" because I talked a lot, but also, "Chatty Kathy" was a code name for a CIA/military program that used mescaline (LSD) to experiment on kids and people. I remember asking my Dad one time if he ever tried drugs and he said when he was in high school he smoked pot a short time and then he tried LSD once. I asked what happened and he said he had a "bad trip" and saw bugs and other things. What he described was similiar to what happened to me when the U.S. used LSD on me.

The other thing that may have occured, which I don't remember but it's possible, is that I was sexually assaulted by U.S. CIA/military, as a kid. The first woman gynecologist I went to, as a virgin still in 1997, of course discovered I was a virgin. But then after she did her exam she said, "There is some evidence you were sexually assaulted." I said, "What do you mean?" (because I'd already told her I was a virgin and then this was confirmed pretty much when she broke the hymen with her exam speculum (and then cleaned the floor then and there). She said, "Were you a victim of rape or sex abuse as a child?" and I said, "Not that I know of" or I said, "No." She said, "It appears you sustained some kind of injury from rape or sexual assault as a child." She said there was old evidence or scarring of damages of some kind.

If anything ever happened to me, it was before I was 5 years old or 4 years old--before I could remember anything. It would have had to have been when I was an infant approximately. And it wouldn't be my parents.

I had all the tell-tale signs of being a CIA/military research victim, even as a kid.

After killing my parents first baby, it is possible my parents felt they had to go along with some things. And later, it served to be good for blackmail, even as I am brutally tortured as a victim of the U.S. government.

This country thinks they can do the exact same thing to my only son Oliver. They are wrong.

When I went to counseling voluntarily, in Wenatchee, with Brett McDonald, through the federally funded clinic Columbia Valley Community Health, I brought up mention of what this woman gynecologist had said to me. I said, "Do you thihk it's possible I was sexually assaulted as a kid and never knew about it?" and Brett, the same woman who didn't want me to talk about the FBI at all to her, said, "No, I'm sure it's not true." I told her I couldn't remember any incident and she said, "If you can't remember it then probably it didn't happen or why worry yourself wondering if it did?" So I thought, okay, and felt more reassured with the idea of thinking or imagining nothing ever happened to me. Who wants to believe something like that could be true anyway. We discussed it for an hour in one visit after my son was born, and then that was it. Later when I wanted to discuss FBI she wouldn't let me. She didn't care if I talked about lawsuits but she didn't want to hear anything about the FBI. Around that time, her friend Tina Thornton decided to contact CPS to take my son from me. I am inclined to believe the first female gynecologist I went to knew what she was talking about. First of all, she was accurate in her judgement and estimation that my pelvis was on the narrow side in one regard and that I should be an automatic C-section. She was correct. I trust that if she saw evidence of old scarring that indicated a violent rape from childhood, she knew what she was talking about in that regard as well. She had a very shocked look on her face when she asked me about it, sort of a grim quiet shock.

Actually, I am more sure than not, at this point, that it probably is true. The gynecologist said it looked like very old scarring and disruption from a violent sexual assault. So first the U.S. murdered Gannon Levi Garrett. Then they violently sexually assaulted me for their programming and research projects, drugged me with LSD, introduced "babysitters" that experimented with hypnosis on me. All of this, before I was in school.

This country has concealed crimes that are so disgusting, it is beyond mention and they have only grown bolder in their criminal efforts.

They got a free pass at assaulting me as a child and the U.S. has allowed anyone and everyone else to have a free pass at doing the same ever since. Then, they overhear me saying "I remember things" and try to kill me by rolling my car when my seatbelt is off. That doesn't work, but I might "know" things, so they took me to Utah and implanted me with microchips and began their regime of torture against me. It was their own security at stake, and they already decided they didn't want me to upstage some other brat who they wanted to take my place and fill a "role" for them instead of me. So they made it possible for them to track me wherever I went, to listen in on who I talked to, and they began triggering migraines to start, for remote tele-torture.

Like tele-tubbies. Which, by the way, is interesting because I named a little bear that I got for my brother as a kid for his birthday. I was about 9 years old and I had allowance money and spent all of it on this little stuffed bear that could suck its thumb (you inserted it into the bear's mouth). My brother didn't know what to name it so I said, "Tubby". And it stuck. My brother called the bear I bought for him, "tubby". I didn't wrap it first. I bought it and gave it to him then and there.

If you read the wiki on "teletubbies", it is a cartoon of British (Middleton) invention. The cartoon "idea" came up in 1997, 2 years after I was implanted with microchips at Utah University Hospital, which then received an enormous grant for "telesurgery" and "telepharmacy". I was then being tortured, which sort of knocked me down, I would say, from having a normal life.

So why the Brits? Unless I am right about Middletons. I am right. Period.

The teletubbies, if you look at them, are not only named "tubby", as I named the bear I bought for my brother, they are created to look like the bear I bought him. It was a rag-cloth kind of bear, soft all over except for a hard plastic face, and hard thumbs on plastic hands. The only plastic parts were hands and front of face and then you could insert a thumb into the plastic open mouth and it stuck.

I remember the exact day I bought this toy for my brother. I remember it was in Moses Lake, I remember the store, and I remember feeling "watched" by people there, even though I was only a kid about 9 or so. It is my earliest memory of being under surveillance by people who were strangers to me. There were at least 5-6 adults there watching my every move. It was me, my brother, and my Mom, and I found it at this store, paid for it with my allowance money and my brother loved it and I named it, in the store, and said, "Call it Tubby". And he did. He liked the name right away. It was a light beige colored cloth with sort of a tight "fur" out of cloth, sort of washcloth style in a sense, and then had little bear ears, and the thumb that went into the mouth. I came up with the name because I thought the bear had a "tubby" tummy and the thumb thing made me think of "tubby". Like chubby, but tubby.

The store that I bought this bear for my son at, in Moses Lake, was an independent clothing-toy store called "Berry's" (I believe). I was thinking it was maybe called McGuires, but I think it was Berry's. They went out of business and closed a few years later. It was on a main street, close to a corner of the intersection right before you crossed over the main bridge over Moses Lake.

So then, years later, after I was implanted by the "telesurgery" people, the Brits are making fun of me and celebrating this, and coming up with the "teletubbies" which was not an exactly "original" idea. They ripped it off from my childhood. So who should know about my childhood but the fucking Carol Middleton. You know, the Middletons who are not "U.S. double operatives".

It gets even better. Then my son is tortured by U.S. military and aerodefense and when he loses his ability to talk, what is being sponsored in New York City? The 10th anniversary of "teletubbies" with donations going to "Autism Now" and "Autism Speaks" in 2007. 2006-2007 is when we were tortured and my son lost his ability to talk. I was then being tossed out of Canada and framed on a false arrest.

Middleton, Middle-of-the-road classic mafia trash.

So remember how I said Salt Lake City University Hospital is connected to Arthur K. Smith? That's the man who, along with his wife June Smith, later got nice little jobs next to Marjorie Scardino's crew, with nods to the Bectholds, and plush jobs at Church of England schools in Texas. June "quietly stepped down" from her Anglican reward right after I filed my first petition for habeas corpus.

It is the first petition and not the last you fuckers.

If I was being surveilled by Middleton's British and U.S. assholes when I was 9 years old, I am sure they had something to do with any kind of violent sexual assault against me as well. They are most likely not only behind a childhood sexual assault, but the rapes by Josh Gatov and Robin Bechtold. And that is in addition to "teletorture".

They dropped their little "teletubbies" program in 2002, when I went public with lawsuits. I think they worried they could be next, or feared the the idea of my becoming public in any way. Teletubbies had not only a preschool following, but a college age cult following. Who was in college then? Little Katie Middle-hatie. At least, she was approaching college.

This country and the UK have tortured me and my son for these corrupt and violent hoodlums.

The creators of "Teletubbies" were the British Andrew Davenport and Anne Wood. Anne married "Barrie Wood". Anne Wood then received, in 1997, an award for "The Baird Medal of Royal Television Society--Midland Centre." Of course, from the Midland Centre. Then in 2010, when Kate Middleton was engaged, the "Lifetime Acheivement from Mother and Baby Magazine", not to mention the 1999 award from Yorkshire TV for "Golden Seven for foundation programs". Andrew studied "speech sciences" at the University College of London.

(Go ahead and keep her William, she's your liability now and all of Englands)

The English royalty married criminals into their family and these people used UK and US persons to torture me and my son in the U.S. These criminals work as doubles for the U.S. and are intended to be "future figureheads". Any child of Kate Middleton's is a wretch.

CIA rapes children (this does not exclude military ops rape, and UK involvement)

I never told anyone about what the gynecologist said because I thought it was an insult and unlikely. I was a virgin anyway, and didn't want to think I had been raped as an infant or toddler, as if this might have taken away from the fact that I was a virgin (and did have some kind of hymen later, regrown or something, I guess because it happened when I was so young). The only person I told was my counselor Brett McDonald, but that was in 2006, and before this, I was told this information in 1997 by the gynecologist, and this was after I was already implanted with microchips by SLC University Hospital. I asked my parents briefly later and they said no, and why did I ask. But I have never mentioned this publicly until now.

The reason I do now, is because I am proving my abuse is United States sponsored and has been ongoing for a long time; also, it proves their pattern has been to abuse me since I was a kid, after probably abusing my parents first, and now they have kidnapped my son after torturing him for UK Middletons, and did the exact same thing to my son that they did to me.

All of the trademarks of CIA and military are there. It also helps to explain why later, as an adult when I was raped, the U.S. kept lying and refusing to press charges. They've been assaulting me since my childhood and allowed it later as well. Not only that, it would help explain why I first tried to fight Josh Gatov off and then resorted to "playing dead" and trying to disassociate from it, which may have been all I could do as an infant and/or toddler. So most likely, my response to even then stay with him for some reason or think I had to, was part of a conditioned response to trust people (adults) even after being violently raped. She said it was violent because only that could cause the kind of old scarring and damage she saw.

Who's the man that is from California who is featured on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News? Dennis Miller. I remember a comment by him about how "No one drinks Tang anymore." I am not going to get into what he was referring to.

I am being tortured to my teeth again and to my neck. To the metal parts. It is now 10:45 p.m. and they quit for the most part while I wrote this post and then after I included the CIA rape of children link, I was being tortured again. The woman referred to by the former FBI person (and most of the time the FBI is involved, not defending victims--they are part of it) is Brice Taylor, and she wrote a book. The following is an excerpt from that book and in those days, they used electronic torture to keep people in line and also used the pattern of torturing ones own children to their faces, just as this country has done with me and my son Oliver, and with me and my family:

This is text about one person, Brice Taylor.

And below is a clip of her giving a speech about her state-sponsored ritual abuse:

I am doing research on some of these things right now and being tortured the whole time. Zaps to metal in my neck, ear frequency stuff to my left ear, interference of targeting metal spots in my neck and in my jaw/tooth filling by the U.S. military dentist.

I hate this country. This country has tortured me and my son and profited from it. The United States of America is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Kate Middleton's group is not any better--they are criminals of the worst degree.

(These are some of the experimental programs that were supposedly "discontinued" in 1975. The discontinuation myth is a lie. These programs never ended.

"Chatter" was a U.S. Navy program that experimented with forms of LSD:

I was given the nickname "Chatty Kathy" after I was drugged with LSD.

"MKUltra" was a CIA/military program that experimented with LSD, hypnosis, and other kinds of mind control:

"Artichoke" was the precursor to MKUltra and involved all arms of military intelligence branches and the FBI:

The FBI has never supported victims of these programs. They cover up for the programs, which is what they have done with me and my son.

If any program changed, it changed only in name. The same experimentation was being done, they just changed the code name of the program.)

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