Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Request for International Doctors to Examine Family

My family needs to be examined by doctors who are not from the United States.

The Red Cross is not an international organization without conflicts of interest. They have participated in torture of my parents and I, and have not helped. They are used by the U.S. CIA and military to collect personal data and to cover for interrogation and torture of us.

No one in my family has been visited or examined by medical professionals from outside of this country.

I tried to file for a UN petition and they claimed that since the U.S. did not "sign a declaration," the UN has no power to hold them accountable for violations of the Geneva Convention and other international treaties against torture.

I tried to file a petition for habeas corpus and the FBI makes sure the right Judge gets it, and mocks me and throws it out.

The U.S. tortures all of us worse if my parents say a word so they lie for them.

My mother has a new sign of torture. First she had a hole near the middle or base of one tooth and now she has a newly punctured hole in an abnormal location. Around the time this was being done to her, about 2 weeks ago or so, for several weeks, the few times I went to the house I could hear her vomiting and sounding like she was in severe distress and pain. Then the next thing I noticed about her, was she has a punctured hole in one of her front teeth, and I also noticed that some of her tooth enamel which was so good as I commented on before, appeared thinner or something.

This country is torturing my parents.

They are torturing me, and have held me hostage here. My parents have been kidnapped, literally, and taken places against their will and they are hostages in every sense of the word. They have zero opportunity to tell the truth and leave because they are threatened with torture, torture to me and my brother and others, and they are even held at gunpoint and told we'll all be shot.

There is no possible way any doctor in this country is going to be without conflict of interest and my parents have no reason to trust them. I have a feeling that at some point they were even tricked into believing someone or a group was on their side and going to help, only to find out it was U.S. criminals working in government again. From that point, they were punished worse so now they are terrified and unable to say anything to anyone.

The FBI has committed felony crimes against my family, as an organization. They are not helping us and they never will. They altered my testimony about their agents and falsified a report and concealed evidence. This is a felony crime. First their agents committed crimes and then their D.C. bureaucracy committed crimes by altering testimony and intimidating witnesses.

The entire day today I was tortured and then while I was making video clip about the FBI I was tortured to distraction several times. To tears, to distraction, to having to address the torture, and go off-topic and then finally, to end the clips because I could not continue with the level of torture they continued to use against me.

There is no possible way for any of us to leave this country. It is impossible. We are held hostage. Any idea that I could "leave if you wanted to" is false. I cannot leave and in the past when I've tried to leave, the Department of State has obstructed me from leaving.

This country blocked me from leaving the U.S. until they had Alvaro Pardo email to say HE had left the country. Which, I think, is a lie. However, after he sent this email, then the U.S. was acting like I could leave if I wanted to. I can't.

They have me trapped here, to be tortured and with no savings or income to leave the country safely with. They have been kidnapping and torturing my parents and hold them hostage. My parents put on 1st class acts, better than movie stars, to appease the U.S. government, because if the U.S. doesn't think their act is good enough or not convincing enough, they torture all of us 10x worse and accuse them of trying to tip someone off.

My son has never been seen by anyone impartial. All the Wenatchee area doctors have gross conflicts of interests and have concealed torture.

That area and state is where they first committed crimes against Dicksie-Dael Baird when she was a little girl. Washington State is guilty of heinous crimes and the Wenatchee/Cashmere area is rife with intelligence programs and complicity. While my mother was programmed and tortured in Wenatchee, my Dad was being tortured and programmed in New Mexico and then in Washington state.

Neither of my parents ever had a "choice" of whether or not to work for the U.S.

My parents have been kidnapped multiple times. The first time I ever suggested I knew this to be true, to my mother, she stared in shock and while she said nothing, I read the look on her face: "How do you know?" "Who told you?"

While I have sworn and been upset at how they allowed me and my brother and others to be used, if they are MKUltra victims as they are, they never had a chance and they never had a choice. Ever.

There are 4 of them. My parents are twins. I am not lying about this and I am not mistaken. There are 2 sets of twins and the U.S. has used them and tortured them like Nazi experiments. Twins skip generations, typically. My parents are twins. Then, as far as I know, it skipped a generation (if I am not somehow Edward Howard's kid or something and only related closely). When I ended up with twins, it was because there are twins in the family.

On the day the mental health man came over to the house, I had written about my Dad having deep impressions to his eyes and how they were discolored. Then I went to the house when that man was there and it was the other Bob. No dark circles or impressions at all, and there he is, talking to the mental health man looking normal like nothing ever happened.

The U.S. is torturing one set and showing them to me, and then I'll write about it and they switch them out (Jack-in-the-box technique...The CIA calls it the "jack-in-the-box technique), and anyone who is not connected, thinks I am seeing things or nothing is wrong.

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