Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oliver As An Exceptionally Gifted Child, Targeted by U.S. Hate Crime

UPDATED:  Oliver was not just identifying and saying the names of numbers within his first few months.  He was tapping back to me from within the womb, matching my exact pattern. I could rap on, or knock on belly a rhythm or pattern and then wait, and he'd tap it back, to match exactly.  Not only that, I could move a little limb that was sticking out more, and he'd push it back and after we got this reaction going back between us, he would tap back and match my rhythm or patterns.  He was communicating with me from within the womb.  In addition to this, my son's 1st dental record was removed from the dental office.  They left the one where we went in when he was 3 months or 4 months, but the first visit was at 2 months of age, when he cut his first tooth.  This is when he was diagnosed with enamel dysplasia.  When I went back to that clinic, after he was taken from me, they gave me his records starting with his 2nd visit, which was still early, but not as incredibly early as his 1st visit.  He was kicking a ball as soon as he could walk.  He was walking so early that people (women) glared at me and I had some women approach me and yell at me telling me I shouldn't force my son to walk "when his leg's are not ready for it".  I was accused of pushing my son to do things he supposedly wasn't doing on his own naturally, which was not true.  I had more than one woman say this to me, because of how shocking it was for them to see my son walking while he looked like a large baby.  However, he was not walking as early as some of the kids I've read about, who are genius-genius, but it was enough for me to be criticized publicly, by strangers, over.  My son kicked a ball, far ahead of schedule, in Dr. Stuart's Freed's personal offices.  He remarked that my son had incredible aim.  Oliver looked at a ball and kicked it hard, across the room.  He had been doing this long before Freed saw him, but when Freed saw him, it was still far enough ahead that it put him into the exceptionally gifted category for that developmental milestone.  Dr. Freed saw and witnessed, in his offices, evidence of an exceptionally gifted boy.  His motor skills were far advanced.  As a boy, he was talking before 7 months of age.  Not a lot, making sounds all the time, but not always full words, but he was not just talking, but identifying things.  His attention span was well beyond what was typical for toddlers.  He could work on the same project for over an hour, and instead of admitting this was a sign of giftedness, detractors tried to bring up "autism" as an explanation for his ability to focus so long on something.  He was laughing at things, from stories that were funny, when he was 3 months and older.  When he was a little more than a newborn, a few months old, or less actually, he figured out how to "communicate" with me to get me to approach him.  He would spit out his binky and wait for me to put it back in his mouth.  Then I would, and keep cleaning, watching him, but getting work done.  He'd spit it out again.  I would put it in.  Then, the 3rd time, he looked at me and got this grin on his face.  I realized he was spitting out his binky just because he knew he could get my attention that way, and he thought it was funny!  He had figured out how to manipulate me and thought it was hilarious, as little more than a newborn.  When my son was a newborn, he hated Dr. Malcolm Butler.  Dr. Butler made a mean face at him when he was a newborn, and he began to cry and wanted me to hold him.  He knew Dr. Butler was bad, and he never liked Dr. Butler.  Ever.  My son expressed dislike for Dr. Butler on more than one occasion, as a NEWBORN.  He also rolled over and almost got hurt because Dr. Butler put him on a ledge above, a table and I said, "He will fall" and he said, "No he won't, he's not rolling over yet" and then Oliver rolled over and almost fell.  He hit every single motor skill/developmental skill early, and he was walking and talking early, and knew his numbers before 7 months of age (well, at least he spoke one out loud and pointed to it himself).  When he pointed out the number "10" and said "ten" out loud, I wasn't showing him numbers.  I had an alphabet line as a border up high in our kitchen, and then a number chart that was in a square or rectangle shape (with different numbers in different boxes).  I was holding him on my hip while thinking of what to cook, and he leaned away from me with his body, and toward the wall with the number chart.  He wanted me to go over there with him, because he was also pointing.  So I did, and then put his finger on the number "10" and said out loud, "TEN".  This was when all I had was this 2 charts and I spent 5 minutes in the morning every day, going over them quickly, saying the word as I pointed them out with my finger.  I used my finger to point out each separate letter or number.  So then my son was doing this, and was happily doing this, and this country has ruined his life out of jealousy and hate.  He did this not right after I recited them.  He did it in the middle of the day, long after I'd gone over them, and he chose this for himself.

I was publicly criticized by strangers in the town who accused me of "abusing" him by "pushing" him to be a "superkid" or to do things sooner than he could.  "You'll ruin his legs" they said, "His bones are not developed enough for him to walk yet" they said.

My son has been, and was targeted, out of jealousy, and with hate crime motives.  I'm tired of lame excuses by the U.S. government, for allowing hate crimes against my son.

I went back to the resources I was using while raising my son when he was an infant.  I had gone by what several different sites said, for age approximations, and based where my son was "ranking" by what things he was doing (physical, and mainly, intellectual developmental milestones).

He was in the "exceptionally gifted" category. 

He was more than gifted, and did more things, earlier, than "gifted" category.  Keep in mind, these "categories" are generalized estimations but good for sizing up a situation.  He was doing far more than "highly gifted" kids were doing. 

Based only on what he was factually doing, and which developmental milestons he was hitting, which I dated and observed and wrote to my family about, he was in the "exceptionally gifted" category and I thought, occasionally bordering on "profoundly gifted".  I can't remember, but I will check on it, if "profoundly gifted" is right below "genius" or is part of very rare "genius" category, so I'll check, but I know he was hitting all of the markers for "exceptionally gifted".

Exceptionally gifted is very rare. 

Asynchrony: Homeschooling an Exceptionally Gifted Child
Exceptionally gifted children are so different from their age mates, they often do not fit in school situations...

Out of all of my experience working as a nanny for other families, I babysat some very, very, smart kids.  Most of the kids, all of them, were gifted, and above average and maybe it's because they were government kids so they got extra time, or maybe because it was genetic, I don't know.  However, I only met maybe one kid that I sort of thought was like my son Oliver and that was the Rose-Lewis's kid "Zachary".  I didn't spend enough time with him to know though.  AND, those kids got tons of attention and special activities.  My son was much more talkative and energetic than Zachary, even before age 1, but they were different personality types. 

My son was pointing out, naming, and speaking numbers in his first several months.  This is not the only thing he was doing.  Every single thing that kids are supposed to do, he did 10x earlier than the others.  Sorry if that makes someone jealous, but accept the facts.  I wasn't trying to make him that way--he is his own person.  I was shocked to find out I had this kind of a child, and I did everything I could to meet him where he was at, and figure out where he was at by what things he did.  After this was done to him, I felt regretful for saying anything about what he could do, but I mainly wrote to "gifted kids" sites, and to my parents and copies a few people.  However, why should I and my son be made to feel "bad" about it?  Why should I be accused of being "vain" or bragging when I wasn't bragging.  If my son was doing these things, and he was, and I was trying to help him as a good mother would, how is this vanity and how is it anyone's business?  It doesn't matter where a child is, to deny them additional time when they need it, or to deny them the right to shine when they can shine and excel--both are wrong.  It doesn't matter if a kid is average intelligence or highly gifted or exceptionally gifted...every child has worth and if for some reason, my son happened to be that smart, why attack HIM?  is this his fault? 

Not only did people attack my son, for his intellectual giftedness, to the point of even removing medical records that indicated correlated early physical development, they went after me, to ruin my singing voice and I've had people trying to dumb me down since intermediate school.

We are tired of it.

My son was tortured, to ruin his mind, and dumb him down.  It affected his speech immediately.

My son was targeted for torture, after I was sending email to people, talking about what things he was doing.

Oliver is a victim of U.S. government hate crime.

Not only that, there was no one better to raise my son, and meet these unique needs, than me, his mother.  I was the one who took time to figure him out, not pushing him to a place I "wanted" him to be, but just to find out where he was at. 

A teacher does this, with her or his classroom.  They try to figure out where the different kids are "at".  Maybe they can't know how gifted each kid is, but they still try to estimate their educational background and learning abilities and then when they find out, they adjust their teaching to be faster or slower, or more or less developed.  This is what a good teacher does.  A good teacher doesn't just blindly do things by rote and disregard her kids' abilities.  This is also what I was doing with my son.  As his mother, and his First Teacher, I was figuring out where he was, and then doing what I could to encourage his needs and some of his wants too.  Only by knowing my child and his abilities, could I know how to excite his intellect or be aware of certain things that were important to him.  From there, from the place he was at, then I encouraged him.  I didn't "drill him" with lessons.  I was a very happy and free mother who wanted his development to thrive from social and unpressured activity.

He was tortured out of hate crimes and jealousy.

I don't believe his current school, Dryden, is anywhere near the kind of understanding he might need to do well.  They mock my family because people already targeted him.  I know for a fact that people were deliberately trying to confuse all of the things he knew even, to make him repeat numbers out of order after he knew them in order, and to cause distress and his failure.

This United States of America has committed agregious crimes against my family.

They took him away from a mother that would have helped him to stay at the level he was at, and get into private schools, even by scholarship if necessary.  Then they tortured him and dumbed him down to set him back in every possible way.

I loathe Wenatchee.  The entire State of Washington is full of anti-intellectual, prejudiced bigots.  I grew up, in the State of Washington, being dumbed down by anti-intellectual, prejudiced bigots who wanted to use me and abuse me, but didn't want me to succeed.  They had my homework being stolen from me before I could even turn it in for credit.  That State is full of jealous hate crime advocates.  Then, they step it up a notch to TORTURE for my son.

I want my son OUT of Washington State.

My Dad was marked as a "genius" as a kid.  My mother is at least exceptionally gifted, but nothing was ever said about it.  Her parents are exceptionally gifted and not just intellectually, they are psychic.  I don't mean "psychic" as in they practice wicca or witchcraft.  I mean, in addition to being smart, they had abilities from God, to read minds and thoughts of others, and predict future actions. 
My grandparents on both sides are also this way and I didn't know it.  I realize now that Granny was showing me, by not saying a word, knowing one day I would remember some things she did.  She knew what was in store for me.

The U.S. enslaved my parents to force them to work for them.  They put them into "MKULTRA" after finding out their parents (one or both) were gifted this way or that it ran in the family.  Then, when others got jealous, they wanted to kill my parent's firstborn baby, and did.  Then they damaged my head deliberately when I was being born, in Wenatchee, and I was so jaundiced I was under bilirubin lights for weeks.  They wanted to use us still, but they didn't want us to look very smart.

My entire life, the CIA and U.S. Army got FBI to cover for them as they used me and then went out of their way to dumb me down, when some of the group's member's got jealous of me and worried I might be smarter than their kid.  I have no idea what kind of "special" advances the "smartest" got, but they made sure I was kept out of this category so they could advance their own friends and relatives.

Then they torture my son, to ruin his mind, and degrade him and try to deliberately set him back.  Then they claim they can "classify" this hate crime that is anti-competition, as they use him as a government zombie.  They have made sure, as long as they control him, he will never get a scholarship to a school for advanced or exceptionally gifted kids, where he might have found kids he could actually relate to.

If this was not over hate crimes and jealousy, my son's dental clinic (assistants or office workers, or dentist) would not have REMOVED the record that showed the first date of our visit because my son had cut his first tooth.

They knew, those who hate me and hate him, that physical development that is advanced, often correlates or underscores the intellectual giftedness.  They "tend" (not always, and each kid is different), to develop both motor skills, and cut teeth well ahead of average, in addition to speaking early, walking early, and learning to manipulate parents early, or having an unusually developed sense of humor very young, because they understand things earlier.  My son was even tapping back and meeting my tapping rhythm to him, in the womb.

This United States allowed hate crime to ruin his life, and this United States kidnapped him from me after torturing both of us, using me, and trying to dumb all of us down. 

For me, it started in Wenatchee.  They tortured me at birth.  Then we were in Moses Lake, home of a military base.  This country allowed, on a state-sponsored basis, people to steal work from me so I couldn't turn it in, to dumb me down and keep me from having an all-A report card (or, all +s or the highest number).  This country has done incredibly crazy things, that are anti-competitive in nature and have nothing to do with "national interest".

So they take my son, and torture the living daylights out of him and try to reverse everything he was ahead on.  They took an "exceptionally" to "profoundly" gifted toddler, and tortured him to "bring him down" to "they hoped" "average" and then to excuse anti-competitive behavior and criminal actions, they claim they need what?  "mind controlled, average intelligence robots that will kill for, or sexual service U.S. GI and FBI?"  What is the point of deliberately ruining a child's intelligence? if it's "for government" or "national interest", you want that child to be as smart as possible and you don't dumb them down.  It is of national interest to have bright, and exceptionally or profoundly gifted kids.

This country tortured me and used me and then after getting a faulty "I.Q." test to pass me off as "nothing special", they used this to influence others to let me be tortured further and drugged, because they argued, I was nothing special anyway.

They are liars.

After implanting me and trying to make me look stupid, they stole from me.  They stole song ideas, and the main point they made was, I discovered, the idea of my revealing to the public, on a wider scale, my singing or song-writing talent, or creative talent, or getting an education, was enough to send my enemies into a panic after all their hard work at making me look stupid.  Or, "average".  The first time I showed any kind of "ability" that surprised anyone was with my lawsuits.  And because of this, I was tortured.  They left me alone for a short time and then began state-sponsored obstruction of justice to FORCE me to lose.

Here is where I grew up, next to an airline base.  I grew up with planes flying throughout Moses Lake all the time, and surrounded by military.  Katie, from England, was a copy.  Maybe she wasn't marked to "get into the royal family" instantly, but she was certaintly marked and made to be some kind of copy, and I'm sure she's not the only one.  She is the one whose parents torment mine, however, I'm sure a Jesuit-connected mistress would do worse.  Oh wait, what religious groups backed her?

It started as a U.S. Army base in WWII.  They got a reputation after breaking a speed record with a B-47  flying to Andrews, Maryland.
Formerly Larson Air Force Base, Grant County International Airport is now a world-class heavy jet training and testing facility used by the Boeing Company, Japan Airlines, the U.S. Military and many other air carriers from around the world. With 4,700 acres and a main runway 13,500 feet long, it is one of the largest airports in the United States.

Not only did they get their reputation with Andrews, Maryland speed records, setting the record for fasted jet in the U.S., or flown the fastest, from Moses Lake, Washington Army Base, they had some of the contracting done by a company with "Knudson" in the name and I don't know if it's a Canada connection or not.

Some kind of Air Force project titled "MATS" is also coming into play because I was being told, or someone was telling my family to tell me I grew up on "Matson" street first, in Moses Lake.  This was not true, because I already knew and remembered we lived on Cherry Street.  So someone with military now, has been trying to rewrite history to keep some groups from figuring things out.  Why do they not want anyone to know I grew up on Cherry Street?  Why would they want to call it "Matson"?  I knew, and I remember.  We spent 3 years on Cherry Street, before moving to the house we had on Potato Hill Road (in Moses Lake).  We had a plum tree in our yard on Cherry Street and I remember it.  I don't know why I remember it, but I remember this from my house and neighborhood and this was before and around age 3 (I am pretty sure it was a plum tree).  And we had cherry trees around too.

Oh, here we go...information about Moses Lake being called Moses Hole.

An Evolving Airport

Larson Air Force Base declined in status through the 1960s -- it was known throughout the service as “Moses Hole,” according to Col. Clyde Owen, the base’s last commander. The Boeing Flight Center operations, which had once employed 1,400, closed in 1962. Finally, Larson Air Force Base closed in 1966.

This is why Chris Dabney said, "Here's another one in the hole."  That is what the U.S. government rapists and users were calling me.  FUCK ALL OF YOU.  And God damn the FBI for protecting men who premeditated how to rape me and gang raped me.  You have covered for men just because they are government employees...all of them.

I had forgotten that Moses Lake is colloquially (even now) refered to as "Moses Hole".  Chris Dabney's comment was using the name that the U.S. government employees were using for me while they premeditated consecutive incidences of gang rape.  The FBI and police covered it all up, because..."they're government and they're special".  They do psychic research, some of them, and that gives them a right to rape me, or having an FBI card does, or being any kind of govt. employee.

This country has dumbed me down to use me for rape.

That's all they've done.  Rape me, and torture me, and try to keep me from succeeding.  I was not only raped by these U.S. government employees (who all knew eachother); they were using me for their own research and predictions.  Dabney, Mark (who Dabney knew), and they are connected to FBI and Army.  Alvaro's cousin worked at the U.S. Army offices, in that building.  Laura Laughlin is the one who sent Mark out, most likely, after I contacted New Mexico FBI and let them know where I was.  These people are connected to Department of Justice and to Middleton.

They are doing the same thing to my son.  This country has to return my son.  They are still using both of us, even recently.  Everything they do is a sick plotted idea, using us as little tokens or men on a boardgame and trying to move us from one spot to the next.  They have ruined our lives by hate crime.

When I got back from D.C., after the military and FBI used me further, the knowingly allowed and encouraged torture of my son, in front of me.  They also deliberately forced me out of collecting unemployment which would have supported me and kept me financially independent to some degree.  Both state workers for Seattle, Washington (unemployment) and Washington D.C. blocked me, illegally, from collecting this money.

They blocked me partly to keep me vulnerable and with no house, no money, and nothing, to degrade me.  They also blocked me because it is likely I was a federal employee when I worked there.  All of the people working there, worked for U.S. government or used people for research for U.S. government.

They murdered my unborn children in Maryland, just across the way from Katie's "friend" Lynda Carter.

Some people like to put up excuses for why they have stolen from me.  Can you explain to me why you were stealing from me, then, when I was 8 years old? 

What did I do, to deserve being dumbed down?  How about, if anyone deserves to have their day, and get back what's been stolen, it's me and my son.

This "Hungarian" woman over here, by the way, "Kathy" (not "smartwater-poison" Kathy, the other one), has been spying and harming my mother for Kate.  And "Bill".  People have tortured my parents.  Katie knew all about the torture of my son.  By now, I would never doubt that Katie Middleton herself, is capable of commiting this act of violence against a child.  If it is possible all of these police officers, FBI, and CPS "vistation monitors" and workers could lie and conceal torture, it is possible for someone like Middleton to inflict an injury singlehandedly.

Here are some things I never believed, even despite evidence...because it was too horrific to believe:

1.  "I can't help you.  Your problem is with the federal government."
I thought, "What is he talking about.  How could it be with the federal government when I'm not involved with them?"  No, I was never involved by choice and I was never paid--they just used me, tortured me, raped me, and kidnapped my son after forcing me to lose lawsuits.

2.  "You've been implanted.  Have you heard about remote technology?"
I thought, "This guy sounds nuts, or he thinks I'm nuts and will believe something like that."  No, he was not nuts and I hope he's still alive because he is the only person, out of everyone, all my life, that ever brought up "remote" torture, the ability to torture someone from a remote location.  I found out, he wasn't nuts and he was telling the truth.

3.  "She claims she's been raped by the FBI".  No I never said that at all, and I still know the charts were defamatory.  However, oh my gosh...a few years later I'm finding out, I never said that, and I didn't think that either, but that's what happened.  I had no idea that all of these rapists were federal employees.

I am being tortured today/tonight.  Not a lot, but any torture is torture.  My son and I are used and degraded daily.  The FBI is 100% involved and knows about everything.  They know I am not mentally ill, and they know what is happening to me and my son.  Maybe not all of the agents "know" personally, but at the top they know.  One of their branches goes to James White, another goes to New Jersey, and the Middletons are involved, and have been involved in using people against me for decades. 

I am having a problem getting any of my medical records, at all, since I broke up with Alvaro.  He worked for the U.S. government, and now all of the doctors and medical professionals are ignoring my requests for medical records.  These are medical records that anyone should be able to get, but 1.  The person and hospital that was responsible for my surgery in Maryland, is refusing to release records (I haven't made a recent request but in the past they refused and treated me badly); Chelan Washington Hospital is refusing to confirm who delivered me when I was born and another director of a different hospital has been asking and it's been over 1 month and they refuse to confirm the name or spelling of the name (if there is nothing to hide, what are you hiding); and the medical records from 1995 at Utah were not sent to me complete.  They gave me only 2 pages out of a huge file.

And by the way, as to invasion of privacy, I never thought about this, until tonight (I don't think, or I forgot)...a family I was a nanny for, Ken and MaryLynn Kargman from Livingston, NJ...he told me one day he had my psychological records sent to him.  This was in 1994.  The only "psychological" records I had were done by Sherwood High School psychologists that were friends with the Bechtold family.  There was nothing indicative of a mental problem in them, they just cast me in a different light than was true for me.  Ken obtained this record without my permission.  I didn't sign papers authorizing this release.  The information he got came from Sherwood High School and was a violation of my right to privacy.  This same high school took video footage of me singing and used it in a promo for the school, which they sent to Japan.  The woman who took the video was Janet Bechtold.  On two different occasions, to my knowledge, faculty or employees from that school were releasing information about me to others, without my permission.  The "psychologists" (a husband-wife team) were friends with Janet.  The "report" they did about me, was done in 1993, after I had already offended Janet and the Bechtold family for "rejecting" their son on basis that I didn't want to date someone I wasn't going to marry because I was going to be a virgin until marriage.

Ken read some of the report out loud to me.  He said, "This guy says..." and then looked at me.  I remember being shocked by some of their ideas, and some of the things they wrote were to be dismissive of my talents.  They obtained my psychological records after I was already employed with them.

I just looked up Mary Lynn.  The company she worked at in New York, which I visited, was Lolly, McFarland, & Pantello.  She has been working for Regan most recently, which is connected to McCanns, the same McCann family as Fr. Joachim McCann, who I sued, from Mt. Angel Abbey.  She was raised Catholic.  She married a Jew, Ken.  They are the ones who obtained my "psychological records" in 1994, from my high school, without my permission.  I had records because before I began classes there, they said they wanted to meet me and talk to me.  So I went with my mother.  The next time was at graduation, there was an "exit interview" but they wrote a whole report on me as I found out.  It didn't say I was mentally ill, but it made me sound unrealistic and minimized my talents.  They also wrote that they did not "see" me working with children and thought I worked better with adults.  This was odd when all of my work was with kids, and I was a first grade assistant too, and got high marks from the teacher I helped.  They were friends with Janet Becthold.  Both Janet Bechtold and this psychologist were the only ones to take footage of me or make documentation and send it out without my permission.  When I dared ask Janet (as a teen) why she sent it out without asking me, she bristled.  She videotaped me singing and sent it out as an "ad" to Japan.  Then her friends gave my psychological records to Mary Lynn (an ad executive in NY, NY) and Ken, in 1994.  Mary Lynn later took a job with a company that did business with the McCann family.  (Regan Campbell Ward McCann).  It's a pharmaceutical advertising business.  She's been there since 1998, which is the year I was raped.

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