Monday, October 29, 2012

Tortured Today (to cause eye popping out)

The same thing the United States has been doing to my son--torturing him, to cause one of his eyes to pop out, which they've done to me at different times, they are doing again today.

For over an hour I have been tortured to my left ear and and teeth and now my right eye is bulging from what they are doing.  It has been over one full hour today.

This morning, both of my eyes were the same.  After over an hour of torture, one of my eyes was bulged out.

This country has done this to my son.  My son's school photo proves it.

They chose to torture him to get the reverse effect on his eye, and have been torturing him to his right ear, and causing his left eye to pop out and bulge.  This is evident in the photo.

I remember which ear bothered him in our visits towards the end, when Anne Crane was eagerly documenting torture the U.S. used against my son.  He kept touching his right ear and was being affected by it.  He didn't have an earache.

He is being tortured by the United States.

God damn you Obama, and God damn Romney, because both of them know this is happening.  They wouldn't have even gotten as far as they have unless they had assured hate crime groups that they would keep their secrets of torture against citizens.

My son is being actively TORTURED in this country, BY this country, as a citizen.

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