Tuesday, October 2, 2012

UPDATE: Coquille Methodist Parishioners Connected to Torture

I figured something out tonight.

I was making a video clip about how my ex-fiance Alvaro told me he had been in love with a U.S. Department of State diplomat's wife.

It's the first public disclosure about that. I've mentioned how he told me he worked with U.S. FBI in Colombia, but I haven't written or talked about how he was having an affair with an employee of the U.S. Department of State.

So the Department of State obviously wanted him to stay in the U.S., because that's where this woman was.

I had just made this video clip when I later realized, okay, so I already knew he was connected to the U.S. Department of State. Hillary Clinton. So I had noticed how the Coquille Methodist church over here seemed to know so much about me.

People at that church I mean. A few times, I sensed a good presence there, probably from a couple of people, but I also met others who are directly connected to knowledge of my being tortured, and even connected to knowledge of what the U.S. did to blast a hole into my tooth. I've seen the same thing on my mother's tooth. So this means my parents have been targeted by the same people who had knowledge of my torture.

It may be that many know who is responsible for the hole blasted into my tooth by excruciating and severe pain and torture by U.S. technology (aerospace defense industry and/or military). However, the one woman who gave herself away works for the Coquille courthouse. She goes to the Methodist church. She was watching for signs of pain from me, while I ate, right after I had the hole blasted out of my tooth. This was also after they sent my Dad a little "dam gets hole blown into it" youtube clip. They sent this to my Dad the day of, or after, they had finished chiseling a hole out of my tooth. It took them weeks, because I felt the extreme pain that long.

So my Dad was sent this "notice" and then the next time I went to church, the following Sunday, this woman was watching for signs from me to see if it had happened and had "worked".

She is connected to a few other people who work at this local courthouse, and since bad company likes bad company, there is reason for concern.

I will give out her name in the next couple of days. I believe it's Lara but I have to check. (UPDATE: I think it's Lisa). She has very short bright blond hair. It's up to her ears in a sort of bowl-cut. She's taller, and has medium build and married a man who seems sort of meek compared to her but who knows. She works at the courthouse and is friends with one of the prosecuting attorneys there whom I've seen driving past with a horrid scowl on his face the last couple of days. He is white with sandy blond hair and sort of looks like Dr. Jobe but a wider face. I've seen him driving in the direction of my parents house when I've left for the grocery store and I'm walking. All of those individuals know Ms. "Bombshell", the woman I've mentioned before, with the huge boobs, who lives right up above our house and is a neighbor. When she came onto my parents property after I first moved there, I could tell my Mom was scared of her. I was inside the house wondering why my Mom was acting the way she was and had the tone of voice she did. Ms. Bombshell's house has two huge lions perched on concrete blocks in front of the house, exactly like the ones that were perched in the front of the house of the Colombian woman's house where Alvaro and I stayed in Germantown, Maryland.

These people all know eachother, and they are connected to the Clintons and to the U.S. Department of State. They have tortured my family and concealed knowledge of crime. They are accessories to major crimes. Big boobs Bombshell was also going into my trailer when I was first here. I visited the Methodist church and found out they are all friends. One of the burglars and a woman who practices break-and-entry is the neighbor above, "Bombshell". She is friends with the "Lara" who works at the courthouse and who knew about my tooth having a hole blasted into it. I know she is a criminal because I did not tell my parents, my brother, no one...I told no one about it. I didn't write about it, mention it, talk about it, to ANYONE and then I noticed Lara already knew. And then when I saw she was sadistically HAPPY to see that something was bothering on that side of my mouth with my teeth, I knew.

I just didn't think about how she is connected to the Clintons until I made my video post about Alvaro Pardo's U.S. Department of State LOVER.

They know about Alvaro.

I noticed the other day too, this woman who is acting as pastor here for that church, went out of her way to look at me and mock me, shaking her head and laughing at me and saying "NO".

There were people in 3 different cars around, watching and waiting to see if I had a reaction. I just kept walking and said nothing. That happened a few days ago, right after I wrote or made a video clip saying I expect to have my son returned.

I expect to have my son returned. I am not backing out on that. This country is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and I expect my son to be returned to me.

I demand the return of my son and I demand a full investigation of corruption and crime against me and my son.

I am pretty sure more than one neighbor is involved in torturing my parents at their own house and elsewhere. It would take more than one neighbor to be doing a look-out while someone is going into my house, "visiting" my parents, or anything else.

That is just for hands-on physical torture. I've seen police there harassing my parents too. The technology torture is known about by the Clintons and U.S. Department of State. Alvaro knows, his lover(s) know, FBI knows, lots of professionals know all about it.

This woman "Lara"...you'd never know to look at her. She seems assertive for a woman, but she comes across as a "Land's End" type of person, wearing "Lands End" kinds of clothing and Eddie Bauer or Colombia Sportswear. And then her hair is short and she is friendly and seems so knowledgable yet nice.

She is a criminal. She knew to look for signs of harm against me, to my tooth, and that means she knew what had been done to me. This makes her a criminal and means she has contacts with those who committed the crime. She attends the Methodist church and is part of the Department of Justice structure.


I said I would describe what Lisa did which tipped me off to her inside knowledge of my being tortured. I remembered when I saw the photo of Michelle Obama and Anne Romney giving eachother a hug, because they both had their hair done the way Lisa's hair is. Sort of a coifed bob curling under effect. That is how Lisa's hair is. It is shorter, but the style is the same as the way both Michelle and Anne styled their hair for the 1st debate night. Her hair is extremely thick, and a straight kind of bob that curls under a little. One black woman with Lisa's hair and one white woman with Lisa's hair. See photo here:

Lisa knew that I'd had a hole blasted into my tooth by U.S. technology because after it happened, and after my Dad was given an email about a hole being blown in a dam, I went to the Methodist church for services. It was the day after they had done this to me, or finished it off and then the piece fell out after I was tortured for weeks. By the way, the fact there was a hole there should create more pain bc it gives access to nerves and greater sensitivity. But it didn't hurt anymore, because what hurt was when my own country targeted me and did this to me. The entire time they targeted that part of my head and mouth with ongoing piercing pain, in extremely sharp pain to this side, I was in extreme pain. If it was natural pain from a dental problem, the pain would have been worse after the piece was out and there was an open area. But no, it hurt before, not after, because of the technology used that Lisa knew about.

She knew because I saw her watching me closely, more than usual, and then she wanted to sit next to me, to my left. I got only a few things for refreshments after church and was sitting there with these people at a table. One thing I had on my plate was a hard candy, a peppermint candy wrapped in plastic. I had only a couple of other things. I had sat with Lisa before. So I remembered how she acted when I was eating with her before. This Sunday she was directly watching me, in a different way. She watched my every move, and when I put the first thing in my mouth, she watched me from picking it up, to putting it in my mouth and I wasn't talking to her and she wasn't talking. She just watched me, to the point of stopping eating herself and to the exclusion of talking to anyone else or doing anything else.

The minute that it was in my mouth and I couldn't chew on the left side, because of the pain there if I did, she watched when I switched to the right, and was chewing all of my food on the right side. When she saw me try to chew on the left side and then switch, she had the most bizarre reaction. She actually lit up, sort of brightened, and smiled to herself and sat up higher, looking very satisfied.

She wasn't looking at my whole face. She was staring at my mouth and jaw, to the exclusion of everything else. It was direct and it was unmistakable. I knew then and there, "She knows what happened to my tooth and she is feeling glad that it happened and that if I have pain there, and can't eat on that side, it was done."

She knew. Lisa knew. And Lisa is connected to the Coquille courthouse, to the Department of Justice, and to Alvaro Pardo. People in this town are connected to Alvaro Pardo and a few know the Clintons. I had wondered why there were so many references to Alvaro Pardo and why I got a feeling the Methodist church was connected to him. Then I realized, oh yeah, the Clintons are Methodist. Just like Mykal Holt.

The Democrats (Obamas) have connections to Clinton and the Romney has connections to Baine corporation and the hospital and state that implanted me with microchips. They're all players on the same team. Either way you vote, you're getting the same thing.

Lisa is not from Coquille. She's from a larger area in another state and I asked her what would make her want to live in Coquille. I believe Lisa told me she was from California. I think she also worked on the East Coast or went to school there at some point. She's a city girl and took a job in the middle of nowhere for what? I know without any doubt Lisa lived in, and worked in California. (Helllooo Katie the Criminal).

To observe the effects of torture for her city friends?

I will definitely be providing more information in the future. Lisa is accessory to crimes of torture.

She will never, ever, be trusted again by some who may have thought she was trustworthy.

I just checked with the D.A.'s offices. She works for the District Attorney department for the Coquille courthouse as a legal secretary. Her name is Lisa Mast and her husband is Dan Mast. She got married much later in life.

If she observed me and felt satisfied, I did not notice her then exchanging looks with others right away, as if to agree or confirm with others. If she did later, it was later, I believe later she did but not right away. Her observation of my torture was of, at least initially, a personal and private nature. She was not depressed or worried to see I was in pain from this or that I had something wrong. She was satisfied, happy with the idea, and sat up higher. If she had knowledge about my tortured, and was good, she wouldn't react with satisfaction. She reacted like someone who knew what was done and then felt happy to get confirmation so she could then pass this tidbit along to someone she knew.

She's a criminal. And yes, she has California connections. And yes, Katie Middleton likes to travel to L.A.

By the way, Lisa Mast is supposedly protestant so it's not like I am singling her out because of wondering if she's Catholic or Jewish. I singled her out because she made it obvious that she knew I had been tortured and what was done to me when I didn't tell anyone. She could not have known unless she is a criminal and gets information from criminals. And she was not sad or worried for me over it, she look more elated than anything else.

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