Sunday, September 23, 2012

UPDATED:Torture by U.S. NOW to Prevent Sleep

Upddate 9/25/2012. It is 5:51 p.m. and I am being tortured. They quit from 3 p.m. until I began video clips about what happened around the time right before I went to Canada with my son and after. Also, my webcam quit working and didn't give the display message it had run out of room, so I ended up talking when it wasn't even recording. This webcam always shows a message across the screen when it is out of space or room to film. But tonight, it didn't do this, so I have to say all over what I just said.

Update 9/25/2012. It is 1:52 a.m. on a different day and I am being severely tortured to my ear, neck and tooth on left side. It has been most of the evening but not extreme until about 10 minutes ago or sometime after 1:30 a.m.

I am not able to sleep because of it and the United States cranked it up. I'm not going to say "they" anymore. It's the U.S. So from now on, I will replacing the vague "they" with United States. The United States is responsible for this and it is the U.S. that has a responsibility to control and quit crimes of torture in their own country, committed by their own allowances and mandates. The U.S., all the way to the White House, is responsible.

It is now 2:50 a.m. and I am being tortured at severe levels to the same areas. I could feel/can feel vibration on my tooth if I put my finger on it. The U.S. has turned up the torture enough so that my tooth is literally vibrating where the U.S. military dental filling is, and then the tooth below it is also vibrating.

It is 11:30 a.m. and I'm still being torture in the same way. To my left ear, tooth, and under my chin and neck. There is also an area that, when my tooth is vibrating on top (where the implant is) and affecting the tooth below it (lower jaw), behind the teeth there, lower jaw, something radiating and affected. It is under my jaw, on the side, and I can feel it by pressing from under my jaw and also on the inside by pressing down into the space below where my tongue is, to a hard spot along the bone and there is something there. It's something up against the bone of my jaw my lower jaw, to the left side. I put up a video clip of an implant to the left side of my jaw, some kind of ball thing, but below this, down farther into my jaw, there is something else as well.

There is no reason for the pain inside of my ear and vibrating on the surface of my tooth and the pain in my jaw and neck unless technology is used to create this pain.

There is definitely a foreign object inside of my left ear. I can feel it even with a bobby pin and it moves. I felt it actually moving inside of my ear last night. I was using a bobby pin to check the magnetic pull thing again and my ear hurt so badly and I felt this object that's inside of my ear, under skin, move. It is the first time I have felt it literally move. I've heard it before, and the odd frequency and I've felt the magnetic pull of the bobby pin drawn up or reacting against this area in pain, but last night, the bobby pin was actually pushed out of my ear by this area when something moved and pushed it out. It occured with a pulse and a kind of pain when the pulse occured and it was pushed out and I felt this part of my ear actually moving.

So, like the vibration I can feel on my tooth, which is not "toothache", having something "move" inside of my ear is not an earache.


I was tortured today with a burning laser sensation in my chest all day. It was technology, not "the holy spirit" or anything else. It was U.S. aerospace defense/nasa/military torture. But I went on with what I was doing and made several videoclips.

I went to bed at 10 p.m. and 10 minutes after this, I was being tortured to my left ear, neck, and tooth, in extreme pain, to prevent my being able to sleep.

Earlier today while walking this was done on a lesser level, and since I tried going to bed and turned out all the lights in my house, about 10 minutes later, the U.S. government was torturing me, and is currently torturing me, to extreme levels.

Anyone can tell from the clips I made, that I'm not mentally ill.

I and my family are being tortured.

I have been trying to upload the rest of the clips I made today and the only ones someone wanted to allow me to upload, were the ones were the lighting is weird and I have a blanket over my head bc I was cold. You can still tell, as I talk, that there is nothing wrong with me mentally.

Someone needs to kill those who are responsible for torturing us. They are commiting gross felonies and violating even the Nuremberg Code and laws in addition to Geneva.

Please get rid of them and kill as many of these people as it takes to rid this country of criminals.

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