Thursday, September 20, 2012

UPDATED 9/20/12: Torture all day and night (blame CIA/DOD, not Jerod Laughner)

Update 9/20/12: I was tortured the entire night and then almost all day today (I describe how it feels so you are able to relate, a little further down) but not like last night. I reviewed the videoclips I made last night, and it seems that whenever I begin to come across as too cool, calm, or collected, or professional, I am tortured.

Whatever group is responsible did this to me after a different segment of videoclips where I was not crying or rambling but myself, pulled together and dignified (in general). So then they tortured me to the point of crying and ruining my speech. '

Basically, if I ever put up a post where I am making a good point a halfway dignified way, this group is going out of their way to take away my dignity and degrade me. They want to ruin my speech, my ability to think clearly, and ability to be put together and look normal and professional. So they torture me. That is what happened all night last night. It is not "restless leg syndrome", "potassium deficiency", or normal benign fasciculations.

If anyone has been to a physical therapist for physical therapy and used a TENS machine, which causes parts of the muscle to contract involuntarily, this is exactly how it feels. It is like having a TENS machine triggering many contractions of muscles repeatedly throughout the legs.

Basically, my entire body but mainly lower legs and feet, twitch and muscles move under the skin all night, and my feet have been curling and cramping from several nights of this, last night where it was cranked up so high I couldn't sleep.

I am able to describe how the sensation is different from normal "growing pains" or other natural problems in a way some people might be able to understand. It feels like extremely high powered static electricity.

So everyone knows how it feels to be in dry weather outside and have shampooed and dried hair right? Where you take the turtleneck off over your head, and all your hair is sticking up from static electricity? Or you know when you were a kid or teen and you rubbed the top of your head several times to build static electricity and then showed your friends or family how your hair stood up? That crackly feeling? and how you can feel this sort of crackly moving kind of feeling of electricity but it's a little bit different? It feels exactly like that, but it's 10x stronger, and instead of causing your hair to stand up, your muscles move under the skin instead.

It is basically exactly like a science experiment I did with Mary and Carl Del Balzo's kids, at their house, while I was implanted with microchips and didn't know it. Here I was, forced to work for them while they observed me for science and govt, and knew I was implanted while they worked on "top secret" projects with Intel (microchip semiconductor co). I showed their daughters how you could brush your hair out several times to build static electricity on the surface of a brush. Then I had a mixture of salt and pepper on the table in a small pile and I held the surface of the brush over the pile. Only one of the salt/pepper jumped up into the hairbrush. The static electricity created a pull and separated the salt from the pepper and one of them was drawn into the brush.

As a nanny, I came up with different things to excite a kid's curiosity or to show them science things or something unusual.

So that experiment with static electricity, and how this "electricity" feels, is identical to the feeling in my legs but it's magnified many times and causes twitching and movement under the skin, of the muscles, heats the muscles, and causes eventual cramping of the toes and feet. At higher levels, as this country did to both me and my son, our feet were not just cramping but cramping and curling under painfully. And anything with calcium like our fingernails and most especially, our toenails, curled under and warped permanently.

This is one of the main forms of technology the U.S. has used against both me and my son, to torture us and they are able to target at low levels and go all the way up the scale to ruining skeletal structures, especially developing skeletal structures (like our kitten), because of the impact it has on fluid in the bones and muscles, and the energy that is used which causes the warping.

So imagine static electricity at 10x normal than a light shocking feeling or staticy feeling, and then your muscles also moving in a "crawling under the skin" feeling. And then your feet and toes curl under and cramp. Basically, imagine having all of your muscles under a giant TENS machine that causes the muscles to contract and then relax all the time so it feels like "twitching", and add a high powered "static electricty" feel to it. Then, this is not the only thing this country did to me and my son. They added extremely high levels of ultrasound to it to affect extreme lower back pain and pelvic pain where this kind of wave concentrates most--in the pelvic bone density.

I showed this trick to Thebaults kids, and I mainly remember showing it to the Del Balzo girls. I think I showed it to the Cartwright kids too, but mostly I remember showing it to Del Balzos.

I am being tortured all day and all night.

This country refuses to quit it's crimes.

Last night they used technology to facilitate their shitty "dream experiments." They are using microwave and satellite MRI technology to try to enhance some serious shit being used against certain citizens, as guinea pigs, for CIA and DOD/NASA experimentation to try to create "conditions" for reading brain waves, and torturing the body and using technology against it to be more "receptive" to suggestion by "senders" and information they attempt to implant while you're sleeping.

It sounds crazy but it's not. This is one of the main excuses the U.S. has been using, for continuing torture.

Jerod whatever his name is, from Arizona, the guy who went to prison and said he'd been working for the CIA and military intel? He was. He was literally working for the Phoenix, Arizona CIA and military intelligence. He was doing volunteer work for them and working with them directly. When he shot people, they disowned him, but it is true that he was working with them.

They have drugged him to make his talk about working with them and "dream experiments" sound crazy. How kind of the FBI to let him get "life" rather than death after he was used by both military intel and CIA. How very thoughtful, considerate, and kind.

This "dream experimentation" is not a new idea or a crazy one. If you look it up, you can find information about how different governments are using this technology. This has been one of the great excuses for torturing certain individuals.

Last night it was done to me and then all day, ALL DAY they tortured me to my ear, with my left ear popping every single minute of this entire day. My eye was droopy because of it. It wasn't what I ate because I fasted the first part of the day. It was what this government was doing to me with my left ear all day, which then affected my left eye.

I also found the spot where they put an implant in the left ear. There is a canal you can enter from the side of the ear, behind the ear, and it is "C" shaped along the ear. I tried the metal bobby pin thing again today and at one point, the other side of the metal was vibrating where my fingers were (the opposite side, or outlet from the top, which I had pressed against one part of my inner ear that caused the metal to vibrate). Then, I felt around to find the area from the outside that matched up with the part that was not normal on the inside, where, if I pressed against it, I could pick up a frequency or something of some kind, and there is a canal there.

An ear canal. Not panama canal.

The other day my Dad was taking something away from my house, near my house. I said what are you looking at? and he said "A hook up". It was a box, metal, which, when opened, was metal on top and metal on bottom. A metal roof and metal floor and then inside were wires. He unscrewed some screws, pulled out some parts of wires, and then pulled out this long wire that wrapped around and through a hole.

It is very similiar to the shit the CIA put in my ear when I was a kid, which they never wanted anyone to find out about.

My feet have been curling and cramping up because they've been pulling this MRI/microwave shit on me every night and it's affecting my body and feet as it did when they did this to both me and my son. Today, while I was awake, they only targeted my ear NON-STOP ALL DAY until about 10 p.m. and then they quit targeting my ear and instead, I began having twitching throughout all of my legs from the knees down to my feet while I sat at the computer. Then I went to bed and same thing.

They have used this technology specifically when torturing someone just to torture them, and as an excuse that it helps them implant into memories and subconscious for "dreams". Literally.

It is a fact they already have technology that "reads brain waves" and they can pick up on this from a great distance. Several years ago, China demonstrated this obvious fact with a video game where you wear a headset and "think" and the piece for the game moves where you "think" you want it to go. There is no hands-on experience...the objects on the computer screen move with thought alone.

They don't need "headsets" to do this. They do this from extremely long-range. Not only is this country engaged in "reading thouhgts", which is possible by the headset demonstration, they are engaged in "sending thoughts". They are able to do this as well. This is the crap they have used for an excuse (later, as an afterthought) to ruin my life and my son's life.

They have been engaged in torturing people, and then experimenting with "sending thoughts" in the same way they "read throughs" through current technology. Their objective is that, if they can create "dreams" and send thoughts to someone, hopefully someone will think it was a natural dream and will act on it, and they hope to use this during waking hours as well, to control people and influence them by having them think some of the ideas coming to them are their own or "from God".

It is PURE SHIT from the CIA.

This is also not how I was first attacked and targeted by hate crime with certain groups in this country. They first targeted me through "tele-torture" by triggering migraines from a remote location, to keep me down and affect my work and college, and then to illegally obstruct justice by forcing me out of lawsuits I had already filed.

Jerod Laughner was U.S. military and working with the U.S. military and with the CIA. It is both military and CIA that are involved in this. It is illegal, it is torture, and even where Jerod "agreed" to it, as soon as he was shooting a bunch of people, the U.S. quickly disowned him. They lied and said he was a nutcase and that he never worked for them or with them.

The FBI knows he was telling the truth and the FBI covers for the "top secret" torture programs by the CIA and military intelligence.

The woman who had her brains blown out? and the families whose loved ones died? Don't blame Jerod.

Start blaming your own country. That is who killed your friends and family. It was the CIA and the U.S. DOD.

If I were you, if you read this, I would start demanding that the U.S. quit medicating and drugging Jerod so he is able to give an honest testimony; I would visit Jerod and ask him personally what his involvement was (if he wasn't forced to sign a confidentiality agreement); and I would make demands that the U.S. declassify information they are classifying to protect monied intrests who are getting RICH off of this.

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