Sunday, October 28, 2012

CIA/ARMY Program: Bill O'Reilly--connected to Jesuits and Army Tortures My Son

UPDATE:  I do not mean to imply I was put into dark closets by my parents.  I was around other people.  At the house where my homework was being "lost", there were Army men on either side of us and then the "Springers", who were Mormon and I don't know what kind of government job he had.  And that is not to say it wasn't taken out of the area either.

The photo of my son from his school photo not only has one of his eyes popped out, as the U.S. has done with me many times, which is from brain injury by technology (causing swelling which pushes out against the eye with intraocular pressure); the U.S. also mocked me, my son, and my Dad.  They mocked me and my son by torturing us to cause problems with our teeth.  My son's teeth are not only damaged from childbirth, they are all leaning inwards, like they've been sucked in from pressure causing them to go inward.

So they mocked my son, by having his eye pop out, and then torturing him to have his teeth tilt inwards.

In the meantime, the U.S. Army, under Dempsey, who Bill O'Reilly is personal friends with, was torturing me by popping my eye out from brain swelling on the other side, and they have been torturing me to my teeth and for me causing my teeth to shift out from my normal bite.

I had a retainer over the first 6 teeth for 6 months and all it did was something small for the side teeth.  I did not have an extended bite as I do now, which has been caused by torture from the U.S. Army.

They tortured me and my son to our teeth and brain and have done this to degrade us and mock us.  They have also had photos taken to ensure they captured their "work".

I hope they and their families are killed.

Not only that, they have been torturing my son to his ears before they tortured me to my ears and did this, knowing my son couldn't describe what was happening to him.  He was showing symptoms of pain to one ear during our last visits together.

The U.S. has been torturing me and degrading me since I was an infant.  They created government files on me which the FBI lies and says were "destroyed" in 1977, and all this time, they've documented torture against me and used me.

They put me into a government program that was a joint program with England and Canada.  They had kids from England and Canada and people using them, who were working with U.S. people on the same program and it was "secret".

The men who raped me were part of this program and this is why the FBI and police did nothing about it.  From the time I was in 3rd grade they were trying to dumb me down so other kids in the program could get ahead.  They told my parents not to help me with homework, when I had math I was figuring out, for extra credit problems. 

They stole my homework from me, in elementary school.  After I did my homework in record time, my homework was being stolen and I was forced to go to school and say, "I don't know where it is, I lost it."

I lost it.  No, to be exact:  "It got lost".

The United States has been 100% anti-competitive, cruel, degrading, and is unfit for my child.  They were forcing my parents to steal my homework from me, when I was a KID, to have me confusedly saying "I don't know what happened; it got lost" almost every single week.  My grades were still A's and B's, but this was despite having "lost" homework.  Then the teachers were writing in my report that the reason I didn't get 'A's is because I didn't do my homework.

When I was a kid, I accepted the "lost" idea.  However, there was no place for it to get lost.  I took my homework home with me, did the homework there, and never took it out of the house.  We didn't take our things to other kids' houses, or the store, and didn't have daycare.  My homework was being "lost" from my own house, and my Mom and Dad were the only ones home.  Someone was forcing them to turn it over to them.  That was in elementary school.

Then they mocked my parents at every parent-teacher conference, saying I was a straight-A student and why didn't I do my homework?  They said I didn't do it.   Then, after I asked Mr. Martinez, in 5th grade, why I wasn't in the gifted program (because I already knew I was every bit as smart as Katie Fallon or smarter, and we liked hanging out with eachother for this reason, but I was the one with the imaginative ideas, not her)...after I DARED ask this question, I was punished and my parents were told to take me out of school.

Out of retaliation by the group controlling me in this "joint program" the U.S. had me in, for daring wonder why I was being discriminated against, my parents who were forced to steal my homework from me (to dumb me down), and to lie and say they didn't know how to do math (when they did), were then told to "homeschool" me and my brother the next year.

That entire year, I was not taught anything.  I was told "you can read it yourself."  One entire academic year was lost because my parents were told to pull me out of school and then not teach me anything.  I was left on my own, in 6th grade.  I was told, "we mainly did this for Levi because he was getting behind" but that wasn't the truth.  They did it because they were told to do it, just like they were told to steal my homework and hand it over to U.S. criminals.

All of the things this country did to me, because other members of this "secret" group were jealous of me, and wanted to dumb me down, and ruin my potential, were escalated in my life later, and they have done the same thing to my son.

Only they added in full-blown torture.

I was in the same "joint program" between "The Big Three:  England, U.S. and Canada" as Kate Middleton.  And, not just her, but that is why my parents have been tortured by Middletons and why the FBI gave my personal file to Kate Middleton, but many others I've been in contact with, including men who raped me later, were also part of the same program.

In addition to being forced to have microchip implants put into my body by Utah hospital, and then being forced (and my mother being forced) to have me work for The Del Balzos (microchip "top secret" attorney), when I was a kid and teen my parents were forced to take me to see a psychologist.  They were forced to take me to see one in elementary school, and nothing was wrong with me, but someone wanted to document me and hypnotize me, and they were forced to have me see one at the high school I ended up going to (which my parents didn't want me to have to go to before I ever went, and they were trying to petition to have me go to a different high school).  The psychologist at the high school wrote up a paper about me, downplaying my talents as if I had nothing special when I was, on the contrary, talented enough to be visited by opera company directors, and also wrote he "didn't see" me "working with children".  This was the opposite of the truth.  I was a very talented singer and writer, and I had already spent most of my years with children.  Not only that, I went on to be a nanny for many years.  I spent 20 years of my life with "working with kids" as my primary occupation.  He wrote that I had a pleasant demeanor and that I got along with adults more than kids.

They wrote this report in 1993.

The United States of America has been STEALING from me since elementary school.  I mean, stealing my homework??? and then trying to blame ME for it?  It's the same thing they did to my son Oliver in CPS visits, putting his shoes on the wrong feet and then saying, "You did it to yourself".

There is no hope for me or my son in this country.  They are no longer forcing parents to "steal homework" for them to keep me down, and to diminish my abilities, which is anti-competition.  Stealing homework from a kid, is not "CIA/Army research of national interest".  It's anti-competition and hate crime.  Stealing homework from a kid, is to prevent them from competing at their natural level.


It wasn't stolen once or twice.  It was "lost"  ALL the time.

I haven't written about this before, because I didn't think of it.  I never forgot how it was always "lost" but I didn't realize there was no place for me to ever lose that homework, as a kid.  Repeatedly.  And at every teacher-parent conference, my parents were being smirked at and told I wasn't reaching my "full potential".  Like they needed to be reminded.  The reason I was told I was not in the gifted program, was because, "You can't get your homework done, how can you do additional work?"  all it was, was a way to discourage me intellectually and to dumb me down so I didn't appear as smart as I was.  Not only that, they affected my grades, even in elementary school, and then set me up to lose a whole year of "No school" for 6th grade.  It was like Summer Break for 15 months.  So while this country skipped my Dad ahead a couple of grades, by the time I was born, there were people in place that wanted to still use my Mom and Dad, but hated me, and if they were going to use me for anything, it wasn't going to be for anything special. 

They raped me, put me in dark closets, and assaulted me, all before the age of 3.  (not my parents)  Then later, they drugged me with LSD and did other experiments on me.

But now, the U.S. uses the same excuse of my being part of a "secret program" and tortures the living daylights out of me and my son and thinks it's funny.  They use technology to torture us and prevent us from excelling as we would otherwise.  They also use technology to obstruct us from court and from justice. 

In addition to this, they've encouraged men to rape me as an adult, after premeditating how to do it, and making sure I am incapacitated first.  Most of the men who have been involved, are also people who were part of the same program.  Some of these "kids" and teens, knew more about me in high school even, than I knew about myself and they and their parents were encouraged to use it against me.

Bill O'Reilly was smirking most recently at an Army commander he had on his show, because he knows about this program and the torture done to me and my son.  That Army commander answers to Martin Dempsey and Leon Panetta. 
After some of the people in this "group" were offended because I didn't want to date another member of the group, because he was Catholic, they took it out against me, and all this time, they've used the "program" as a cover for hate crime and anti-competition.  They have done the same thing to my son.

But now they openly mock both of us, for the public to see.

The United States has committed crimes against me my entire life.  Then they tortured me, as an adult, and forced me to watch them assault and torture my son.

"National interest" is stealing kids' homework?  they stole my homework after it was done, and before I could turn it in for credit.

In addition to stealing my homework before I could turn it in, all of my schoolwork, writings, and drawings were all disappearing.  I said I wanted to keep it, and my mother was glumly saying there was too much and I didn't need all of it.  She was sorting out what to give away to others, without my permission.

The U.S. is a FRAUD.  This country has claimed I have rights.  Really?  Where is my son.  Return my son, you criminal, torturing, kidnappers who ruin lives so your friend's kids can get ahead instead of us.  They were fighting for the government pennies like kids going after after pennies under a haystack.  Who is undignified?  Those who steal from children.

After stealing my homework before I could turn it in for credit, they forced me out of normal school for 1 year and told my mother not to teach me anything.  So I did nothing for a year, and just took some tests and that was it. 

I went to high school with teens that already knew things about me and knew about the program because they were already willing to be criminals and be inducted by doing something they could be blackmailed over to ensure their secrecy.

They were coached on everything about me, including what "triggers" I might have, from psychological conditioning done to me as a kid, which I was supposed to forget about.

I wasn't supposed to know about repeatedly being raped by U.S. government men.  I wasn't supposed to know (or remember) about being confined in dark closets for punishment.  I wasn't supposed to remember being drugged with LSD and hallucinegenics.

I wasn't supposed to notice being spied on in Moses Lake when I was 9-11 years old or so, buying a "Tubby" bear for my brother.  Now, why did England know about it? and how did they get the idea for "teletubbies", only after I was implanted with microchips a decade later, by a hospital that then got "telesurgery" funding?

Who was my homework stolen for?  the U.S. program kid?  The English one? or the Canadian one?  or did the power controls decide on it together? 

There were at least 3 programs shifts.  One was when I was in elementary school, when they suddenly and abruptly decided to dumb me down; one was when I was in high school, by 1992, when my family was having odd dizzy spells along with pets, and I was being run off the road to be killed--I don't know if that was a program shift or just another assassination attempt; and the next major program shift occured after 1997, when I was blacklisted and I didn't know why, and after I had been implanted with surveillance devices and tortured by them with migraines; and then it was in 2005, with full-blown torture, on the worst and most severe level that is possible without killing someone.

So when I get something from the FBI, 7 years too late, after they stole my son from me (they moved from stealing my homework to stealing my kids...great advancement for society), that says government files about me from 1977 were "destroyed", this is most likely a lie, that they were destroyed, and there are many more files than that.

The FBI also knows I and my son are still being tortured.  So exactly what is a document that acknowledges 1977 supposed to do?  You're the "investigators" and it is your JOB to investigate crime.  They continue to support crimes against me and my son, and use of us for anti-competition.

Also, most of the people involved in running these programs now, are Jesuits, and since I'm not Catholic, and since I sued a part of the church, I guess that's some of the reason...but the anti-competition thing is also traced to others, going back to elementary school.  They didn't torture me with technology--they stole my work.

So it's like a joke when later I am forced to work for Mary Del Balzo, who is an "Intellectual Property" attorney for Top Secret Programs with Intel (semiconductor), and who majored in Government at Cornell, which is where Katie Fallon went to college.  After I met Katie Fallon and asked why she was in the gifted program and not me, that's when I was punished for asking and pulled out of school completely, to "do it yourself".  This is after the U.S. was STEALING from me.

Now the U.S. laughs over torture, and documents their torture of us with photos, for evidence that their forms of torture are affecting our bodies and ruining our lives.

They blackmailed others not to talk about it. I've been talking about it, for years, so they called me mentally ill.  They lied.

Yet they still torture us and degrade us. 

I have not talked to my son or heard his voice, for years.  This country put Jesuits in charge of torturing my son.

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