Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Gang Rape by Federal Employees for Kate Middleton

I was raped by multiple employees for the U.S. federal government, as a favor to the Carol and Mike Middleton family. It was done to ruin the lawsuits I had pending to protect my reputation, and to smear me and humiliate me on behalf of the Middleton family which works not only for the UK but the U.S. (this includes the Bain corporation, from what I can tell, because people in Utah knew what was done to me and they did it for money and favors from the UK).

Today I made video clips with information I haven't been willing to share before, because I was too humiliated to share it publicly.

What was done to me, was done to degrade and humiliate me. It was also done to portray me as promiscuous or involved in one-night stands or hook-ups, to counter the fact that I was a virgin who had been raped and then defamed by a newspaper.

Every single man who was involved (in raping me) was a U.S. federal employee with connections to Kate Middleton and her family.

The only person I was with voluntarily was an American-Iranian man and one other boyfriend I had after shock from rape by Josh Gatov when I had been a virgin.

I was raped, by 1st degree rape, by 4 different U.S. federal employees in Oregon. I was sexually assaulted in the 1st degree by an additional 2 federal employees in Oregon. 2 other federally connected men were involved in exploitation and in setting me up to be raped by others.

All of these men are connected to eachother and they are connected to Kate Middleton.

The first rape was in 1998 by Josh Gatov. Then 1999 by Robin Bechtold. After I filed lawsuits, no one targeted me again until 2003-2004. Then I was targeted and set up for premeditated and planned rape by federal employees. This was done to me after CIA Edward Howard died and my Grandpa Garrett died in 2002.

I left the State of Oregon because I was not safe.

When I arrived in Washington, the same thing was done to me twice, once by an Italian doctor connected to police, and then the second person was from Cuba and the police hid photos and forensic evidence from me. Gave it to the Middletons for laughs, I'm sure. The police and FBI refused to prosecute and bribed eachother because it was all their own employees.

They raped me, repeatedly, having knowledge already that I was an MKUltra kid when I was little.

I filed an anti-competition/monopoly lawsuit against certain federal employees and they tortured me worse and cut me out of college and blocked my travel.

Then they tortured me and then tortured both me and my son.

When I went to Canada, it was Mike Middleton's people who colluded with the U.S. to further ruin my reputation. Because of him, I was put under false arrest and my son taken from me.

I was then being exploited in Blaine, taken advantage of by U.S. military (not all), and raped again after Blaine.

Most of the premeditated rapes against me occured in Oregon, by federal employees connected to Oregon, California, and Middleton.

I am also still being incorrectly told I have a different major that I do not have. I am an English Lit major and enrolled at OSU that way. I had horticulture marked by mistake or as an option for later, to double, but I sent corrections of this to both Admissions and Financial Aid. All day yesterday I wasn't allowed to sign into the system, being told I didn't have the right "identity" and that my birthday was wrong. They were telling me to send them a photo of my license and passport. I said that's not correct, I gave you the correct information for my birthdate and then they finally corrected it, but refused to do so until after 4 p.m.

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