Monday, September 17, 2012

Oliver Garrett-Avila Is MKUltra Victim--Family Victims

I really need a non-U.S. governmental group to get involved.

Oliver, my son, is a victim of MKUltra and is being subjected to the same torture that I, my brother, my parents, my Aunt Charlotte, and many other family members have been subjected to.

The U.S. never quit MKUltra. They only destroyed records and lied.

What they have done to my son is the exact same thing they have done to me, and what they did to my parents first was even worse.

He needs to be rescued.

I do not say this in exaggeration. The U.S. has tortured my parents when they were children, and they are still torturing my parents.

I am not saying my parents are perfect but they are MKUltra victims and then the U.S. abused them and the controls they had over them then, to manipulate and force them to work for them while they tortured their kids and other family members.

The U.S. has either used my family for MKUltra by blackmail and torture, killed us, or called us crazy to reduce the risk of liability and getting caught.

They used me and forced my parents to see me suffer, just as I was forced to see clear evidence of torture and abuse done to my son.

The U.S. continues to control my Aunt and Uncle Avila, and they are abusing and torturing my son for MKUltra, when most of this is hardly MKUltra motivated any longer, but an attempt to kill off and reduce a family to slaves.

They have not used us and tortured us to bring out the best, or to help us with our talents. They have destroyed everything good, ruined and tortured us to destroy natural talents, and the only thing they leave is mind control and psychic research.

They destroy our ability to make money independently, and force us to be abused and used by them. In every sense of the word it is anti-competition and hate crime.

The excuse now, is "MKUltra" and "national security" when it has nothing to do with that any longer and in only repressing a family.

My son is being tortured. He was being tortured. I witnessed his torture at the hands of the U.S. government and they have not quit.

My son is an MKUltra victim as much as I am, and as much as my parents are.

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